Introduction to Environmental
Demand Response with
11AM PST, July 23, 2015
What is environmental demand response (EDR)?
How does EDR work?
What are the short-term and long-term power grid benefits from using EDR?
What are the applications?
Introducing the JuiceBox Green 40!
Stay tuned for Q&A session at the end.
What’s fueling your devices?
Whenever an appliance turns on, a single power plant ramps up slightly to fuel it.
But which power plant?
It changes up to every 5 minutes.
Therefore, the carbon footprint of an appliance depends on precisely when it runs.
Real-time environmental demand response
3:05pm: Gas
567 gCO2/kWh
3:10pm: Gas
567 gCO2/kWh
3:15pm: Coal
956 gCO2/kWh
3:20pm: Gas
542 gCO2/kWh
3:25pm: Wind
0 gCO2/kWh
3:30pm: Gas
512 gCO2/kWh
WattTime analyzes the grid in real time.
Our servers estimate which power plant you are using at any given time and place.
Our API translates this for smart devices into a CO
2 intensity and a forecast.
With EDR, devices can automatically reduce carbon footprints through timing.
How it Works
Power grid operators coordinate live auctions every 5 mins to choose which power plants will run.
WattTime monitors the grid in real-time and calculates environmental impacts.
Connected EVSEs or other equipment fire up at clean moments.
Users see verified CO
2 footprint reduction in real time with no other change in operations.
Where do our data come from?
• Power plant pollution data from US EPA Continuous
Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) or foreign equivalent
• Matched with real-time power market data from
Independent System Operators (ISOs) or utilities through the Open-Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS)
• Algorithms developed by UC Berkeley PhD students
Live visualization at
Most Electricity Timing is Flexible
Most appliances consume energy in bursts of power.
WattTime times these bursts to clean moments.
What are clean moments?
The power grid offers a mix of both clean and dirty energy. By timing energy use to when cleaner power plants are active, or clean moments, we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Innovation – Change the Power Source
“marginal power plant”
• the one you affect by using or conserving energy right here, right now
• determines your carbon footprint
• changes as often as every 5 minutes
Normal Operation
Nuclear Coal Efficient Gas Inefficient Gas
Introducing the JuiceBox Green 40
Thanks for your time!
Co-founders of WattTime
Gavin McCormick (ED) | Anna Schneider (CTO)
Guest speakers:
Val Miftakhov (Founder of eMotorWerks)
Chris Neff (eMotorWerks Marketing Director /
Board Director of Electric Auto Association)