2 additional words (6 total)

Assignments for April
4/13 Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Friday, 4/17
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score
of 4
 Root Word(s): rupt = “to break, to burst”
 Core Discussion:
 How are things going? What do you need? How can I help?
 Summarize: How to summarize an article
 Summarize a primary document: Due Friday, typed, turned
into Drop Box
4/14 Learning Target: I can explain how Washington became a state.
Washington State History
 Power Point: “Go West”
 Read Chapter 7: Leaving the Frontier Behind
 Cornell Notes in Good Notes
Assignment 4: Turn in to Drop Box
4/16Learning Target: I can explain how Washington became a state.
Washington State History
 Power Point: “Go West”
 Read Chapter 7: Leaving the Frontier Behind
 Cornell Notes in Good Notes
Finish Assignment 4: Turn in to Drop Box
4/17 Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Today
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score
of 4
 Root Word(s): rupt = “to break, to burst”
 Core Discussion:
 How are things going? What do you need? How can I help?
 Summarize: How to summarize an article
 Summarize a primary document: Due Friday, typed, turned
into Drop Box
4/20 Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Wednesday, 4/23
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score of 4
 Root Word(s): therm = “heat”
 Summarize: How to summarize an article
 Summarize a primary document: Due Wednesday, typed,
turned into Drop Box
 Core Discussion:
 How are things going? What do you need? How can I help?
Steps to Writing a Summary: Primary Document
You will write a summary of Article II of the Constitution of the United States. To accomplish this you will:
•State the main idea of the article
•Identify the most important details that support the main idea
•Write your summary in your own words, except for quotations
•Express the underlying message of the article, not just the superficial details
 Read and make sure you understand the information in the text.
 What are you being asked to write about?
 Read, think about, and understand the words in the article.
 What are the words or ideas you don’t understand? Learn their meaning before writing the summary.
 Take Note:
 Write down and keep track of the main ideas of the piece.
 Write a single sentence that says what the piece is about:
 What is the main idea of the piece? What is the surface meaning? The deeper meaning?
 Organize supporting ideas:
 What details in the piece support the main idea? Arrange them in order of appearance in the piece.
 Write the first draft of the summary:
 The summary should be no more than one third the link of the piece being summarized
 Focus on the main point of the piece and the supporting details
 Use your own words to write the summary ( you may use quotations)
 Revise and edit your work:
 Have you used sentence variety in your writing? Are there transitional words and phrases connecting ideas?
 How is your spelling, grammar and punctuation? Are names spelled correctly and capitalized?
 Have you avoided run on sentences and sentence fragments?
 Write the final draft of the summary:
 Please type your work, double space, use 12 point font.
 Reread your summary one last time before turning it in.
4/21 Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Wednesday, 4/23
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score of 4
 Root Word(s): therm = “heat”
 Work on things you need to catch up with:
Social Studies, Go West; Vocabulary Words; Artist
Statement. At 10:30 we’ll switch to core,
4/21Learning Target: I can explain how Washington became a state.
Washington State History
Work Day: finish assignments for
this class or other classes
10:30 we will turn it over to Core
 Power Point: “Go West”
 Read Chapter 7: Leaving the Frontier Behind
 Cornell Notes in Good Notes
Finish Assignment 4: Turn in to Drop Box
4/22;Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Today
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score of 4
 Root Word(s): therm = “heat”
 Work on things you need to catch up with:
Social Studies, Go West; Vocabulary Words; Artist
Statement. At 10:30 we’ll switch to core,
4/27;Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Friday, May 1
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score of 4
 Root Word(s): a-, an- = “without”
 Work on things you need to catch up with:
Social Studies, Go West; Vocabulary Words; Artist
4/28Learning Target: I can explain how Washington became a state.
Washington State History
 Finish Video: Westward Expansion
 Power Point: “Go West”
 Read Chapter 7: Leaving the Frontier Behind
 Cornell Notes in Good Notes
Start Time Line Assignment
4/29;Learning Target: I can summarize a primary document
 Quiet Reading/Work
 Vocabulary: Notebook check, Friday, May 1
4 Words (well done) for a score of 3.
 2 additional words (6 total), your choice (well done) for a score of 4
 Root Word(s): a-, an- = “without”
 Today: Artist Statement
 Rough Draft for Group statement due at the end of
 What did you do? How did you do it? Why did you do it?