Skills Lab 5: Metabolic, Inflammation, Sexuality Objectives: Student Preparation: 1 List of interventions Student Worksheets Blankets(supplies) Meds? 1. Identify nursing interventions for the patient diagnosed with preeclampsia 2. Discuss types of hyperbilirubinemia and interventions for associated risks in the newborn. 3. Describe appropriate nursing interventions for the patient experiencing hyperemesis. 4. Discuss pregnancy risk categories as they relate to antiemetic medication use during pregnancy. 5. Apply knowledge of contraceptive options to educate patients based upon their unique needs. 6. Identify appropriate education for patients related to various sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 7. Utilize strategies to correctly estimate blood loss in the postpartum patient. 8. Discuss immunization as it relates to the pediatric and pregnant population. Perry: pages 96-112 Infections; pages 653-656 Physiologic problems; pages 349-350 Hyperemesis; pages 335-349 preeclampsia; pages 986-990 immunizations. Stations: Seizure Precautions: Preeclamptic patient In a room adjacent to the skills lab, you will prepare to receive a preeclamptic patient for observation. Working with your group, please alter the room to provide appropriate care. On the worksheet provided, note what nursing diagnoses assisted you in your choices, what interventions were taken, and the expected outcomes. 2 Hyperbilirubinemia and Safety Intervention Bilirubin Nomograms Identify different types of jaundice Pictures of Jaundice Using the charts provided, identify the newborn risk category associated Intervention options with bilirubin levels at different ages. Sheet for D/C Identify appropriate interventions for different risk categories teaching Discuss discharge teaching for parents 3 Case Study Intervention Table Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Case Study: Read the case study accompanying this station and fill out the table provided with rationale for each intervention and special considerations. 4 Pads Specipan Suction canister "blood" Scale Assessment Sheet Bleeding in Pregnancy: For this station, visually estimate the amount of blood in each collection device. Then, after each team member has provided an estimate, use an alternative method to measure blood loss. Compare answers to station answer key. Describe information needed to accurately assess a patient who presents with complaints of bleeding 5 Case Scenarios Education document Pictures of STIs Identification Sheet 6 Pregnancy immunization record Pediatric immunization record CDC - Vaccines Immunization Schedules main page Sexuality: Have each person in your group select a case scenario: After 5 minutes, share with the others how you would educate your patient on the most appropriate birth control options as determined by her preferences and circumstances. Using the worksheet provided identify: name of birth control, method of action, and priority teaching points. Complete STI picture matching exercise: With the pictures provided identify: 1) name of STI, 2) Signs/Symptoms, and 3) Treatment. Immunizations in Pregnancy: Identify CDC recommended vaccinations during pregnancy Immunization in Pediatrics: Accurately complete pediatric immunization schedule Debate: To Immunize or Not to Immunize For this exercise: You have been divided into two groups which will debate the topic of immunization. Half of you will argue for routine immunization, half of you will argue against routine immunization. You will not choose which side you will argue. The intent is for you to find support for your assigned stance and present a compelling argument for why routine immunizations should/should not occur. The purpose of this activity is twofold: 1) to gain skill in respectfully presenting viewpoints that may differ from those of your colleagues, other disciplines, and/or your patients and, 2) recognize that while others' viewpoints may differ from your own, they should still be valued. To successfully debate, within your group: Identify 3 spokespeople who will present: 1) Opening argument 2) Rebuttal to opposing team 3) Final rebuttal and closing argument The rest of the team will function as fact finders and organizers of information as arguments are presented. Time will be limited, so teamwork will be essential! Hyperemesis Gravidarum Interventions Intervention Admission IV fluids NPO I/O Labs Promethazine Sertraline Ondansetron Metoclopramide Social Worker Rationale Special Considerations Pregnancy Vaccines Vaccine Before Pregnancy During Pregnancy After Pregnancy Type of Vaccine Pediatric Immunization Schedule Vaccine birth 1 Month 2 Mos. 4 Mos 6 Mos. 12 Mos. 15 Mos. 18 Mos. 19-23 Mos 2-3 Years 4-6 Years Sexuality Station: Birth Control Options Name of Birth Control Method of Action Special Considerations Sexuality Station: Sexually Transmitted Infections Name of STI Signs/Symptoms Treatment Special Considerations Station Worksheet: Estimated Blood Loss Type of Collection Device Visual Estimate of EBL Alternative Measurement of EBL Difference +/- Peripad Suction Cannister Specipan Disposable Blue Pad Linen Chux Pad What additional factors might influence/alter EBL measurement: In labor? Postpartum? What additional information would the nurse want to obtain to accurately assess a patient who presents with complaints with bleeding? Preeclamptic Preparedness Worksheet Nursing Diagnoses: Interventions: Expected Outcomes: