The Coordinated Healthcare Interventions for Childhood Asthma Gaps in Outcomes (CHICAGO Trial) Valerie Press, MD, MPH Assistant Professor, Section of Hospital Medicine January 20, 2015 1 2 The CHICAGO Trial Ann & Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Rush University Medical Center. Sinai Health System. Cook County Health & Hospital System (Stroger). University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System (UI-Health). University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC). Chicago Asthma Consortium (CAC). Respiratory Health Association (RHA). NorthShore University HealthSystem (NSUHS). Northwestern University (NWU). Illinois Emergency Department Asthma Surveillance Project (IEDASP). Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH). Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). 8 PCORI awards: Treatment options for African American and Latinos / Hispanics with uncontrolled asthma Alex Federman, Icahn SOM at Mt. Sinai James Krieger, Seattle-King County Pub Health Dept Kaharu Sumino, WashU Andrea Apter, UPenn Stephen Teach, Children’s Research Institute John Elder, San Diego State Univ Winifred Hamilton, BCM December 17, 2013 - PCORI Announces Research Awards: Congratulations! AIM 1 Complete planning activities, including qualitative interviews with caregivers, clinicians and community health workers (CHWs), to finalize the study design and protocol, and obtain clearances from all institutional and community partners for the CHICAGO Trial. Asthma Care Action Plan CAPE Design Implications • Decided on patient-centered outcomes • Modified ED-delivery of CAPE – Initially intended to be delivered by ED staff – Changed to be delivered by ED Coordinator funded by project – Testing not just tool, but also the impact of adding a designated ED discharge person Aim 2 Conduct a 3-arm multicenter pragmatic trial comparing the effectiveness of an enhanced ED-discharge intervention (CAPE-ED) v. enhanced ED-discharge combined with a patient-level CHW-led intervention that includes a focus on reducing environmental triggers at home (CAPE-ED plus PatientHome) v. Usual Care. Outcomes – 2 Co-primary outcomes • PROMIS: Asthma Impact Scale (child) • PROMIS: Satisfaction with social roles (caregiver) – Secondary outcomes will examine adherence to selfmanagement skills: • Child: cACT (childhood Asthma Control Test) • Caregiver: PACQLQ (pediatric asthma caregiver quality of life questionnaire) • Acute care visits (all-cause urgent care visits, ED visits, hospitalizations) • Adherence to meds prescribed in ED (prescriptions filled within 7 days) • Inhaler technique for meds prescribed in ED • Trigger reduction behavior (primary targets: smoking, roach, mice) CHICAGO Trial Design Home visits (days since ED discharge) CAPE + Patient-Home N= 640 children age 5-11 years Usual Care Rz Structure, tailored ED discharge Template (CAPE) Assessment By phone In-home CAPE (CHICAGO trial Action Plan after Emergency department discharge ) CHW Home visit CAPE only 0 30 90 180 360 Assessments (days since ED discharge) Next Steps • Recruitment starts March 1, 2015