Biological Science: BIOL 1003

Biological Science: BIOL 1003
Dr. David F. Gilmore
LSE 418
 Phone: 972-3263
 Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-11;
Friday 8:30- 11.
 And by appointment
Lecture Text:
Asking About Life
 3rd edition
 Tobin and Dusheck
The following good advice slides courtesy of
Dr. Diane Gilmore
Cramming is a sure path to failure !
Read ahead
 Attend class and pay attention!!
 Review within 24 hours
 Study a little at a time
 Study often
 “Do something” with the material : make
flashcards, draw diagrams, make up
Come out of your shell and ask
“Ferret” out the information to the
study guide.
Find a “Study Buddy” !
Think! Don’t just “parrot” back the
Where to look for help
Use the study guides and on line helps
 Tutoring center LSE 203
 Form a study group
 Counseling center
 Disability Services
 Ask your teacher !
Classroom Etiquette
Turn off pagers and cell phones !
No tobacco use of any kind
Be considerate of others:
Take out what you bring in.
Talk to me, NOT your neighbor!
Do not ask for grades over the
phone or internet.
Academic Integrity
Use Professional ethics
 NO:
 Plagiarism
 Cheating
 Allowing
others to copy from you
Penalties can be severe !!
Why are you here? (no not in the
cosmic sense, in this class)
Biology recognized as a fundamental
 A subject
by which you can learn about
 1800s were the Age of Chemistry; 1900s were
the age of Physics; 21st Century: the Age of
You are Immersed in Biology; You
ARE Biology in a biological world
Outside: trees, grass, birds, bugs
 How
do they all stay alive and in balance?
You are an amazing biological machine
 Complex
organ systems maintain function
 You are host to millions of bacteria &viruses
Understanding these things keeps us alive
 Sewage
treatment responsible for long life
Biology is in the news constantly
Disease outbreaks
 Stem cell research
 Cloning
 Drug lawsuits
 How do we evaluate and understand these
issues? Only with an understanding of
Biology is the Science of Life
Knowledge of biology is obtained using the
scientific method
 This
applies to our current body of knowledge
and the knowledge we are currently gathering
The scientific method is used in Chemistry,
physics, and in day to day life.
What is Science?
• Science is a method of obtaining information
about nature.
• Scientists use a technique called the scientific
method to gather information and test ideas.
Form of
A Natural
A Question
a plausible explanation
To test the hypothesis
With control group
Of predicted and
actual results
What is Science?
• Science is a method of obtaining information
about nature.
• Scientists use a technique called the scientific
method to gather information and test ideas.
• Hypothesis – a possible answer to a question
based on observations and research
- reasonable explanation for observed events
• Hypothesis must be testable.
A control
• Most Experiments require what is called a
• The Control forms the basis of comparison
to what is being tested.
– Without the comparison, no conclusion can be
– When the TV commercial shouts “50% more!”,
you should ask “more than what?”
Weasel Commercials
Kendall Motor Oil
Piston rings made of gold (a
soft metal) and used in a car
with Kendall Motor Oil. After a
certain number of miles,
piston rings examined: they
look great! What’s wrong with
this “experiment”?
No Control! Other brand of
motor oil would have same
results! So BIG DEAL.
What is a Theory?
• A theory explains some aspect of nature and is
supported by experimentation and observation.
• Theories explain and predict.
Scientific Theories
The Atomic Theory
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter
The Germ Theory of Disease
The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Theory of Relativity
Statistics: a powerful tool
One positive result could be a
E.g. Cold fusion
Multiple replications of an experiment,
using large numbers of samples, allow
statistical analysis to be used
Increases the reliability of the conclusions
Causation and Correlation
Causation: cause and effect
Apply an electric current to a muscle, it
contracts. Repeat: get same result every
time. One thing causes the other.
In causation, a likely explanation usually
accompanies the observation.
Causation and Correlation
Older woman taking estrogen replacement
therapy: at greater risk of cancer:
Large numbers of individuals analyzed for
greater than normal occurrences of side-effects.
No evidence that one directly causes the other.
Cigarette smoking not “proved” to cause
Philosophies of science: reductionism
and emergent properties
Reductionism: the attempt to explain
something by taking it apart and studying
the compenents.
Molecular biology: the attempt to explain all of
nature by studying the DNA.
Emergent Properties: the whole greater than
the sum of the parts
The whole has properties not predicted by
looking at the parts. Ecology. Behavior.