Promoting Student Success via Multi-Campus FOE Initiative Vernese Edghill-Walden, PhD Cynthia D. Armster, ABD Rosalind Henderson-Mustafa, MBA February 22, 2013 FoE for CCC CITY COLLEGES OF CHICAGO 7 individually accredited institutions College culture reflects needs of the community Over 200 Programs, certificates, and degrees 120,000 students Adult Ed, Workforce Development, Transfer and Continuing Ed College Involvement in FOE FoE 2007- Wright College; AQUIP Project 2009 SP - Harold Washington College launched in Chicago 2009 FA- Malcolm X College 2010 - Daley, Kennedy King, Olive Harvey and Truman launched in N.C. CCC Reinvention Goals Increase the number of students earning college credentials of economic value. Increase the rate of transfer to bachelor’s degree programs following CCC graduation. Drastically improve outcomes for students requiring remediation. Increase the number and share of adult basic education/GED/English as a Second Language (ESL) students who advance to and succeed in college-level courses. EVOLUTION FoE @ CCC College self study Plan FOE Summit Align Dimensions/ Reinvention/ Recommendations College driven/FOE Coordination Compile Results /Report at monthly mtgs Identified common threads & trends Shared Governance Develop Recommendations by Dimension Consensus of district programs and initiative s to shape FYE @ CCC Unifying CCC for FoE Summit Individual College Studies District endorsed all college participation 2010 Colleges conducted self studies – Fall 2010 Aligned Reinvention Recommendations w/ Dimensions – Summer 2011 Unifying CCC for FoE Summit Consolidated college level recommendations by dimension College Implementation – Spring 2012 Audit and Evaluation – Best Practices – 2013/2014 FOE Summit Results Customized First Year Experience College Success Seminar Transfer Centers with Staff Case Mngmnt/Intentional Advising FoE for CCC FoE Reinvention Similarities Differences Outcomes Chancellor Goals FoE OutcomesDistrict Initiatives FYE •First Year Student Defined •Learning Communities •Embedded Tutors Advising •Academic Advisor Case Management •Seven Transfer Directors and Centers College Success •Mandatory College Success FTE •College Success Taught for Load FOE/FYE Lessons Learned District Level Support Early Identification of Existing Projects District-Wide Avoid Redundancy/Duplication; Silos Do Not Work Budget appropriately Faculty Involvement Imperative Constant and consistent messaging to Faculty and Staff FOE/FYE Lessons Learned Provide Administrative support and Resources Convene regularly to report out Momentum, momentum, momentum – avoid gaps in the process Celebrate milestones collectively Shared process - Input from all colleges to create district level recommendations Questions? Thank you!