the American few -



Elon Musk, a South African-American, is an admirer of the great Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

And, this fact should not be surprising since Tesla’s creative genius and his real world accomplishments are of scientific legend: he was “an inventor (globally, over 300 patents), an electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, a physicist, and a futurist.”

(A “futurist” is a scientist who attempts to systematically predict the future.)

This Serbian-American is best known for his contributions to the modern design of “alternating current”

(AC), electrical supply systems. In 1960, the “General Conference on Weights and Measures” for the

“International System of Units” (SI) named the unit-measure for a “magnetic field” as a “tesla” (T).

By the way, a “gauss” (T) which was named after the German mathematician and physicist, Carl Friedrich

Gauss (1777-1855) is the metric unit for measurement of a magnetic field, B (where B is equal to T): that is, T=1x10-4.

Tesla never married, and, as far as it is known, never had children. He died in a room (R# 3327) of the

“New Yorker Hotel” in New York, New York on January 7, 1943. The cause of death was diagnosed as a

“coronary thrombosis.” He was 86 years-old.

Tesla’s ashes are currently in the “Nikola Tesla Museum” in Belgrade, Serbia. His ashes are kept in a

“gold-plated” sphere on a marble pedestal.

It should be noted that the “sphere”, not surprisingly, was Tesla’s favorite geometric object.

(A “sphere” [from the Greek, sphaira, which translate into the English, “globe” or “ball”] is a perfectly, round “geometrical and circular object in three –dimensional space.” Over the eons, the “sphere” has become one of the symbols for human perfection.)

Finally, Tesla (along with Musk) is a prime example of the “necessity of a fair and comprehensive immigration system” for the validity and viability of a nation, especially for United States of America.

Elon “Tesla” Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. At the age of 17 [in 1988], he immigrated to Canada in order to avoid mandatory service in the South African military.

“Tesla” Musk received “bachelor’s degrees” in economics and in physics from the University of

Pennsylvania (in Philadelphia). After “deciding not to pursue” a PHD in applied “physics and materials science” at Stanford University (He left the doctoral program after just two days!), he started involving himself in the “important problems that would most affect the future of humanity.”

“Tesla” Musk chose the “problem” areas of the “internet”, of “clean energy”, and of “space.”

At this point in time (August 2013), “Tesla” Musk has founded “PayPal”, “Tesla Motors”, “SolarCity“, and

“Space X” (He is currently suggesting the transportation concept of “Hyperloop” to the state of


(Incidentally, it should be noted that “Tesla” Musk’s net worth is approximately 7.7 billion USDS as of this date. That is, he is a true member of the American few although his wealth is a function of his ability to compete in the “free-market” rather than having the advantage of inherited money. And, despite being politically an “independent” and philosophically a “left-libertarian”, he genuinely cares about people and the future of humankind.)

For the purposes of this “e-article”, the Tesla Motors, Inc. endeavor will receive some attention.

Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA) is a California-based company that “designs, manufactures, and sells electric

cars and electric powertrain components.”

(An “electric car” is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors which utilize electric energy stored in batteries or in some other types of storage devices. And, a “powertrain” is a term which can refer, simply, to the engine and transmission of a standard automobile.)

TSLA is a public company which was founded in 2003, and it is, currently, headquartered in Palo Alto,

California, USA. Its founders were (as was decided in a court settlement in 2009) “Tesla” Musk, Martin

Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, JB Straubel, and Ian Wright.

TSLA’s Chairperson and CEO is “Tesla” Musk, and its CTO is J.B. Straubel. The “Toyota Group” has a 10% ownership position and the Daimler AG has a 4.7% interest.

TSLA’s automobile models were, are, and will be the “Tesla Roadster”, the “Tesla Model S”, and the

“Tesla Model X.”

(And, TSLA is a “dealership-free” automobile-manufacturer since it sells its vehicles through company-

owned stores rather than through independently owned dealerships.)

The “Tesla Roadster” was manufactured between 2008 and 2012. It was the “first highway-capable, allelectric, rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive, sports vehicle in serial production” for sale in the USA.

In all, 2,400 “Roadsters” were manufactured and sold in 31 countries throughout the world (through

September of 2012). Its power source was a 53 kWh, Li-ion battery. Its “electric range” was 244 miles.

And, finally, the vehicle’s “base price” was set at $109,000.00 USDS (in the USA).

The “Tesla Model S” is a full-sized electric, four-door, rear-motor, rear-wheel drive, hatchback vehicle whose deliveries started in June 2012 (in the USA). Cumulative sales have reached 12,700 units through

June 2013 in North America. And, during the first quarter of 2013, it was the top-selling “plug-in electric car” with 4,900 units sold.

The “Tesla Model S’s” power source is an 85 kWh, Li-ion battery as well as a 60 kWh, Li-ion battery. Its

“electric range” is 265 miles (85 kWh) and 208 miles (60 kWh), respectively. The vehicle’s “base price” is

$95,000.00 USDS (85 kWh) and $69,000.00 (60kWh).

The “Tesla Model S” has won numerous awards and recognition including the “2013 World Green Car of the Year”, the “2013 Motor Trend Car of the Year”, the “Automobile Magazine’s” 2013 Car of the Year, the “Time Magazine” Best 25 Inventions of the Year 2012, and, finally, the “Consumer Reports” all-time top-scoring vehicle.

Finally, based upon “Tesla Model S’s” safety ratings from the “National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration” (NHTSA) in 2012, it may be viewed as the safest automobile ever built for “on-the-streetdriving.”

The “Tesla Model X” is a full-size, four-door, crossover, utility vehicle (CUV) currently in development.

Production is scheduled for late 2014. Its power source will be an 85 kWh, Li-ion battery as well as a 65 kWh, Li-ion battery. Its “electric range” will be 270 miles (85 kWh) and 210 miles (65 kWh), respectively.

Its production target, as of March 2913, will be between 10,000 and 15,000 units per year.

As of August 2013, TSLA confirmed that the delivery of Model X will start at the end of 2014. And, full production will start in the following year (2015).

Currently, Model X’s “base-price” has not been published.

The automobile manufacturers of auto-fuel units in the USA (and elsewhere) have attempted to compete directly with TSLA without “fixing-the-game.”

(The business strategy of “fixing-the-game” is the time honored and self-defeating strategy of a great number of special interest groups, nationally and globally.)

For example, General Motors with its “Chevrolet Volt” and Nissan with its “Nissan Leaf” have produced automobile units which are NOT comparable to TSLA’s “Model S” in terms of their over-all quality or in terms of their over-all safety ratings. In addition, some other auto-fuel manufactures have chosen to partner with TSLA in ownership positions and/or in the production of a few of its parts (e.g. Daimler,

Toyota, and Panasonic).

In the USA, the auto-fuel manufacturers are continuing their method of “fixing-the-game”: that is, “Big” auto-fuel, historically, has lobbied state legislatures to make its business model (i.e. the dealership model of automobile selling) “lawful” in order to maintain its “competitive edge.”

For example, the states of Virginia and Texas have made it “illegal” for automobile units to be sold outside of a dealership structure while the states of North Carolina and New Hampshire have made it is

“legal” for automobile units to be sold in company stores (as of June of 2013). TSLA is currently selling units from 16 company stores within 12 states: and, “Big” auto-fuel is hoping that the historic,

“competitive edge” of the automobile industry will eliminate TSLA’s ability to survive in its “free” market.

That “Big” auto-fuel still holds the delusional belief of a “competitive edge” despite the performance characteristics of the Model S is a true testament to its stupidity as well as a true testament to its rapidly approaching extinction.

Really, have you every driven a “Tesla” Model S? If you have, you will never purchase an auto-fuel automobile again once the “Tesla” models become more affordable to the middle class: “Tesla” Musk has stated, recently, that once he manufactures an automobile that is “affordable and favorable” to the global many, he will leave the automobile game to others.

Do you think that “Big” auto-fuel is aware of Henry Ford (1863-1947) and his “Model T Ford” as well as his creative manufacturing techniques?

You know: Henry, the American industrialist who manufactured automobiles, originally, for the middle class by utilizing the assembly line technique of mass production.

(An “assembly line” technique is a manufacturing process or “progressive assembly” in which parts are added to a product in a sequential manner in order to create a finished product. And, “mass production” is the generation of large amount of standardized products, and it is one of three main production methods where “job production” and “batch production” are the other two.)

And, you know: the American few should to be aware of and fearful of individuals who utilize a word such as “model” in the automobile, manufacturing industry (e.g. the “Model T”, the “Model S”, and the

“Model X”), especially when these individuals have earned their wealth through their ability to intensely compete “Within the Fire.”

Lastly, when it comes to competing in the “fixed” and/or in the “non-fixed” game of automobile manufacturing, the “model” approach of the “Fords” and of the “Musks” are clearly superior to the non- adaptive, technologically backward, and obsolete modus operandi of auto-fuel.

But, unfortunately, exclusively competing in “non-competitive situations” does have the tendency to transform individuals into unaware, elitist, traditionalist, parasitic, and extinct species of wild “oligarch.”

(See especially e-article “117” on this website for more information concerning the games of the wild


Post Script1:

To Whom It May Concern:

Originally, the entire “Official 2013 Democratic Survey” was sent to an advocate of this website from a

Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman-Schultz, the Chairperson of the “Democratic National Committee.”

Currently, she is the U.S. Representative for Florida’s 23 rd congressional district (2011-present).

Parenthetically, Wasserman-Schultz’s district covers parts of “Broward” and “Miami-Dade” counties which would include the cities of Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach.




Of the “e-articles” listed below, especially note article “32.”

The following “e-articles” may be found on

Articles “2”, “5”, “7”, “8”, “11”, “13”, “17”, “19”, “26”, “29”, “32”, “39”, “47”, “49”, “53”, “56”,

61”,“65”, “68”, “70”, “71”, “73”, “76”, “78”, “81”, “86”, “87”, “88”, “89”, “93”, “97”, “98”, “100”, “102”,

104”, “105”, “107”, “110”, “112”, “115”, “116”, and “117.”

Parenthetically, the “bolded” articles are more directly related to the questions that were asked in this part of the “Democratic Survey.”

Hopefully, this information will be helpful and useful to those of you who realize that the American

many, and not the American few, rule within this representative democracy which is designated as the

United States of America and that is grounded by its organic and living Constitution.


Post Script2:

To paraphrase the 50 th anniversary speech of Civil Rights Leader and Congressperson John Robert Lewis of Georgia’s 5 th district (1987-present): that is, true social equality must be won each day by “standing up”, by “pushing forward”, and by “making noise” when those who believe in “oligarchic” rule attempt to “true the right to vote” as well as to “true the other civil rights” of the American many.

(See e-article “88” on this website for more information concerning the “oligarchic”, political forces and their attempts to suppress the right to vote of the “majority-minorities.”)

And, to paraphrase others (e.g. Thomas Paine [1737-1809], the great “FDR” [1882-1945], and Adlai

Stevenson II [1900-1965]), “Freedom is never free” and “its color in its defense”, unfortunately, is always the fallen, “bloody” red.

By the way, if you do not believe the Congressperson, just ask the latest “Congressional Medal of Honor” winner, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Ty Michael Carter, a hero of the “Battle of Kamdesh” (at Camp Keating in the Kamdesh District of Afghanistan) on October 3, 2009.

It is notable, sadly, that Ty of the American many may suffer from “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”

(PTSD) for the rest of his life for saving his military combat family “under extreme and deadly fire” at

“bloody” Camp Keating.

And, not surprisingly (and especially from a historical perspective), there were combat heroes of the many, on both sides of this battle, fighting for their view of social freedom while the Christian and the

Islamic few comfortably sat in their churches and in their mosques praying and justifying the correctness of their often used, “oligarchic”, political strategy of war.

Some say that Ty reminds the American many of another “Medal of Honor” winner from yet another war, “crazy” courageous Audie Leon Murphy (1925-1971) of World War II (1939-1945). Although “crazy” died in a plane crash on May 8, 1971 at the age of 45, in reality, he died of untreated PTSD.

Hopefully, all of the surviving soldiers of the Iraq and Afghan wars will not have to face their combat induced, PTSDs alone and without professional, psychological help.

(See e-article “9” on this website for more information concerning “war” as a political strategy of the

American and international few.)

Parenthetically, this “most decorated” soldier of the Second World War, Audie, once stated that “They took Army war dogs and rehabilitated them for civilian life”….and, “they turned soldiers into instant civilians, and let ‘em sink or swim.”

To hell with the “oligarchs” (the American and international few, “Big” auto-fuel, “Big” religion, and

“Big” war) and their “familiars” (the “political corruption” of the representatives of the American and the international many, and all those who attempt to undermine and/or to destroy the U.S. Constitution and the like in order to enslave the middle class, the helpless, and the disenfranchised for the sake of privilege, wealth, power, fear, greed, and/or sport),

