Stress Management

Siddhartha Part 1 Quiz
Quiz Question 1
 Siddhartha’s father is a Brahmin, which means he is a
a. Police Officer
b. Religious Leader
c. Soldier
d. Politician
Quiz Question 2
2. When Siddhartha joins the Samanas, what pleasant
surprise does he find?
a. That he has a brother
b. That his own father was once a Samana
c. That Govinda also joined the Samanas
d. That the Samanas have chosen to make Siddhartha
their leader
Quiz Question 3
3. What is the overall goal of the Samanas?
a. To become empty
b. To rid themselves of all desires
c. To inhabit the non-self
d. All of the above
Quiz Question 4
4. In the course of his confrontational departure from
the Samanas, how does Siddhartha silence the eldest
a. By threatening to tell Gotama about them
b. By yelling at him for his ways of practicing the
c. By wrestling with him and winning
d. By gazing at him hypnotically
Quiz Question 5
5. What are some characteristics of Siddhartha thus far
in the book?
a. Independent
b. Stubborn
c. Arrogant
d. Quick learner
e. All of the above
Quiz Question 6
 True or False: Govinda leaves Siddhartha at the end of
this Part One
Quiz Question 7
7. What realization does Siddhartha come to in Chapter
4 that forces him to want to walk his own path?
Quiz Question 8
8. After learning the main tenets of Gotama’s Eightfold
Path, what does Siddhartha do?
a. Questions Gotama privately about the specifics of
his spiritual recommendations
b. Acknowledges Gotama’s beliefs as making up the
one true faith
c. Insists to Govinda that they leave immediately
d. Attempts to return to the Samanas, but fails to
relocate their whereabouts
Quiz Question 9
9. What does Siddhartha call Govinda when Govinda
chooses to stay with Gotama?
a. A coward
b. Ignorant
c. Naïve
d. A man
Quiz Question 10
 Why does Gotama seem to believe he is a qualified
spiritual leader?
a. He has read every spiritual text in existence
b. He was one the leaders of the Samanas
c. He has many followers
d. He has attained Nirvana
Ways for dealing with stress
Tip 1
1. Figure out where the stress is coming from
 It allows for you to get organized and take action
 Take the time right now to look at the board and
read through all of the stresses our peers are
dealing with. Empathize. Write down your top 5
stresses. This will be turned in!
 Through this presentation and video, write down
proactive ways to address each of those and to
reduce stress. You can come up with ideas of your
own too!
Tip 2
2. Consider what you can control-and work on that
 Trying to take control of things you have no control over
will set you up for failure
 Think about what items you can control and focus on
how to better those areas
 Empower yourself to move forward and grow
Tip 3
3. Do what you love
 When you are doing something that you don’t love,
whether that be a job or a sport or in a relationship,
reflect on what is important. Your overall growth and
happiness is important. So focus on how can I better
myself to be the best I can be. Pursue that same love
and passion in the activities and people you invest time
 You deserve to give and receive love, so if you are not
getting that, then it is time to move on to surrounding
yourself with love
Tip 5
5. Manage your time well
 Many people stress about lack of time
 To do lists get bigger
 When feeling stressed out with workload, create a to do list.
After checking off 2 items, reward yourself with something
that you love (listen to your favorite song, watch 1 episode of
Friends, watch some funny youtube videos)
 Create a schedule and reward yourself when activities are
 If you tend to watch TV or text during homework, time
yourself with a TV and/or phone on and a TV and/or phone off
while you complete a task
Tip 6
6. Pick off the negotiables from your plate
 Review your daily and weekly activities and ask yourself:
Do my activities mesh with my goals and values?
Am I doing things that give my life meaning?
Am I doing the right amount of things?
Am I doing this for myself or to please other people?
Tip 7
7. Preserve good boundaries
 Do not be concerned with being a people pleaser
 People that are the most happy are protective of their
time and set clear boundaries that reflect:
Your feelings
Your limits
Self-care and compassion is a priority
Awareness of oneself
Thinking about your past and future
Be assertive
Seek support
Tip 8
8. Know that success comes from failure, that pain
allows for us to appreciate happiness and beauty
 If we can be reflective in our pain and think about how
we can use this opportunity to learn and grow.
Sometimes is not obvious until you are looking back on
 Pain and suffering is temporary and it will end
 Bob Dylan- “Behind every beautiful thing there has been
some kind of pain”
 Seek out the positive and the beauty in pain
Tip 9
9. Know the differences between worrying and caring
Worry enables NO ACTION
Caring demands that you take action
Care do not worry
Being proactive
Tip 10
10. Embrace mistakes—or at least don’t get caught up in
 Mistake free is unrealistic
 It allows for you to grow
 Make sure to recognize and reflect whether these
expectations and goals that you have set for yourself too high
or unrealistic. Are they reflecting what is asked of me or my
interpretation of it?
 Be compassionate towards yourself
 Being uncomfortable and trying new and uncomfortable
things are a great way to learn and grow.
Tip 11
11. Focus on the present
 John Lennon said, “Life is what is happening when you
are too busy making plans”
 When you feel getting caught up in the past or the
future, ask yourself, “What can I do about it now?
 If there is nothing, then focus on doing something in
the present that makes you happy or will help you grow
 Or if you are mad or sad, do something that will get your
endorphins going- exercise, writing a thank you note to
a friend or loved one, look at or play with baby animals,
Tip 12
12. Show compassion to yourself
 Far too many times we have too high of expectations
for ourselves, sometimes even unrealistic for others
 If you have negative self talk, create a list of affirmations
or write a letter to yourself. Write down the things that
you are or you want to be and read this to yourself daily.
Use statements like:
 1. I can
 2. I am
 3. I will be
Tip 13
12. Reach out and connect
 Human connection is a key psychological element in our need
to feel a sense of belonging
 Focus on what you get out of it or get from others and what
you give to others
 If you are feeling that other people are letting you down,
reflect on whether this is a result of too high of expectations
for others or if it is your needs and they are not being met. If
it is your needs, you need to move on. If it is too high of
expectations, remember that everyone has different
capabilities and interpretations. Be accepting of what others
are capable of even if you would do something different
 If you feel consistently unaccepted, know that you deserve
acceptance and move on.