Justin Sharp Edfound 204 Professor Pastore 3 Sep 2013 20 Technology Skills 1. Google Tools Knowledge – Google offers much more than being a primary search engine, such as online books, maps, news, website creation, etc. Example – Google Uncle Sam – a U.S. government search (Used for teaching about the Constitution) 2. Google Earth Knowledge – Virtual 3D maps sponsored by Google that offers a wide variety of locations including Continental Earth, Mars, the Moon, and under Oceans Example – Google Earth (Visiting places such as Gettysburg) 3. Wiki Knowledge – A collaborative website/page in which students and teachers can add, share, and edit documents uploading to the content page Example – Wikis in education wiki – website that offers directions and tips on how to effectively use wikis (Collaborative wiki concerning battles of the Civil War) 4. Blogging Knowledge – A combination of a personal diary as well as a personal commentary or guide Example – BlogEasy – Blogging host that offers free services (Creating online journals of soldiers, pioneers, etc.) 5. Spreadsheets Skills – A gridded computer entry form that allows teachers to enter information used for creating charts, computing grades, averages, percentages, etc. Example – Microsoft Excel (Graphing troop counts, population counts, thriving and declining percentages) 6. Database Skills – System of organization that can store, manage, and retrieve information through the use of visual tables Example – Using Data in the Classroom (Understanding the rise and decline of civilizations through correlations) 7. Social Bookmarking Knowledge – An internet method used to organize, store, manage, and search for online bookmarks through online websites Example – 125 Social Bookmarking Sites (Stores online sources used for writing papers) 8. Social Networking Knowledge – Service provider that focuses on the building and extension of social networking through people with similar careers, hobbies, activities, etc. usually through an individual profile that allows people to share and express ideas, feelings, other websites, etc. Example – Facebook (Creating fake, historical profiles that demonstrate understanding of a character) 9. Web Resources in Content Area – A “search engine” that provides users with websites contained with information pertaining to a chosen subject area Example – EdHelper (Database for numerous events in History) 10. Web Searching Skills – The ability and skills needed to search the web in a more accurate and effective way then simply typing in information on a google web search, provides users with information stored on databases Example – Bare Bones 101 (Searching records and documents of historical people) 11. Web2.0 Tools – More technologically advanced methods of teaching, based off of Internet content such as full-motion videos and 3D animations Example – Classic Web 2.0 Tools for Educators (Movies of famous battles in 3D) 12. Interactive White Board skills (SmartBoard and Promethean) – Interactive display of projections from a computer or laptop that project images from computer to projector to interactive screen used by teachers Example – Promethean World’s Website (Having students use interactive games, discussions, etc.) 13. Website design and management skills – The ability to create, maintain, store and present information on the Internet in an effective, accurate, and Internet-friendly way Example – Google Sites (Managing a variety of topics covered during a certain time period in American history, i.e. World War II) 14. Presentation Tools – Software that allows educators to store and present information in a creative, organized manner on a casual or professional level Example – PowerPoint (Presentations in-class) 15. IM knowledge – The ability to Instant Message other people in your social network, drawbacks include fraudulence, hacking and viruses Example – AOL (Show students the ineffective communications of post-modern times) 16. Video and Podcasting – The abilities to create, store, edit, and present information in the form of video or audible presentations. Example – Windows MovieMaker (Creating “fireside chats” or videos from a news reporter’s standpoint) 17. RSS feeds – Really Simple Syndication – A collection of blogs, podcasts, or news headlines Example – Google Reader (Creating a newspaper during a certain era) 18. Mobile and Handheld Computing – The use of mobile technology in and outside of the classroom that allows a student almost unlimited access to the online world Example – Ipads, Laptops (Allowing students hands-on technology that they may not have access to at home) 19. Virtual Worlds – Online computer representations of actual places across the universe in 3D animation that allows students to explore places that were once thought to be impossible Example – K-12 Virtual Worlds (Debating future wars on other planets) 20. Collaboration & Communication Tools – Large number of tools that allows teachers to communicate with students, parents, and other teaching professionals Example – CoSketch (Send progress reports to parents, sharing information with other teachers)