9-2 History Week of October 28th Monday October 28th G day

9-2 History
Week of October 28th
Monday October 28th G day- Introduction to Buddhism
Remember a reading was assigned last Thursday in the purple photocopy- Read pages 20-28 and
identify fifteen terms due Monday October 28th .
Homework Monday night – Siddhartha #1 assignment
Tuesday October 29th A day – Read Siddhartha and answer questions, work on map of India
Homework Tuesday Night- Be sure Siddhartha #2 assignment is complete for Thursday October
Wednesday October 30th B day- Film Little Buddha
Homework Wednesday night- Be sure Siddhartha #2 assignment is complete for Thursday
October 31st
Thursday October 31st C day- Discussion of Siddhartha
Thursday night- review discussion notes and terms
Friday November 1st D day - Continue discussion of Siddhartha
No class Monday November 4th – skip day 
Homework due for Tuesday November 5th- Siddhartha #3
Buddhism Purple Photocopy assignment
Read 20-28 in purple photocopy and identify the following:
Four Noble Truths
Noble Eightfold Path
The Way
The Pali Canon
Pepal (bodhi) trees
Dalai Lama
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse (books will be given out in class Monday 10/28)
Siddhartha #1
Read chapters 1 and 2
1. In the first chapter, we learn about the life into which Siddhartha has been born. Why is
Siddhartha so frustrated with his life- a life that to outsiders is perfect?
2. In the second chapter, Siddhartha decides to join the Samanas- a group he is choosing, not a
group into which he was born. Why does Siddhartha decide to join the Samanas? Why doesn’t
his father understand his decision? Why does his father finally give his consent?
3. Why does Govinda go with Siddhartha to the Samanas?
4. What is Siddartha’s goal in joining the Samanas? Why is he disappointed?
Siddhartha #2
Read chapters 3 and 4
1. In the third chapter, Siddhartha meets a real historical individual. What is unusual about
Siddhartha and Govinda’s meeting with Gotama (Gautama- the Buddha)?
2. Why does Govinda join the Buddhists and Siddhartha goes out on his own?
3. Just as Siddhartha is in despair at being alone and without directions, the novel changes focus to
end Part 1. How does Hesse demonstrate this change (Hint: Notice the change in the use of
Siddhartha #3
Chapters 5-8
1. What is your impression of the beginning of Part II? Why does it take place near the river? Why
is it in the form of a dream?
2. What is the role of the ferryman, Vasudeva?
3. What role does Kamala serve in this novel? What does she teach Siddhartha (besides the
4. The 7th chapter’s title, Samsara, is a Buddhist word that means “the regular world, the world of
repetition.” In this chapter, Siddhartha realizes that, while he has become very successful, he
has also become very unhappy. What is the connection between the chapter’s title and
Siddhartha’s state of mind?
5. It should be no surprise that in this unhappy state of mind, Siddhartha is drawn again to the
river, but this time he contemplates suicide. Why is his reunion with Govinda significant at this
point? What does Siddhartha learn from Govinda?
Siddhartha #4
To the end of the book
1. Chapters 9, 10 and 11 are full of action and death. What does Siddhartha learn from Vasudeva?
What does Siddhartha learn from Kamala, especially at the end? What does Siddhartha learn
from the boy?
2. The story ends with the reunion of the two friends, Govinda and Siddhartha. How has each
changed? Why has each changed?
3. Much of the action of this novel has to do with the river. What metaphorical meanings are there
for the river?