LEAD PERCHLORATE AS A NEUTRINO DETECTION MEDIUM STEVEN ELLIOTT, PETER DOE, HAMISH ROBERTSON, TOM STEIGER, JOHN WILKERSON. UNIVERSITY OF WSHINGTON, SEATTLE THE NUCLEAR PHYSICS OF LEAD LEAD PERCHLORATE ATTENUATION LENGTH OF 430 nm LIGHT IN 80% Pb4(ClO4)2 (UNPURIFIED) LEVEL SCHEMES of the 208Pb 208Bi System AS A NEUTRINO DETECT ION MEDIUM PROPERTIES OF A LEAD PERCHLORATE SOLUTIONS CROSS SECTION COMPARISON LEAD PERCHLOR AT E P b (C lO 4 ) 2 IS: NEUTRON CAPTURE TIME IN 80 % Pb(ClO4)2 HIG HLY SOLUBLE 500g m Pb ( ClO 4 ) 2 /1 0 0g m H 2 O Den sit y = 2 .7 @ 80 % Con c. LEAD I S AN EXCELLENT NEUT RIN O T ARGET : HIG H CROSS SECT ION 3n CC AND NC REACTIONS Pb Pb 6.9 6.7 n capture (b) Relative num. den. w.r.t. Pb n capture rate w.r.t. H 204 0.70 0.01 0 206 0.03 0.24 0 207 0.70 0.22 0.04 208 Pb 0.02 0.52 0 35 Cl 44.00 1.52 18.3 0.43 0.48 0.06 0.00 13.57 0 17 0.23 0.01 0 18 O 0.00 0.03 0 H 0.32 11.3 1 Isotope 2n IAS Pb(n,e)x Pb Pb 58 43 0.66 0.23 4.5 1.4 91 59.6 Pb 37 Cl 16 O O ' e NEU TRAL CU RRENT x 12 208- Y T=4 MeV =3 T=8 MeV =0 T=4 MeV =3 T=8 MeV =0 DAR Pb(,’)x 18 GT Bi X Yn 208 Pb(e,e)x 2n 208 KL Pb(,’)x CHARG ED CU RRENT e 208 Y FHM Pb(e,e)x 24 MeV 1st Pb Bi e 208 Spectrum ( Fu lle r e t al. Ast r o- p h / 9 80 9 16 4 ) RELAT IVELY LOW COST 208 Transition units 10-40 cm2 1n Pb X Yn 1n 6 FHM: Fuller, Haxton, McLaughlin, PR D59, 085005 (1999) KL: Kolbe, Langanke, preprint Nucl-th\0003060 CHA RGED P ARTI CLES CONTA INS CH LORIN E Ne ut ron Ca pt u r e on Cl 8 .4 Me V ’s 35 Cl n ca pt u r e c r o ss se ct ion 44 .0 b Pb GA MM A RAYS $10 k / Tonne ( 100 t onne @ 80 % con c. ) APPEARS TRAN SP ARENT No Obvious Features Re fr ac t iv e Index = 1 .5 @ 80 % Con c. May b e u se d a s a Ce r en k o v De t ec t o r Scattering or Absorption? WATE R BASED SOLUTION Good ne ut ron m od e ra t o r 1 .7 x 10 21 208 Pb / cc ( 80% so ln .) 3 .6 x 10 22 H / cc ( 80% so ln .) INDEX OF REFRACTION AS A FUNCTION OF SOLUTION CONCENTRATION DETE CTOR SH OU LD BE SENSITIVE TO: 0 NEUTRO NS SPECTRAL TRANSMISSION THROUGH A 1 CM CELL OF 80% Pb4(ClO4)2 (UNPURIFIED) REFERENCED TO H2O RELATIVELY INEXPENSIVE LEAD CERENKOV DETECTOR? n capture time ~10-100 s. DETE CTOR SH OU LD BE SENSITIVE TO: Suspect limit due to Pb salt colloids possibly due to reaction with dissolved gases Need to understand chemistry better measurements in progress Expect about 185 /cm Stopping Power 0.2 cm/MeV (80%) 0.33 cm/MeV (50%) 15 MeV electron ~550 (80%) ~920 (50%) CHA RGED P ARTI CLES Bi NEUTRONS GAMM A RAYS APPLICATIONS SUPERNOVA OBSERVATORY PHYSICS, OSCILLATIONS Supernova Spectra Cross Section The cross section is strongly dependent on Te 6.27 MeV Conclusions 1 Ratio for 2-n/1-n Events NC events produce little energy in coincidence with neutrons. The CC-events will have electron energy in coincidence with neutrons. The CC electron energy can be sorted as to how many neutrons were in coincidence. In coinc., 2-n events are almost all due to e. In coinc., 1-n events are due to e and anti- e. This ratio is very sensitive to Te. Electron Neutrino Temperature (MeV) 2.1 Spectral Features 100 Energy (MeV) 8 1.7 1.3 Cross Section (10 100 Energy (MeV) 0 100 Measuring the electron energy in coincidence with the neutrons permits separation of NC and CC interactions. 0 1000 f Measuring not just the total number of neutrons but the number of events with 1 or 2 neutrons is very powerful. 0.1 0.1 cm /MeV) 10 2 -40 d/dE(10 1 100 -40 cm /MeV) 2 2 cm /MeV) -40 d/dE(10 2.76 MeV FHM indicates uncertainty of 50%. KL and FHM differ by large amounts. Decay at Rest (DAR) from stopped p+ decay has spectrum similar to supernova, but with no anti-e. A DAR measurement in Pb(ClO4)2 studies the Pb reaction, without interference from the well known H reaction. A 10 t detector could measure the cross section to 10% or so in a few months at proposed ORLaND facility. f 10 f 100 Approximately thermal. Absolute temperature scales are somewhat uncertain. Relative temperature scales are not: there is a hierarchy, Te < Tanti-e < T,t. Observation of Te > Tanti-e would be indicative of oscillations. 1000 1000 Need to Measure 10 1 0.1 0 6 0.9 0.5 0.5 4 0.1 0.1 2 Pb(ClO4)2 has the potential to make these measurements because it is sensitive to charged particles, gammas and neutrons. Decay at Rest p e e 2 4 6 8 Electron Anti-Neutrino Temperature (MeV) 20 40 60 Energy (MeV) Oscillations Look for 29.8-MeV e coming early in time. tp = 26 ns t = 2200 ns