
By Cathy Chang
Article #1
Black cats have a bad name in many countries, but
nowhere more so than Italy, where a papal edict in the middle
ages declared they were instruments of the devil. Black cats
were thrown into the fires to join witches burned at the stake.
The Italian Association for the Defense of Animals and the
Environment (AIDAA) estimates 60,000 were killed last year, to
ward off bad luck but also for use in satanic rites and in
cosmetics laboratories where black fur gives the best results.
The group has set up 200 information points in towns and
cities around Italy, where passers-by will be given literature on
black cats, asked to sign a petition and urged to adopt one of
the 5,000 in cat refuges.
AIDAA has also sent a letter to Pope Benedict, a well
known cat lover.
 What is your attitude towards black cats?
 Do you see this kind of attitude towards black
cats in Taiwan?
From movies, books, etc.
 Why do you think that black cats are
considered evil?
 Are there any more superstitions about
 Are there any superstitions that you believe in?
Article #2
Many shelters around the country is prohibiting
black cat adoptions from Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, fearing
the animals could be mistreated in Halloween
pranks — or worse, sacrificed in some satanic ritual.
Some animal experts say the practice does more
to hurt animals than protect them by limiting the times
that they can be adopted.
“Behaviorally, there’s no difference from the color
of the cat. It’s tied into this whole mythology about the
animal — don’t let it cross your path or some
foreboding or foreshadowing of evil — and that’s an
outdated superstition,” says Gail Buchwald, vice
president of the American Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals shelter in New York City.
 Do you feel that the adoption of black cats
should be banned during Halloween?
 Do people still use animal sacrifices
Like killing chickens on certain days to give to
the gods?
 Can you think of other animals that are linked
to certain festivals or celebrations?
Papal edict 教皇的勒令
Middle ages 中世紀
Instruments 手段,工具
Stake 火刑柱
Association 協會
Defense 防禦,保衛,防護
Estimates 估計,估量
Ward off 避開
Satanic rites撒旦的祭禮
Cosmetics 化妝,美容品
Laboratories 化學工廠
Passers-by 過路人
Petition 請願書
Adopt 收養
Refuges 收容所
Pope 羅馬教皇
Shelters 避難所
Prohibiting 禁止
Mistreated 虐待
Pranks 惡作劇
Sacrificed 牲禮,祭品;獻祭
Ritual 儀式的舉行
Experts 專家
Practice 實行,實施,實踐
Limiting 限制
Behaviorally 行為,舉止;態度
Mythology 神話
Foreboding 不祥的預感
Foreshadowing 預兆
Outdated 過時的
Prevention 預防,防止;阻止,妨礙
 Idaho animal shelter halts black cat
 Italy's "black cat day" aims to halt killings