



INSTITUTE for Surveying and Science

Instigator of the secret cult called the: WHBA (Blucher

WorkaHolics Anonymous)

It is told that she is an Alien ( she certainly behaves like one at times) But her intensions are good ( or are they?)

Her hobbies include jumping out of perfectly well functioning plains and disturbing the local wildlife above and under water….

Keep your eyes pealed: this is the Scene of The crime: workaholic headquarters in Corpus Christi Texas

Worker Distribution Table :

This table shows the percentage of workers present on a given day of the week, and at given times of the day, where green is the morning hours, blue is the noon time and orange is the late afternoon time












Monday Thuesday Wednesday

Morning Noon Afternoon

Tursday Friday

Your typical well organized office space:

Notice the delicate arrangement of the work environment…

All shelf space has been perfectly utilized

Everything is clearly marked

All cables are strategically placed for easy yanking


A place for everything and everything in its place…kinda

Meet the members of the BWHA:


No liability or any kind of responsibility taken by anyone for any reason

For anything ever!!!!

*Proceed at your own risk*

Meet: The Cable Guy or ET-specialist

(or was it IT)

Charles White, or the man….

The man fixes almost anything as long as it does not occupy the hand that holds the phone (ET phone home)

For those tasks he has his specialty crew consisting of only blonde women-aliens with IQ’s above 10 ( but they do not have to call him Master)

Meet our first Alien from Brazil:

Simone the beautiful

Totally absorbed into her work and completely paralyzed by the flickering image on the computer screen (Poke’mon)

Dreaming about becoming a soccer star (notice the shoes)and her favorite pass time occupation is gossiping on the phone ( but she never ever will tell)

A good girl after all

The OTHER Alien from Germany: Lilo

( not Lilo and Stitch


Her mouth is her most valuable and fastest tool, used mostly in conjunction with a much slower thought process.

As a side effect: Both feet fit comfortably in her mouth.

With fake hair and a fat smile she hopes to get away with it…and mostly does

( at least that is what she thinks).

Meet: Heather ( riddle me this and riddle me that


Like Mona Lisa, this woman has many secrets and here is shown only one of them.

Her hobbies include finding out whose student worker she actually is, big dog tossing

( mainly on weekends) and deep sinking…..ooops….deep thinking of course.

She keeps on insisting that her face looks funny on photographs

Meet: Isabel of the thousand fragrances

Besides having the greatest smelly candle collection in hero township she has a totally disarming smile

Most of the time she can be found buried under packing slips and UPS labels.

Secretly she want to be buried under fed-ex labels since the delivery guy is so much cuter…

Meet: Chris the serf-dude ( master of the wave


Leisure is his middle name and cool accompanies it.

His posture makes him recognizable from afar, his expertise of the motion of the ocean is unsurpassed (except maybe by the fish that live in it)

What he does nobody really knows but he works very hard at it!

Know body knows who that intruding face at the corner of the picture is but it is cute

…so…it’s cool!!

His electronics-can’t-touch-this-Phobia is the main reason this man does not know what to do with his hands……but like a gunslinger…he is ready to use’em if he has to

Meet: Dan the WAN the Radioman


Who went to England to marry the Queen


Vibes and pings and satellites are this man’s greatest delights.

He mentioned once that he was about to cross Texas swimming…but really, there is just not enough water around the mid section of this State.

His passion is being stranded on an oilrig during summer heat and watch the seagulls deposit their dodo on the solar panels

His secret is : he wants to become a belly dancer for the Russian ballet

Meet: Frank [y] ( but he does not go to Hollywood


A man with a big heart, a big smile and a big file cabinet ( unfortunately it does not accommodate the 200 or so boxes being strategically rotated through the building)

Master of the lamp and holder of dreams of golden coins(I think it is called budged)he summons the golden dollar for trade on the sprinkle doughnut market

Meet: Dixie the office vixen and holder of the sacred…ahhm secret knowledge

Her patience is only surpassed by the length of the rotation of the earth around the sun (right, we

ARE still the center of gravity around here!)

Her hobbies include staying late at blucher9 mmhh, I wonder if she has permanently bonded with her office chair?)and lending her ears to anyone

( I wonder where she keeps all those spare ears?)

Meet: Mr. Altoid Dilbert alias John Perez

His breath is always minty fresh not quite so the computers he works on.

Rumor has it, that the enormous dent on his head

(covered by his hair and beard)was the result of all the tin boxes collapsing the shelf and coming tumbling down knocking him out for a few split seconds were he had an epiphany …and so Dilbert came into his life.

Frequent Visitors of BWHA

(in no particular order or disorder)

They strive to greatness but have not yet achieved WH -State

Meet: Monica Fairy Queen of the DNR

Her name is German, her nationality is American and her looks are oriental.

She lingers at times in

Dixie’s office and exchanges interplanetary secrets in a low mumbling voice.

She mysteriously wonders through the corridors and hallways and her smile makes you wonder what she might be thinking about

Meet: Sam the earthbound and she is nobody’s uncle!

Contradictory to the rumors of any hut construction and that she is not related to uncle tom Sam is a wonderful distraction when she comes visiting the all powerful Dixi

Her hobbies include dry salt water aquariums and imaginary tropical fish

Her fear of strangers reading her lips is clearly visible in this snapshot, but otherwise her smiles brighten up everybody’s day
