The Digestive System


The Digestive System

Chapter 3 Section 1

Digestive System

• Organs that break down food so it can be used by the body.

• Food passes through a long tube called the digestive tract.

• Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus

• There are other organs in the digestive system that food doesn’t pass through:

• Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, salivary glands


• Breaking down food- 2 possible ways:

• Mechanical digestion: breaking, crushing, mashing food. (smaller pieces)

• Chemical digestion: breaking apart large molecules into smaller nutrient molecules. (chemically different molecule)

• Enzymes help break apart large molecule chains into smaller nutrients

• 3 types of nutrients

• Carbohydrates  sugar (glucose) Energy

• Proteins  amino acids Build body materials

• Fats  fatty acids Storage and energy


• Teeth are used to chew food (mechanical digestion)

• Saliva has enzymes that begin breaking down carbs into sugars

(chemical digestion)

• Tongue helps push food into the esophagus- a tube coming off the pharynx (along with the trachea)

• Epiglottis: covers the trachea when you swallow.

• Peristalsis: a wave of muscle contraction that pushes food along the digestive tract.


• A saclike, muscular organ at the end of the esophagus

• Muscles contract to squeeze food (mechanical digestion)

• Glands produce enzymes and acid to break food into nutrients

(chemical digestion)

• Stomach acid also kills any bacteria.

Chyme- the soupy mixture of broken down food and digestive juices

• Stomach stores food for a while and slowly lets it out into the small intestine.

• Sphincter- ring of muscle that opens and closes like a valve

• Cardiac (lower esophageal)- esophagus into stomach

• Pyloric- stomach into small intestine

Pancreas & Small Intestine

• Pancreas- secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine and produces hormones to regulate blood sugar levels.

• Small intestine is about 20 feet long, but is only 1 inch in diameter.

• Most digestion and absorption occur in small intestine.

Villi- Fingerlike projections that increase the surface area and are covered with nutrient absorbing cells that put nutrients into bloodstream.

Liver & Gallbladder

• Liver is a large (football size), reddish-brown organ that helps with digestion:

• Produces bile which breaks up (emulsifies) fats

• Stores nutrients and regulates absorption into blood

• Removes toxins

• Gallbladder: Stores bile for release into small intestine

Large Intestine

• Large intestine is only about 5 feet long, but is 2.5 inches in diameter.

• Materials that couldn’t be absorbed are pushed into the large intestine.

• Large intestine stores, compacts, and eliminates indigestible wastes from the body.

• Water is absorbed from the mixture and the liquid becomes semi-solid material called feces or stool (aka. poop).

• Fiber helps keep materials moving in digestive system.

• Rectum- Stores feces until it can be passed out of the body through the anus (another sphincter)

