UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO TURFLOOP CAMPUS FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE SCHOOL OF MOLECULAR AND LIFE SCIENCES DEGREE AND DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS MODULE: MICB 202 OCT/NOV : (ENVIRONMENTAL AND FUNGAL MICROBIOLOGY) 2012 TIME: 3 HOURS PAPER : P1 MARKS : 100 INTERNAL EXAMINERS : PROF EL JANSEN VAN RENSBURG PROF P MASOKO SECOND EXAMINER : PROF E ABOTSI THIS PAPER CONSISTS OF …8…PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer all the questions 2. Write neatly and legible MICB202 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS 2012 SECTION A (50 MARKS) QUESTION 1 (9 marks) 1.1 The simple fungi consist of three phyla and produce moving spores. List the phyla and explain how you will differentiate between the three phyla. (6) Chytridiomycota – zoospore with one posterior whiplash flagellum Hyphochytriomycota – zoospore with one anterior tinsel flagellum Oomycota – zoospore with two flagella, one whiplash and one tinsel 1.2 What is the difference between 1.2.1 sporangiospores and conidia? (1) Sporangiospores are produced in a sporangium as free cells and conidia are budded out or converted from existing cells 1.2.2 zygospores and ascospores? (1) Zygospores are sexual spores produced by Zygomycota. Spores are produced in a zygosporangium. Ascospores are sexual spores produced by Ascomycota. Spores are produced in specialized structures called asci. 1.2.3 oospore and oosphere? (1) Oospore is a thick walled resting spore developing from a fertilized egg of the Oomycota Oosphere is the unfertilized female gamete (egg) produced by the oogonium QUSTION 2 (17 marks) 2.1 Name the four kinds of asci you will associate with the Ascomycetes and differentiate between them. Unitunicate-operculate ascus Asci with a single wall with a operculum Unitunicate-inoperculate ascus Asci with a single wall with no operculum 2 (8) UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO Prototunicate ascus Closed ascus and the walls lysed at maturity Bitunicate ascus Asci with two wall layers 2.2 You have isolated a pathogen from rye and the following drawings were made studying the pathogen. 2.2.1 Give the labels indicated by A to C by writing the letter with corresponding answer in your answer book. (3) A- perithecium B- compound ascomata (ascoma) C- ergot 2.2.2 Indicate the classification of this fungus regarding the Order, Class and Phylum names and give the differentiating characteristic for each of these levels. Order: Clavicipitales (obligate parasites; stalked fungal stroma) Class: Ascomycetes (produce asci in fruting bodies) Phylum: Ascomycota (produce ascospores in an ascus) QUESTION 3 (12 marks) (6) 3 MICB202 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS 2012 You have picked four kinds of fungal fruiting bodies and made the drawings as indicated below. The following questions relate to these diagrams. 3.1 Give the labels indicated by E to J by writing the letter with corresponding answer in the answer book. (6) E – volva F – pileus G – ring H – stipe I – reticulum J - tubes 3.2 Indicate the possible family names, A – D, you would associate with these fungi by writing the letter and answer in your book. (4) A – Amanitaceae B – Agaricaceae C – Coprinaceae D - Boletaceae 3.3 Give the Class name for these fungi and indicate the differentiating characteristic you would associate with this Class. Holobasidiomycetes producing holobasidia (basidia with septa) 4 (2) UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO QUESTION 4 (12 marks) 4.1 Illustrate with descriptions how you would differentiate between the two types of mycorrhiza. (6) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 4.2 What is the fungus (genus name) you will associate with the following toxins? 4.2.1 Aflatoxins Aspergillus 4.2.2 Zearalenone Fusarium 4.2.3 Sporidesmin Pithomyces 4.2.4 Amatoxins Amanita 4.2.5 Orellanine Cortinarius 4.2.6 Gyromitrin Gyromitra 5 MICB202 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS 2012 SECTION B (50 marks) QUESTION 1(20 marks) Choose the most correct answers from the questions below and provide your answers on the provided multiple choice answer sheet. 1.1. An association in which one population of organisms benefits while the other is neither harmed nor helped is called a _____________________ association. A. Parasitic. B. Protocooperative. C. Commensalistic. D. Symbiotic. E. Mutualism. 1.2. _________________ describes the negative effect that one organism has on another organism because of the release of a specific compound that detrimentally effects the second organism. A. Amensalism. B. Protocooperation. C. Commensalism. D. Parasitism. E. Mutualism. 1.3. What would ultimately happen to the biosphere if microbiologically mediated methane oxidation would cease to exist? A. Since all biogeochemical cycles are stable, homeostasis would continue to prevail. B. CO2 would accumulate to a level in which the greenhouse effect would heat and kill all life. C. CH4 would accumulate and corresponding CO2 levels would decline, significantly diminishing photoautotrophic primary productivity needed to sustain life on earth. 6 UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO D. Nitrogen fixing bacteria would rise in dominance to become the most abundant group of microorganisms within the biosphere. E. None of the above consequences would happen. 1.4. Addition of nitrogen containing fertilizers affects gas exchange processes in the soil… A. Causing methane gas to be consumed. B. Causing methane gas to be produced. C. Causing release of NO and N2O, which are greenhouse gasses. D. Causing antibiotic production in bacteria which lead to antiobiotic resistance. E. Causing assimilation of NO3 by the plants. 1.5. Microbial immobilization of the sulfur compounds and subsequent incorporation into the organic form of sulfur are often termed as follows, except... A. Assimilative sulfate reduction, in which sulfate (SO42–) is reduced to organic sulfhydryl. B. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide produces elemental sulfur (So). C. Dissimilative sulfur oxidation in which elemental sulfur can be reduced to hydrogen sulfide. D. Dissimilative sulfur reduction in which elemental sulfur can be reduced to hydrogen sulfide. E. Dissimilative sulfate reduction in which sulfate reducers generate hydrogen sulfide from sulfate. 1.6. __________ is the genus that carries out nitrogen fixation, which is the conversion of ____________. A. Azotobacter; ammonia to nitrogen gas B. Rhizobium; nitrite to nitrate C. Nitrosomonas; nitrate to nitrite D. Nitrobacter; nitrite to nitrogen gas E. Rhizobium; nitrogen gas into ammonia 1.7. Which statement about methanogenesis is not true? A. Methanogenesis in microbes is a form of anaerobic respiration. 7 MICB202 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS 2012 B. Methanogens do not use oxygen to respire. C. Methanogenesis is the final step in the decay of organic matter. D. The terminal electron acceptor in methanogenesis is not oxygen, but carbon. E. During advanced stages of organic decay, all electron acceptors become depleted, except oxygen. 1.8. What group of microorganisms carries out methanogenesis? A. Group of strictly anaerobic Archaea. B. Gram-positive bacteria. C. Facultatively aerobic Gram-negative bacteria. D. Group of strictly anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria. 1.9. Electrons for the reduction of CO2 to CH4 come mainly from… A. CO2. B. Ferric iron. C. Glucose. D. H2. 1.10. Methanogenesis is an example of.. A. Aerobic respiration. B. Anaerobic respiration. C. Substrate-level phosphorylation. D. Photophosphorylation. 1.11. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a coliform? A. Facultatively aerobic B. Gram-negative. C. Rod shaped. D. Ferment glucose with the formation of gas. E. All of the above. 1.12. What is the medium used in the membrane filter (MF) procedure to differentiate fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli? A. Mannitol salt agar. B. Eosin-methylene blue agar. 8 UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO C. Triple sugar iron agar. D. Blood agar. E. MacConkey agar. 1.13. Which treatment method(s) are used in primary wastewater treatment? A. Biological. B. Chemical. C. Physical separation. D. All of the above. 1.14. During secondary aerobic wastewater treatment, some of the activated sludge goes ________ while the rest goes ________. A. back to the aerator / to the anoxic sludge digestor. B. back to the primary system / to the aerator. C. to the anoxic digestor / back to the primary system. D. back to the primary system / to the tertiary digestor. 1.15. Which statement explains the relationship between coagulation and flocculation? A. Coagulation leads to flocculation. B. Flocculation leads to coagulation. C. Coagulation occurs after filtration. D. Flocculation occurs after filtration. Question 1.16 to 1.20, indicate if the statement is TRUE (A) or False (B) 1.16. Microbes that can dissimilate sulfur can also assimilate it, but not all that assimilate sulfur can fully dissimilate it. A 1.17. Methanogens, among other compounds, use alcohols and fatty acids to synthesize methane gas in anoxic environments. B 1.18. The most dominant aquatic and terrestrial phototrophs are phototrophic microorganisms. B 1.19. Wastewater plants are usually constructed to handle both domestic and industrial wastes. A 1.20. In water, most taste- and odor-producing compounds are inorganic in nature. B QUESTION 2 (14 marks) 9 MICB202 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS 2012 Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plants and animals in the form of ions and it forms parts of important life-sustaining molecules that are very common in the biosphere. 2.1. Mention two processes which can be used to remove excess phosphorus. (2) Chemically through precipitation Biological by Acinetobacter calcoaceticum 2.2. Mention two purposes of phosphorus. (2) Prevent sewage to cause eutrophication Produce a valuable product 2.3. During rainy seasons P is washed into the sea. How is it returned to the land ? (2) Faeces from seabirds (small amounts) Geological uplift of ocean floors (process slow) 2.4. Briefly describe how Acinetobacter calcoaceticum remove P from the environment. (8) aerate pond with small quantities of sewage (carbon) Acinetobacter accumulates polyphosphate in cells Remove carbon source Turn pond to anaerobic conditions Reduce volume in pond Results in Acinetobacter to utilize polyphosphate Phosphate ions released into water Water with high posphate sold to detergent company QUESTION 3 (16 marks) 3.1. List the type of wastewater treatment in the following processes: 10 3.1.1 Chemical precipitation of phosphorus. Tertiary (0.5) 3.1.2 Removal of solids. Primary (0.5) 3.1.3 Activated sludge. Secondary (0.5) 3.1.4 Trickling filter. Secondary (0.5) UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO 3.2. Briefly explain how organic materials are oxidized by microbes during the activated sludge process. (9) Sewage mixed with slime forming bacteria Zoogloea + heterotrophic bacteria Mixture is aerated Large flocs or clumps form Heterotrophs oxidize organic material Treated water moved to settling tank Floc settle out and is recycled Reduce BOD by up to 90% (25 – 30mg/l) Contain high levels of inorganic material 3.3. Describe how microbial leaching is used in the mining of copper. (5) Chemically purifying copper ions in a mine can be very costly, so microorganisms can be exploited in the mining of metals such as copper. Solid copper compounds (e.g., CuS) at a low concentration in the ore are leached into water-soluble copper (Cu2+) by sulfuric acid being passed through the ore. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans catalyzes the oxidation of the CuS, which helps to leach Cu2+. Solid copper is then precipitated from the leachate. 11