Representability of Algebraic Chow Groups Serhan Tuncer Mathematical & Statistical Sciences University of Alberta Outline Preliminaries Motivation to study Chow Groups Representability Result Preliminaries Objects: Algebraic Varieties over P= ℂ {∞} Notation: X=V( F ), X= V( F1 , F2 , ..., F r ) Hypersurface Complete Intersection • Subvariety: If X is a plane , points and lines in X Preliminaries Algebraic Cycles: Free abelian group of Subvarieties Notation: Zr(X) = ZdimX-r(X) V ∈ Zr (X), V =∑ niVi , ni ∈ ℤ If X is a plane then Hodge Conjecture (1950): [ ] : Zr (X) ⊗ℚ↠ Hr,r (X, ℚ) ; dim=0, codimension=2 ; dim=1, codimension=1 Motivation to study Chow Groups Classification problem Using Smaller Objects Algebraic Cycles to get an idea Equivalence Relation Chow Groups Related to a tori One more Equivalence Relation Representability Lewis Conjecture Algebraic Chow Groups Chow Groups [ ] : Zr (X) ⊗ℚ↠ Hr,r (X, ℚ) ξ1 , ξ2 ∈ Zr (X) ξ1 ≌hom ξ2 if ξ1 - ξ2 ∈ ker[ ] ξ1 ≌rat ξ2 if ξ1 - ξ2 = w(0)-w(∞) rth Chow Group : CHr(X)= Zr (X) / {ξ ≌rat 0 } Algebraic Chow Groups [ ] : Zr (X) ⊗ℚ↠ Hr,r (X, ℚ) ξ ≌hom 0 if ξ ∈ ker[ ] ξ ≌rat 0 if ξ =w(0)-w(∞) ξ ≌alg 0 if ξ =w(p)-w(q) rth Algebraic Chow : Ar(X)= {ξ ≌alg 0 } / {ξ ≌rat 0 } Group Representability Ar(X)≃ Abelian Variety = Complex Torus Lewis Conjecture (1990): Let X ⊂ℙn+r be a projective algebraic manifold. 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