A Farewell to Arms

Review for Test II
Beginning of World War I
• The Schlieffen Plan
• Count Alfred von Schlieffen
• The Battle of the Marne September 1914
• Trench Warfare
• US - Neutrality Proclamation
• War at Sea
• British Blockade of Germany
• German Submarines
• Unterseeboot
• U-Boat
• Lusitania
• Allies
• Britain, France, Russia, Italy,
Greece, Romania, US
• Central
• Germany, Austria, Ottomans,
• Battle of Verdun
• Petain
• Battle of the River Somme
• Bloodiest
• Early 1917
• German Unrestricted Submarine
• Zimmerman Telegram
• April 6, 1917
• Congress Declares War
Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points
1. No more secret agreements ("Open covenants openly arrived at").
2. Free navigation of all seas.
3. An end to all economic barriers between countries.
4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers.
5. All decisions regarding the colonies should be impartial
6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia. Russia should be left to develop her
own political set-up.
7. Belgium should be independent like before the war.
8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine
9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy. Italy's borders are to be "along clearly
recognizable lines of nationality."
10. Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary.
11. Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for the Balkan
12. The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government. Non-Turks in the
old Turkish Empire should govern themselves.
13. An independent Poland should be created which should have access to the sea.
14. A League of Nations should be set up to guarantee the political and territorial
independence of all states.
World War I
• Committee on Public Information
• George Creel
• War Industries Board
• Bernard Baruch
• The National Labor Board
• Taft
• Women & The War
• National Woman’s Party – Anti
• Alice Paul
• National Woman Suffrage
Association - Supported War
• Food Administration
• Herbert C. Hoover
• The Draft
• Russian Revolution
• The February Revolution
• Petrograd Soviet
• Provisional Government
• The October Revolution
• Lenin
• Trotsky
• Civil War
• White Army
• Red Army
• Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
• Marshal Ferdinand Foch
• France
• Supreme Allied Commander
World War I & Treaty of Versailles
• American Troops Reinforce
• The Second Battle of the
• General John J. Pershing
• Meuse-Argonne Offensive
• September 26 – November 11,
• 1.2 Million American Troops
• Fighting ends
• Bulgaria - September 1918
• Ottomans - October 30, 1918
• Austria-Hungary - November
3, 1918
• Germany November 11, 1918
• Congressional Elections
• Henry Cabot Lodge
• The Treaty of Versailles
• January 1919
• The “Big Four”
• Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.
• David Lloyd George of Britain
• Georges Clemenceau of
• Vittorio Emanuele Orlando of
• League of Nations
• League Covenant
Treaty of Versailles – “Mapping”
• Mandates
• Eastern Realignment:
Republic of Austria
Kingdom of Hungary
Republic of Turkey
Italy - Trent and Trieste
• Germany
Partial Disarmament
Rhine Demilitarized Zone
1920s Begin
• Wilson returns to
• Opposition to the Treaty
• Presidential Tour –
September 1919
• Wilson Suffers Stroke
• Lodge – Fourteen
• Treaty Unratified (in US)
• Election of 1920
• Republicans
• Senator Warren G.
Harding of Ohio
• “Smoke Filled Room”
• Democrats
• Governor James M. Cox
of Ohio
• First Election with
Women’s Suffrage
Culture of the 1920s
• The Red Scare
• Prohibition
• The Return of the Ku Klux
• Gangsterism
• Communism / Bolsheviks
• Attorney General A.
Mitchell Palmer
• Differences with other
• Midwest & South
• Immigration Restriction
• Emergency Quota Act of
• Immigration Act of 1924
• Quota System
• Eighteenth Amendment
• Volstead Act
• Speakeasies
Gang Wars
Al Capone “Scarface”
St. Valentine's Day
Massacre – 1929
Culture & Technology of the
• Women’s Rights
• Women’s Suffrage
• Nineteenth Amendment
• Margaret Sanger
• Contraceptives
• Alice Paul
• National Woman’s Party
• Sheppard-Towner Maternity
• Education Reform
• John Dewey - Columbia
• Tennessee v. Scopes
• Evolution
• Clarence Darrow
• William Jennings Bryan
• The Automobile
Henry Ford
Ransom E. Olds (Oldsmobile)
Model T.
Assembly-line production
New Industry from
• Birth of Flight
The Wright Brothers
Aircraft in the Great War
Aviation Industry
Charles A. Lindbergh
• Trans-Atlantic Flight
Culture & Technology of the
• Entertainment – “Popular
• The Radio
• Nikola Tesla
• Guglielmo Marconi
• The Cinema
• The Great Train Robbery
• The Birth of a Nation
• “Silent Films” to “Talking
• The Jazz Singer
• African American Culture
• The Harlem Renaissance
• Writers
• Langston Hughes
• Music
• Louis Armstrong
• Politics
• Marcus Garvey
• United Negro
Improvement Association
Culture & Technology / Presidency
of Warren Harding
• Scott Fitzgerald
• Official End of World War I in US
• Ernest Hemingway
• Foreign Affairs
• T. S. Eliot
• League of Nations
• The Great Gatsby
• A Farewell to Arms
• “The Waste Land”
• Advertising
• Bruce Barton
• The Man Nobody Knows
• Veterans
• Veterans Bureau
• American Legion
• Colonel Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
• Adjusted Compensation Act –
• Knox–Porter Resolution
• Isolationism
• World Health Program
• Unofficial Observers
• Washington “Disarmament”
• Five-Power Naval Treaty
• US, Britain, Japan, France, Italy
• Four-Power Treaty
• Nine-Power Treaty
Harding to Coolidge
• Scandals
• Colonel Charles R. Forbes
• First Director of the
Veterans' Bureau
• Senate Investigation
• $200 million
• Teapot Dome Scandal
Teapot Dome, Wyoming
Elk Hills, California
Albert Fall - Sec. Interior
Harry F. Sinclair
Edward L. Doheny
• Attorney General Daugherty
• Resignation
• Senate Investigation
• Death of Harding – August
2, 1923
• Calvin Coolidge
• “Silent Cal”
• Presidential Election of
• Calvin Coolidge – Republican
• John W. Davis – Democrat
• Robert La Follette –
Progressive Party
Debt & Depression
• Post War International Debt
• German Inflation
• Charles Dawes
• The Dawes Plan
• Reparation Payments
• Money Cycle
• US Loans to Germany
• German Reparations to Britain
& France
• Britain and France repay loans
to US
• Repeat
• Beginning of the Depression
• “Black Tuesday”
• October 29, 1929
• Market Crash
• Banking Collapse
• Causes of Great Depression
• Overproduction
• Farm
• Factory
• Overexpansion of Credit
• European Issues
• Viennese Kredisnstalt
• Hawley-Smoot Tariff
• Reparations
• Mississippi Valley Drought
Depression & the New Deal
• “Hoovervilles”
• Hoover & the Depression
• Hoover Dam
• Reconstruction Finance
Corporation (RFC)
• The Mukden Incident
The Manchurian Railroad
Manchuria – Manchukuo
Chiang Kai-shek
League of Nations
• First Steps of the New
• Banking Holiday
• The Hundred Days
• Three R’s
• Relief
• Recovery
• Reform
• Emergency Banking Relief
Act of 1933
• Federal Deposit Insurance
The New Deal
• Programs for
• Civilian Conservation Corps
• Young Men
• Temporary
• Militarization?
• Federal Emergency Relief Act
• Federal Emergency Relief
Administration (FERA)
• Harry L. Hopkins
• Civil Works Administration
• Programs for Infrastructure
and Unemployment
• Works Progress
Administration (WPA)
• National Recovery
Administration (NRA)
• Public Works Administration
• The Dust Bowl
• Great Plains
• Resettlement Administration
• Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC)
New Deal & European Dictators
• Social Security Act of 1935
• Most Successful
• Roosevelt Vs. The Supreme Court
• Latin America
• The Good Neighbor Policy
• Revocation of Roosevelt Corollary
• Italy
• Benito Mussolini
• Fasci di Combattimento (Facists)
• The Black Shirts
• Black shirt March on Rome
• Mussolini Prime Minister
• Italian invasion of Ethiopia
• Germany
• National Socialist German
Workers Party - Nazi
• Captain Ernst Roehm
• Sturmabteilung - “SA”
“brown shirts”
• Adolf Hitler
• Beer Hall Putsch
• Mein Kampf
• Reichstag Fire
• The Enabling Act
• Rule by decree
• Night of the Long Knives
• The Soviet Union
• Josef Stalin vs. Leon Trotsky
• Industrialization
• The Great Purge
Towards World War II
• Neutrality Acts
• The Spanish Civil War
Spanish Popular Front
General Francisco Franco
“Practice Arena for WWII”
• Rome-Berlin Axis Pact
• Anti Comintern Pact
• Japan & China
• Battle at Marco Polo
• Asian War Begins
• Appeasement
• Hitler’s Expansion
• The Anschluss
• The Annexation of Austria
• Czechoslovakia
• Sudetenland
• Neville Chamberlin
• British Prime Minister
Danzig & Poland
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Nazi Invasion of Poland
• September 1, 1939
Short IDs
• The Effects of the Automobile
• New Deal Programs
• Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points
• Rise of Hitler
• The Post-WWI Reparations / Loans Cycle
• Russian Revolutions
• The Causes of the Great Depression