File - Health Science

Medical Terminology
Divide the words and
interpret their meaning
 Hepatitis
 Rhinoplasty
 Arthritis
 Cardiologist
 Pathology
 Hepat/itis: inflammation of the liver
 Rhino/plasty: surgical repair of the
 Arthr/itis: inflammation of a joint
 Cardi/ologist: specialist of the heart
 Path/ology: study of disease
 Blepharospasm
 Cerebropathy
 Enteromegaly
 Cardiomalacia
 Gingivitis
 Blephar/o/spasm: involuntary
contraction of the eyelid
 Cerebr/o/path/y: disease of the brain
 Enter/o/megal/y: enlargement of the
 Cardi/o/malacia: softening of the
 Gingiv/itis: inflammation of the gums
 Dermatologist
 Angiopathology
 Arthrectomy
 Hepatoma
 Blepharoplasty
 Dermat/ologist: specialist of the skin
 Angi/o/path/ology: study of vessel
 Arthr/ectomy: surgical removal of a
 Hepat/oma: tumor of the liver
 Blephar/o/plast/y: surgical repair of
the eyelid
 Pathosis
 Gastrohepatitis
 Nephrologist
 Cardiomegaly
 Enteroplasty
 Path/osis: any condition of disease
 Gastr/o/hepat/itis: inflammation of the
stomach and liver
 Nephr/ologist: specialist of the kidney
 Cardi/o/megal/y: enlargement of the
 Enter/o/plast/y: surgical repair of the
 Adenopathy
 Cerebromalacia
 Rhinology
 Gingivosis
 Dermatoma
 Aden/o/path/y: Disease of the gland
 Cerebr/o/malacia: softening of the
 Rhin/ology: study of the nose
 Gingiv/osis: any condition of the
 Dermat/oma: tumor of the skin
 Nephrotomy
 Gastrectomy
 Dermatitis
 Cardiology
 Arthroplasty
 Nephr/otomy: cut into the kidney
 Gastr/ectomy: surgical removal of
the stomach
 Dermat/it is: inflammation of the skin
 Cardi/ology: the study of the heart
 Arthr/o/plast/y: surgical repair of a
 Hepatonephromegaly
 Adenectomy
 Gastroenteritis
 Pathologist
 Blepharotomy
 Hepat/o/nephr/o/megal/y:
enlargement of the liver and kidney
 Aden/ectomy: surgical removal of a
 Gastr/o/enter/itis: inflammation of the
stomach and intestines
 Path/ologist: specialist of disease
 Blephar/otomy: cut into the eyelid
 Craniocerebral
 Hypercholia
 Parahepatic
 Gastralgia
 Endochondral
 Crani/o/cerebr/al: pertaining to the the
brain and skull
 Hyper/chol/ia: pertaining to above normal
 Para/hepat/ic: pertaining to beside or
beyond the liver
 Gastr/algia: pain of the stomach
 End/o/chondr/al: pertaining to within the
 Hemicraniosis
 Lipoid
 Cystolithectomy
 Hypohemia
 Hysterectomy
 Hemi/crani/osis: any condition of half of
the skull
 Lip/oid: like fat
 Cyst/o/lith/ectomy: surgical removal of a
stone from the urinary bladder (sack
containing fluid)
 Hypo/hem/ia: pertaining to below normal
 Hyster/ectomy: surgical removal of the
 Angiolysis
 Cervicoplasty
 Cyanosis
 Hematologist
 Osteoarthropathy
 Angi/o/lysis: destruction of vessels
 Cervic/o/plast/y: surgical repair of the
neck (neck of the uterus)
 Cyan/osis: any condition of blue
 Hemat/ologist: specialist of blood
 Oste/o/arthr/o/path/y: disease of the
bones and joints
 Psychopathology
 Opthalmomyotomy
 Protoscopy
 Craniotomy
 Hyperadenosis
 Psych/o/path/ology: study of diseases of
the mind
 Opthalm/o/my/otomy: cut into the
muscles of the eye
 Proct/o/scop/y: observe the anus
 Crani/otomy: cut in to the skull
 Hyper/aden/osis: any condition of above
normal glands
 Cholecystitis
 Hematoma
 Proctospasm
 Gastroenterostomy
 Endoscopy
 Chole/cyst/itis: inflammation of the
gallbladder (sack containing fluid of bile)
 Hemat/oma: tumor of blood
 Proct/o/spasm: involuntary contraction of
the anus
 Gastr/o/enter/ostomy: create an opening
of the stomach and intestines
 End/o/scop/y: to observe within (or
 Supracostal
 Epidermis
 Mania
 Hydrohepatosis
 Acromegaly
 Supra/cost/al: pertaining to above
the rib
 Epi/derm/is: pertaining to upon the
 Man/ia: pertaining to madness
 Hydro/hepat/osis: condition of water
within the liver
 Acro/megal/y: enlarged extremities
 Carcinoma
 Bursitis
 Hydrocephaly
 Glossorrhaphy
 Dentoid
 Carcin/oma: tumor of cancer
 Burs/itis: inflammation of a sack
 Hydro/cephal/y: water within the
 Glosso/rrhaphy: suture the tongue
 Dent/oid: like a tooth
 Gastroptosis
 Angiorrhexis
 Retrocardiac
 Mastadenitis
 Pathogen
 Gastr/optosis: falling (or drooping)
 Angi/o/rrhexis: bursting of a vessel
 Retro/cardi/ac: pertaining to a
backward heart or behind the heart
 Mast/aden/itis: inflammation of a
breast gland
 Path/o/gen: production of disease or
disease producing
 Cheilocarcinoma
 Hematemesis
 Anesthesiology
 Leukocytoma
 Angiostenosis
 Cheil/o/carcin/oma: cancerous tumor of
the lip
 Hemat/emesis: vomitting blood
 An/esthes/i/ology: the study of the
absence of sensation
 Leuk/o/cyt/oma: tumor of white
 Angi/o/stenosis: narrowing of blood
 Celiorrhaphy
 Erythrocytopenia
 Myringoplasty
 Bradycardia
 Transdermal
 Celio/rrhaphy: suture the abdomen
 Erythr/o/cyt/o/penia: decrease of red
blood cells
 Myring/o/plasty: surgical repair of the
 Brady/cardia: heart that is slow (rate)
 Trans/dermal: through the skin
 Endodontics
 Semen
 Benign
 Spondylolysis
 Nephrectasis
 Endo/dont/ics: pertaining to within
the tooth
 Semen: seed
 Benign: mild, not cancerous
 Spondy/lolysis: loosening or
destruction of the spinal cord or
 Nephr/ectasis: expansion of the
 Arthrocentesis
 Meningitis
 Osteomyelitis
 Sublingual
 Visceral
 Arthr/o/centesis: refers to a surgical puncture
of a joint
 Mening/itis: inflammation of the membrane
covering the brain and spinal cord
 Ost/eo/myel/itis: inflammation of a bone and its
bone marrow
 Sub/lingu/al: pertains to being located below,
under the tongue
 Viscer/al: pertaining to internal organs,
especially in the abdomen
 Angiostenosis
 Spondylolysis
 Cheil, Celio
 Hyper, Hypo, Hydro
 Ectomy, Otomy, Ostomy
 Angi/o/steno/sis: narrow or contracted
 Spondyl/o/lysis: loosening or destruction
of the spinal column
 Cheil, Celio: lip, abdomen
 Hyper, Hypo, Hydro: above normal,
below normal, water
 Ectomy, Otomy, Ostomy: surgical
removal, cut into (incise), create an
 Sphenocephaly
 Meningeorrhaphy
 Biligenesis
 Otodynia
 Thoracentesis
 Sphen/o/cephal/y: head that is
wedge shaped
 Mening/eo/rrhaphy: suture the
 Bili/gen/esis: bile producing
 Oto/dyn/ia: pain of the ear
 Thora/centesis: puncture the chest
 Vesicotomy
 Cecum
 Hepatopexy
 Antiplastic
 Mycosis
 Vesic/otomy: make an incision to the
 Cec/um: blind passage (section of
the intestines)
 Hepat/o/pexy: suspension of the
 Anti/plast/ic: against surgical repair
 Myc/osis: condition of fungus
 Thoracoscopy
 Onychorrhexis
 Lactocele
 Visceralgia
 Subglossitis
 Thorac/o/scop/y: observe the
 Onych/o/rrhexis: breaking of the
 Lact/o/cele: hernia of milk
 Viscer/algia: pain of an organ
 Sub/gloss/itis: inflammation
under the tongue
 Pylorostenosis
 Onychomalacia
 Visceroptosis
 Subcostal
 Oralogy
 Pyloro/sten/osis: condition of a
narrow or contracted gate
 Onych/o/malacia: softening of the
 Viscer/o/ptosis: falling or drooping
 Sub/cost/al: pertaining to under the
 Or/alogy: the study of the mouth
 Acoustic
 Auriculocranial
 Suprabuccal
 Dendroid
 Encephalitis
 Acoust/ic: pertaining to hearing
 Aur/i/cul/o/cranial: pertains to the ear and
the skull (cranium)
 Supra/bucc/al: above, over the cheek
 Dendr/oid: like a branch
 En/cephal/itis: inflammation within the
 Hist/o/cyt/e: tissue cell
 Leio/my/oma: tumor comprised of smooth
muscle fibers
 Orchid/o/pexy: suspension of a displaced
 Phleb/o/stenosis: narrowing, constricting
of a vein(s)
 Phon/o/cardi/o/gram: recording of heart
 Mast/o/plasia: development of breast
 Sub/plex/al: below the plexus (which is a
braid of vessels, nerves or veins)
 Supra/ren/al: refers to being situated
above the kidney(s)
 Salping/ostomy: surgical procedure of
making an opening into a tube (fallopian)
 Hepat/o/megal/y: enlargement of the liver
 Cholecystectomy
 Hematoma
 Hypertrophy
 Thoracentesis
 Antimycotic
 Chole/cyst/ectomy: surgical removal of the
gallbladder (sac containing fluid of bile)
 Hemat/oma: tumor of blood (bruise)
 Hyper/trophy: above normal development
 Thora/centesis: puncture the chest
 Anti/myco/tic: against fungus (antifungal )
 Heliosensitivity
 Astrocyte
 Fasciitis
 Isocellular
 Septum
 Helio/sensitivity: sensitivity to sunlight
 Astr/o/cyt/e: a star-shaped cell (cells in the
nervous system)
 Fasci/itis: inflammation of the fascia (plantar
 Iso/cellular: composed of cells that are alike
 Sept/um: a general anatomical term
designating a dividing wall (nasal semptum)
 Metatarsal
 Topical
 Podiatrist
 Malignant
 Antrostomy
 Meta/tars/al: pertaining to beyond the
ankle (bones between ankle and toes)
 Topical: pertaining to a specific place
(topical ointment)
 Pod/iatr/ist: doctor who specializes in the
treatment of the foot
 Malign/ant: pertaining to being bad or
harmful (the opposite of benign)
 Antr/ostomy: the operation of making an
opening into a cavity (for the purpose of
 Oculopathy
 Laparotomy
 Dacryoadenitis
 Dementia
 Postpartum
 Ocul/o/path/y: any disease or disorder
of the eye
 Lapar/otomy: surgical incision to the
abdominal wall
 Dacry/o/aden/itis: inflammation of the
tear gland (lacrimal gland)
 De/ment/ia: pertaining to mental
 Post/part/um: occurring after labor
 Scleraderma
 Somatomegaly
 Trachelomyitis
 Sinusotomy
 Hypnotic
 Sclera/derma: hardening of the skin
 Somato/megal/y: enlargement of the
body (gigantism)
 Trachel/o/my/itis: inflammation of the
muscles of the neck
 Sinus/otomy: cut into a cavity (surgical
incision of a sinus)
 Hypno/tic: pertaining to sleep
 Endocrine
 Gastrasthenia
 Fasciorrhaphy
 Tarsoptosis
 Pododynia
End/o/crine: to secrete within
Gastr/asthenia: weakness of the stomach
Fasci/o/rrhaphy: suture sheet or band
Tarso/ptosis: falling or drooping of the
 Pod/o/dynia: pain of the foot
 Dacryolithiasis
 Somatopsychic
 Hypnogenic
 Scirrhoblepharoncus
 Sinusitis
 Dacry/o/lith/iasis: condition of stone in the
 Somato/psych/ic: pertaining to the mind
and body
 Hypno/gen/ic: sleep producing
 Scirrh/o/blephar/onc/us: hardened tumor
of the eyelid
 Sinus/it is: inflammation of a hollow
 Endocrinologist
 Acrocyanosis
 Bursitis
 Pathogen
 Mastectomy
 Endo/crin/ologist: specialist of the
endocrine system
 Acr/o/cyan/osis: blueness of
 Burs/itis: inflammation of a sac (bursa
 Path/o/gen: producer of disease
 Mast/ectomy: surgical removal of the
 Pneumonia
 Phagocyte
 Bradyphrenia
 Leukoplakia
 Parietal
 Pneum/on/ia: inflammation of the lungs
 Phag/o/cyt/e: cell that “eats”/absorbs other
cells or foreign bodies
 Brady/phren/ia: slowness of mental activity
 Leuk/o/plak/ia: a disease marked by white,
thickened patches on the mucous
membranes of the cheek, gum, tongue
 Pariet/al: two bones that make up the side
walls of the cranium
 Pulmonologist
 Hemoptysis
 Gravid
 Aeropathy
 Hyperglycemia
 Pulmon/ologist: specialist of the lungs
 Hem/o/pty/sis: the spitting of blood, or
blood tinged saliva
 Gravid: pregnant
 Aer/o/path/y: disease of air (“bends”)
 Hyper/glyc/em/ia: abnormally increased
content of sugar in the blood
 Oophorectomy
 Omentum
 Sedative
 Bifurcate
 Radical
 Oophor/ectomy: surgical removal of the
 Oment/um: name of the membrane that
covers the abdominal organs
 Sedat/ive: a drug that calms or relaxes
 Bi/furc/ate: divided into two like a fork
 Radic/al: going to the root or source
 Radiology
 Fistuloenterostomy
 Dactyledema
 Metabolism
 Gastralgia
 Radi/ology: the study of x-rays
 Fistul/o/enter/ostomy: create a pipe-like
opening in the intestines
 Dactyl/edema: swelling of the fingers or toes
 Metabol/ism: the changes that occur to
transform calories into energy
 Gastr/algia: pain of the stomach
 Tarsitis
 Cheirarthritis
 Calcaneus
 Cineangiography
 Digital
 Tars/itis: inflammation of the edge of the
 Cheir/arthr/itis: inflammation of the joints of
the hand
 Calcane/us: heel bone
 Cine/angi/o/graph/y: the recording of
images of the blood vessels through motion
picture techniques
 Digit/al: pertaining to the digits (fingers or
 Dorsolateral
 Gangliocytoma
 Gemini
 Digitigrade
 Granuloma
 Dors/o/later/al: pertaining to the back and
 Gangli/o/cyt/oma: a tumor containing
ganglion cells (swelling or knotlike mass)
 Gemin/i: twins
 Digit/i/grade: characterized by walking on
the toes
 Gran/ul/oma: a tumor composed of grainy
 Labiodental
 Microcephaly
 Dyspepsia
 Pleurisy
 Mammogram
 Labi/o/dent/al: pertaining to the lips and
 Micr/o/cephal/y: small head
 Dys/peps/ia: bad digestion; indigestion
 Pleur/isy: inflammation of the pleura (name
of the membrane that covers the lungs and
lines the thoracic cavity)
 Mamm/o/gram: record of the breast
 Collagen
 Lateral
 Rachicentesis
 Phobophobia
 Photo-ophthalmia
 Colla/gen: the gelatinlike or sticky substance
of skin, bone, cartilage, and connective
 Later/al: pertaining to a side, a position
farther from midline
 Rachi/centesis: puncture into the spine
 Phob/o/phob/ia: a condition marked by fear
of one’s own fear
 Phot/o/-ophthalm/ia: blindness or severe
inflammation of the eye caused by intense
 Dystrophy
 Cuticle
 Encephalopathy
 Periosteum
 Prolabium
Dys/trophy: “bad” or difficult development
Cut/icle: “a little skin”
En/cephal/o/path/y: disease within the head
Peri/oste/um: a specialized connective tissue
covering all bones of the body
 Pro/labi/um: the prominent central part of
the upper lip
 Mechanotherapy
 Myodynamic
 Osmophobia
 Traumatogenic
 Leukotrichia
 Mechano/therap/y: the use of machines in
the treatment of disease; especially as an aid
in performing therapeutic exercises
 My/o/dynam/ic: relating to muscle force
 Osmo/phob/ia: irrational fear of odors
 Traumat/o/genic: produced or caused due to
a wound or injury
 Leuk/o/trich/ia: whiteness of the hair
 Maxillectomy
 Anemia
 Phakitis
 Prenatal
 Stricture
 Maxill/ectomy: surgical removal of the
maxilla (name of the upper jawbone)
 An/em/ia: “lack of blood”, lack of red cells in
the blood
 Phak/itis: inflammation of the lens of the eye
 Pre/nat/al: existing or occurring before birth
 Strict/ure: the abnormal narrowing of a
canal, duct, or passage
 Turbinal
 Ameba
 Semimalignant
 Neonatal
 Hypohormonal
 Turbin/al: shaped like a top; one of the
turbinates: bony projection in the nasal
 Ameb/a: one-celled animal that moves by
constantly changing its shape
 Semi/malign/ant: partially malignant (bad,
 Neo/natal: “new born” pertaining to the first
four weeks after birth
 Hypo/hormon/al: pertaining to hormone
 Hyperthermia
 Syndactyly
 Convulsion
 Postnasal
 Hematometra
 Hyper/therm/ia: an abnormally high body
temperature; fever
 Syn/dactyl/y: “finger togetherness” congenital
defect where adjacent fingers are attached to
each other by a membranous web
 Con/vuls/ion: “a pulling together”
 Post/nasal: after (behind) the nasal cavity –
postnasal drip
 Hemat/o/metr/a: an accumulation of blood in
the uterus
 Integumentary
 Pantalgia
 Polyadenitis
 Psychoneurosis
 Nephromegaly
 In/tegument/ary: pertaining to or composed
of skin
 Pant/algia: pain over the whole body
 Poly/aden/itis: inflammation of several or
many glands
 Psych/o/neur/osis: psychic or mental
 Nephr/o/megal/y: enlargement of a kidney
 Thrombosis
 Abnormal
 Hemiplegia
 Anterior
 Thelitis
 Thromb/osis: the formation of a blood clot in
a blood vessel or organ
 Ab/normal: away from normal
 Hemi/plegia: paralysis of one side of the
 Anter/ior: situated more toward the forward
part of an organ, body
 Thel/itis: inflammation of the nipple
 Exogenic
 Lienorenal
 Tumor
 Buccal vestibule
 Puerile
 Ex/o/gen/ic: “produced outside” –
developed or originating outside of the body
 Lien/o/ren/al: pertaining to the kidney and
 Tumor: swelling or mass
 Buccal vestibul: entrance to the cheek ( the
portion of the mouth that lies between the
inside of the cheeks and the outside of the
teeth and gums
 Puer/ile: pertaining to childhood
 Sarcoma
 Prolific
 Macrophthalmia
 Lalophobia
 Intraspinal
 Sarc/oma: tumor of fleshy substance
 Proli/fic: bringing about offspring; fruitful
 Macr/ophthalm/ia: large eyes; abnormal
enlargement of the eyeballs
 Lal/o/phob/ia: fear of speaking (stage fright
– often associated with stuttering)
 Intra/spin/al: occurring within the spinal
 Interosseous
 Infracostal
 Cryosurgery
 Malpractice
 Glomerulus
 Inter/oss/eous: between bones
 Infra/cost/al: beneath the ribs or a rib
 Cryo/surgery: the destruction of tissue by
extreme cold (treating tumors of the skin)
 Mal/practice: bad practice
 Glom/er/ul/us: coils of blood vessels within
the kidney
 Tensor
 Myospasia
 Hypersomnia
 Pharmacopsychosis
 Lumbar
 Tens/or: any muscle that stretches some
part of the body
 My/o/spas/ia: pull or draw a muscle
 Hyper/somn/ia: excessive sleep
 Pharmac/o/psych/osis: any condition of
mind drugs; group of mental diseases caused
due to alcohol, drugs or poison
 Lumb/ar: pertaining to the loins
 Arteriosclerosis
 Appendectomy
 Hypothyroidism
 Splenohepatomegaly
 Ovariorrhexis
 Arteri/o/scler/osis: condition of
hardening of the arteries
 Append/ectomy: surgical removal of
the appendix
 Hypo/thyroid/ism: pertaining to the
decrease in function of the thyroid
 Splen/o/hepat/o/megal/y: enlargement
of the liver and spleen
 Ovari/o/rrhexis: rupture of an ovary
 Adrenogenous
 Pelvospondylitis
 Venaecerebri
 Urethrostenosis
 Adren/o/gen/ous: produced in the
adrenal glands
 Pelv/o/spondyl/it is: inflammation
of the pelvic portion of the spine
 Vena/e/cerebr/i: veins that drain
blood from the brain
 Urethr/o/stenosis: narrowing of the
 Uteropexy
 Sacroplex
 Pharyngomycosis
 Duodenal
 Ureterolithotomy
 Uter/o/pexy: the fixation of a displaced
 Sacr/o/plex: the plexus (network of nerves)
stemming from the sacrum
 Pharyng/o/myc/osis: any fungus disease of
the pharynx
 Duoden/al: pertaining to or situated in the
 Ureter/o/lith/otomy: the removal of a
calculus (stone) from the ureter by incision
 Otorhinolaryngology
 Bronchitis
 Colitis
 Esophagocele
 Bipedal
 Ot/o/rhin/o/laryng/ologist: specialist of
the ear, nose, and throat (ENT)
 Bronchitis: inflammation of the
 Colitis: inflammation of the colon
 Esophag/o/cele: hernia of the
 Bi/ped/al: pertaining to both feet
 Triorchidism
 Ileostomy
 Iliac
 Ligature
 Therapeutics
 Tri/orchid/ism: the condition of having
three testicles
 Ile/ostomy: surgical opening between
the ileum and outside of the body
 Ili/ac: pertaining to the ilium
 Lig/at/ure: a thread or wire for surgical
 Therap/eutics: the science and art of
 Ventral
 Vertebrae
 Eupnea
 Ambidextrous
 Amphicrania
 Ventr/al: the front of the body
 Vert/ebra: single bones of the spinal
column that permit us to turn or twist
our bodies
 Eu/pne/a: good (normal) breathing
 Ambi/dextrous: equal ease in using
both hands
 Amphi/cran/ia: both sides of the head
 Brachycheilia
 Decapitate
 Cauterize
 Osteoclast
 Duct
 Brachy/cheil/ia: shortness of the lip
 De/capit/ate: “head from” the act of
 Cauter/ize: the application of a burning
substance to kill tissue
 Oste/o/clast: the destruction and absorption
of bone (the cell that eats old bone)
 Duct: tube
 Fission
 Gerontology
 Heterosexual
 Homosexual
 Inferior
 Fiss/ion: a splitting apart
 Geront/ology: the study of the process of
 Heter/o/sexual: sexual interest in the other
(opposite) sex
 Hom/o/sexual: sexual interest in the same
 Infer/ior: situated below or located
 Olfactophobia
 Orthodontics
 Gynecologist
 Pachydermia
 Diaphragm
 Olfact/o/phob/ia: fear of odors
 Orth/odont/ics: straighten teeth
 Gynec/ologist: specialist in the study of the
 Pachy/derm/ia: abnormal thickness of the
 Dia/phrag/m: “fence across” – the muscle
that divides the thoracic and abdominal
 Posterior
 Catalyst
 Platypodia
 Pseudopregnancy
 Schizophrenia
 Poster/ior: at or toward the back part (rear)
 Cata/lys/t: a “loosening down” – a substance
which speeds up or slows down the rate of a
chemical reaction
 Platy/pod/ia: flatfooted
 Pseud/o/pregnancy: false pregnancy
 Schiz/o/phren/ia: split mind (mental disorder
characterized by a split between the thought
process and the emotions
 Proximal
 Scoliosis
 Diarrhea
 Eurycephalous
 Pectoralgia
 Proxim/al: nearest; closer to any point
of reference
 Scoli/osis: a condition of curvature of
the spine
 Dia/rrhe/a: a “flowing through”
 Eury/cephal/ous: having a wide head
 Pector/algia: pain in the chest
 Necrosis
 Osteomiosis
 Amorphous
 Dislocation
 Leptodactyl
 Necr/osis: condition of dead (tissue)
 Oste/o/mi/osis: condition of “bone
lessening” (disintegration of bone)
 A/morph/ous: without shape
 Dis/location: apart from its location
 Lept/o/dactyl: (abnormal) slenderness
of fingers and toes
 Lymphatic
 Hemorrhage
 Atony
 Splanchnectopia
 Medial
 Lymph/atic: system of watery fluid in the
body dealing with the immune system
 Hem/o/rrhag/e: a bursting forth of blood
 A/ton/y: without (muscle) tone (stretching)
 Splanchn/ec/top/ia: out of place internal
 Med/ial: pertaining to the middle
 Xerocheilia
 Blastoma
 Xer/o/cheil/ia: pertaining to dry lips
 Blast/oma: “tumor of bud” A tumor formed
from tissues the same as those in the
location in which it arises; in contrast to a
metastatic tumor.