


This Chapter introduce the Case Docket Information system with

Communication Management a legal term that usually refers to functions like docket control, deadlines, things to do, contact information by case, case notes, document assembly, document tracking by case, integrated billing, and email. It is always means more than just tracking appointments and schedules. Docket is a legal-specific term that refers to entering, organizing, and controlling the appointments and deadlines for legal organizations. Communication Management can see all old memos without using logbooks or manual process and can send memorandums through email.

1.1 Problem/Opportunity Description

Case Docket Information system with Communication Management is compilation of all the data, meetings, deadlines and so on. Here are some of the problems with the CDISCM to be resolved:

Unorganized case files

Slow Process

Loss of Records

 Can’t Track Records

 Can’t Save Records

Arduous Operation

1.2 Benefits

A well-designed CDISCM can provide a much shorter learning curve for users to master their assigned tasks. An intuitive interface helps users learn and remember the steps needed to complete a particular docketing process.

It is more efficient to find some records. It should provide comprehensive case processing functions, from case initiation through disposition and archiving. It also allows for extensive searching and real-time interactive reporting, such as more efficient data entry, more effective data retrieval, better tools and enhanced bar and public access.

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1.3 Goals

To make a system that can find data efficiently.

To provide referral process, case management, and follow up.

To promote an efficient use of client resources.

To make a problem-solving approach that focuses on the identified needs of the Client.

1.4 Stakeholders and Client

First, the Project team that can cooperate to find some details to enhance the Case Docket department of the company by undertaking a project study and produce an up-to-date information system that will surely help the Case

Docket department and able to answers the company problems. Second the

School and all the professors that give the proponents the information about the CSISCM. Third, the company that gave the proponent’s opportunity to make a system and who will benefits the most when the results of the project study will be implemented.

2.0 Project Scope

Case Docket Information System with Communication Management it include all the information of the applicant in a different cases, docket control, deadlines, things to do, contact information by case, case notes, document assembly, document tracking by case, integrated billing, and email.

2.1 Objective (Work Breakdown Structure)

1. Planning a. Meetings b. Familiarize the process c. Estimate project cost

2. System Development a. Requirements Specification

-Conduct data

-Collect information

-Conduct interview

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-Abridge the process

-Analyze the problem of company

-Analyze the process c. System Design

-Designing system interface

-Adorn system process d. System development

-Accustom the developer

-Acquire the systems feature/operation

-Preparation of database and programming language


-Polished the system

3. Integration/Testing a. Checking for operational function b. Reviewing the codes for error c. Double check the coding

4. Implementation a. System installation b. Complete functioning of information system c. System Deployment

2.2 Deliverables

Planning Phase

In this phase, the project team will focused in planning and scheduling the task and activities, come into workable schedules, and choose the resources to do the activities during the planning method.

System Development

In this phase, the first step is to fulfill all the requirements, information to develop the system, second is analyze the problem of the company and its process, and then design the system interface and process.

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System Design

This phase is the design functions, features and operations, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams and other documentation.

System Analysis

In this phase is analyzing the process and features of the system, analyze the design, the interface of the system.

Testing and Integration

In the testing and integration, the whole system is test one by one. The modules of the executable code are tested individually. The developed modules are integrated with external modules, systems, and components.


In this phase the system should be done and punished, Includes implementation preparations, implementation of the system into a production environment and resolution of the problems identified in the integration and test phases.

2.3 Out of Scope

Billing Process

Human resources

Contract management

Salary/Payroll process of the employees

3.0 Project Plan

3.1 Approach and Methodology

The first thing we do to develop a system is we plan all the activities for developing the system before we make a steps and procedure then we prepare everything that we need like we gather information, we conduct interview and survey. We also download a tutorial so that our developer accustoms the procedures of making system, before we develop a system, we need a plenty of money for the meetings, for the load of broadband, for the foods and so on. We analyze the process of the system. It needs to be a

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SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM user friendly and adaptable so that anyone of the authorized person can operate the system.

3.2 Project Timeline

ID Task Name Start Finish Duration

1 Conducting Preliminary Meeting

2 Gathering information

3 Finalize the system features

4 Designing the system

5 System coding

6 Testing

3.3 Success Criteria

1 st Criteria-Efficient

2 nd Criteria-Abridge process

3 rd Criteria-Acquire the needs

4 th Criteria-Easy to use

5 th Criteria-Attractive system design

6 th Criteria-Adaptability

3.4 Issues and Policy

Confusion for what are the scope of sub-system

Issue about Interviewing and Survey

Problem for scheduling meeting

Financial Issue

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3.5 Risk Management Plan

Risk Factor

Money Problem

Strategic Risk

Probability (H-M-L) Impact (H-M-L) Risk Management Plan





Save and Store Money

Manage Activity

3.6 Service Transition

When the client accede the system the first thing that client can do is to take off the manual process and client will choose to the employees, who will familiarize and who will take charge for the system.

3.7 Option Analysis

When the client disapprove the system, maybe the developer can fix the

Client needs, but when the client still dislike the system, the project team can find another company whose interest to the fine system.

4.0 Technical Features

CDISCM- Case Docket Information System with Communication Management is a function in docket control, deadlines, things to do, contact information by case, case notes, document assembly, document tracking by case, integrated billing, and email.

It is always means more than just tracking appointments and schedules.

Communication Management can see all old memos without using logbooks or manual process and can send memorandums through email.

Abridge- to shorten

Accede- express approval

Adorn-to decorate; to design better

Accustom- to familiarize

Arduous-hard to do, requiring much effort

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5.0 Project Organization






Patrick Louie M. Rodil









Jeffery C. Balidio

Angelyn H. Chavez

Jerry L. Alegre

Rico C. Agravante

Manage the team.

Report and receive direction from client.

Prioritize the team project.

Manage the work plans.

System development

Responsible for coding and design of the system.

Investigate the system.

Analyze and manage the system process

Analyze system features.


Documenting the system study

Research about the system process.


Analyze business transaction, flow, procedure and methods.

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6.0 Project Budget

Budget Item

7.0 Appendix A

Description Budget Cost

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