File - Queen of the South

Cultural Evolution
Cultural Evolution
Chapter Three
Cultural Evolution
The First Encounter
The author’s first acquaintance with the word Aseity
began in 1956 after spending four years in Italy at the
Salesian Pontifical Athenaeum then located in Don Bosco’s
hometown of Turin. After Ordination, having obtained his
Licentiate of Sacred Theology, he was anxious to return to
Australia as soon as possible.
It was during a business and research visit to the
Catholic Education Library in Melbourne that he chanced on
a Set of The Catholic Encyclopaedia. The Article on ASEITY
caught his attention and prompted his curiosity. He obtained
a photocopy of it which he took back home to study. The
concept of a being that had life from itself became a
lifelong mental spur for a new intellectual adventure in the
realm of mathematical logic. The patriarchal mindset was
either grossly in error or completely ignorant of real life
propagative processes. It was time to give heed to the voice
of ASEITY in a new consistent scientific hypothesis.
For the ever-questioning author, what he had been
taught in the Seminary did not form the basis of any
plausible and consistent future mindset nor did it initiate any
new topic of research for modern scientific minds. Indeed,
he was disappointed to realize that he had been made to
wait so long to find himself put on the elliptical tracks of
reality by the Set Theory of the New Mathematics. The irony
of the situation was that aseity, once considered the most
basic foundation concept in all systematic learning, uniting
in one word both the essence and the existence of all Selflife
in the Cosmos, was now being ignored by the masters in
Christendom. In all his Seminary days, the word aseity had
never been mentioned. It would seem that Scholastic
Philosophy was impotent in this respect and heading
towards a dead end.
Modern scientific knowledge of the pre-eminent role of
the female placental mammal and her maternal role in
biological and cultural evolution is poised to expose the
ignorance and sterility of the Mediaeval Mindset of a senile
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Scholasticism, now on the verge of a profound paradigm
shift. Mathematical Logic and Language Analysis offer new
paths for a resuscitated Aseity to show and lead the way.
Excusing and lying are commonplace in all cultures.
Today’s media, the press and television, excel in presenting
contrived fictions as facts. Educational organizations impress
on their teachers and students the need to tell the truth, but
they do not define what truth is nor where it is to be found
and how it is to be assessed.
At the same time, those in authority in many institutions
are often guilty of deliberate distortion of events to suit their
personal advantage. The cult of dissimulation has been
elevated to an art form by churchmen, business executives,
politicians and military leaders. Governments set up
Departments for propaganda and disinformation to keep the
general public either in ignorance or misinformed about
events going on in their own country and elsewhere.
During the second half of last century, the male
intellectual tyranny that for so long governed decisions in
matters of human behaviour, politics and religion has been
openly challenged and its deceit and cover-ups exposed. Its
myths are now outknown and its creeds and cults outgrown.
Newly discovered fragments and literary works like the
Dead Sea scrolls and other writings as in the Nag Hammadi
Library that survived the deliberate destruction by intolerant
early Christian Church leaders now threaten the long
esteemed scholarly integrity of many of these venerable
elderly Church Fathers themselves. Critics of the latter had
grounds for dispute with those elders who extolled celibacy
and at the same time failed to practise what they preached.
We are becoming aware of schools of thought and the
existence of writings that seem to contradict the ones from
which the Scriptural Canon was finally decided.
In the past, Church govenance by a Patriarchal Hierarchy
has not been as honest as we have been led to believe.
Deliberate lies and deception, persecution and attempted
total destruction of other literary sources was the means to
maintain a singular outlook of male uniform intellectual
dominance. The self-styled chosen body of worshippers of a
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single-minded deity YAHWEH, {I, ME, MINE}, could not be
expected to be tolerant of any plurality or femininity in their
mindsets. For them, Monotheism was divinely ordained as a
legislated absolute truth. In their continued quasi-matricidal
disparagment of women, the latter were deemed to have an
inferior, if not debilitating, role in human society. The
maligning of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute was an act of
ecclesiastical jealousy, a deliberate lie to diminish her
superior role to that of the apostles in the early Church.
Written evidence is now forthcoming which suggests that
she and Jesus lived as husband and wife.
The spade must be listed amongst the very earliest
inventions of human beings. Its simple function in agriculture furnished the technology for the growing of foodstuffs.
Today its role is far more sophisticated. It is digging up the
past, providing the food for thought of a completely new
understanding and better appreciation of what used be
called Prehistory.
We are becoming increasingly aware of previously
unheard-of, yet advanced, civilizations of long ago whose
cultural achievements truly astound us. There is abundant
evidence of a wealth of past knowledge which gives the lie to
any hypothetical cultural precedence and superiority on the
part of the so-called primitive male man. There has been an
evolutionary growth in all animal cerebral activity and this
has been effected by the selecting agency of the
programmed female genes of placental mammals.
The self-other reflexive awareness of the pregnant female
animal is unique. It is especially relevant to the civilizing of
the human species. Domestic relations and frugal household
management were women’s business. Hunting and war were
not conducive to psychical development. At the most they
were responsible for the invention of weapons of killing and
destruction. It was only the pregnant mother who would
have responded to Nature’s call to become interiorly familiar
with the new life within herself.
Human person self-other consciousness became gradually
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perfected through the habit of implosive recollection. “I amThou art” was at first implicit, then explicit in pregnant
woman’s vocabulary. Domesticity was the fertile ambience
for the development of language and literature, art and
crafts, of dance and ritual worship.
It is important to be mindful that it was the feminine
principle in the supreme Deity that was so widely venerated
in long ages past. Goddess worship can be traced back at
least to the Neolithic Era some 10,000 years ago. It could
well have extended back to the Stone Age of 25 to 30
thousand years past. Notions of female self-fertilization,
parthenogenesis, would seem to indicate that Goddess cults
preceded similar male expressions of the beginnings of life.
Archaeology is requiring historians to reassess the social
structures of the dim past and to acknowledge that male
bias has given us the wrong picture of how civilizations
evolved. Modern scholarship has determined that the early
civilizations of the Near East belonged to the Indo-European
or pre-Indo-European families like the Sumerian and many
others. Ancient Semitic peoples were confined to the
Arabian Peninsula from whence later Hebrew tribes
emerged. The latters’ semi-barbaric nomadic tribal culture
wreaked havoc on the great matriarchal city states of Sumer
and the settled woman-oriented agricultural societies which
were integrated with them.
The Cain and Able myth is better understood as a
deliberately contrived legendary religious distortion which
favoured the belligerent blood-shedding herdsmen (Abel) in
their waging war on the peaceful agrarian society (Cain).
Men’s blood-shedding sacrifices of animals were more
pleasing to their deity than any agricultural woman-linked
fertility rites of worship and supplication.
The mindset of the tribal Hebrews adsorbed superficially
new cultural elements from their stay in the highly civilized
Egypt and from their associating with intelligent artisans and
skilled craftsmen among Canaanite neighbours. The Babylonian captivity furnished them with the great literary sources
of Sumerian history and legend. It was during this period
that the so-called Old Testament was probably conceived
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and partly written. The similarities between the first few
Chapters of Genesis and the Creation legend of Tiamat in
the Enuma Elish suggest the plagiarism of the Jewish priests
and scribes. Likewise the Law of Moses owes much to the
Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylonia about 2000 BCE.
The major patriarchal belligerent expressions of male
monotheistic thought, Judaism, Christianity and Islamism
are relatively modern. They all link themselves with an
accepted first patriarch, Abraham, who is generally dated
now by current biblical scholarship as living probably
sometime between 1000 to 2000 BCE. He seems to have
been inspired by his male deity to break with the local
custom of ritual sacrifice of first-born males.
Matriarchal Cultures
In the matriarchal cultures of long ago, the mystery of
new life, birth and growth focused attention on maternal
aspects of the many titled Great Mother-Goddess. Her very
first representations would seem to have been artistically
exaggerated figurines or “Venus figures” dating back to
Cromagnon Time between 35,000 and 10,000 B.C.
In prepatriarchal myths, a goddess was understood to
reproduce parthenogenetically, i.e. by the act-art of selffertilization. This perception of the source of life remained
long after paternity was divined by men. It persisted on in
both folk and ecclesiastical culture well into the Christian Era
where overtones of it were adopted or adapted by writers
and teachers to complete the gaps in popular religious
traditions and to make more acceptable their newly
developed formal theological systems. Both daughters and
sons were the fruit of her womb. Divine sons were
meaningful but subordinate and dispensable consorts in
cycles of death and rebirth.
Patrilinearity was an essential feature of patriarchal
culture. In tribal societies, the chief’s firstborn son was the
logical successor inheriting both power and possessions.
Brother often conspired against brother and murder or
banishment was frequently a real outcome. In ordinary
family situations, similar ideas of a mythical Cain-Abel
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conflict still prevail and fratricide is not infrequent.
There were aberrations in the way various priesthoods
interpreted their relations with their tribal deities who were
often made out to demand in sacrifice the first fruits of
harvests and herds. These offerings served legitimately to
feed the priests and their families.
The ritual human sacrifice of firstborn males was a
feature of much patrilineal religion. Although Abraham was
ultimately exempted from such demanded slaying of his son
Isaac, the modern mind finds it hard to accept, indeed
rejects a tribal male deity who puts its believers to such
bizarre tests.
In contrast, for thousands and thousands of years prior to
this in the Near, Middle and Far East, there flourished
amicable matriarchal societies in which was worshipped The
One Great Mother-Goddess, The Divine Ancestress, The
Queen of Heaven, Mistress of the Universe. The Great
Goddess was known under a variety of names, but they all
were facets of the one Divine Maternity.
In seeming rhythm with the lunar cycle, woman's body
bled. This would stop mysteriously for long periods pending
the miracle of birth when from her body issued both men
and women and also nourishing milk.
Female menstruation was not a mystery to women. Their
intuition accepted it as normal. It happened to all women. It
was not understood by the male mind which had its own
ideas about the significance of the shedding of blood. For
them, menstruation made a woman unclean. It was a
mystery they did not comprehend. The associated taboos
and her necessary ritual purifications insinuate that deep
down in their psyche men had vague fears of some magic
and mysterious functioning in women which they did not
possess and over which they had no control. Perhaps, they
thought, that one day men might be shown to be inferior
beings. Meantime, at least they were generally physically
stronger and could enforce their brute will on women as
they wished.
Throughout many millennia, gender distinction and sexual
intercourse in fertility rites were associated with procreation
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in spite of the long period of gestation. Only much later did
servant man superficially reason a seeming integral male
role in sexual copulation. The erect phallus and its
ejaculation of semen had to have some meaningful function
or purpose. They could logically be given a causal role in
animal propagation. Male mind then reversed woman's
superior position and man made himself the lord and master
of she who formerly was his lady and mistress.
Herdsmen’s necessary acquaintance with the mystery of
sexuality was limited to animal husbandry in the breeding of
their flocks and horses. Cultivators of the soil and the
growers of plants and trees must certainly have been aware
of some sort of sexual distinction and union in the observed
structure of flowers and the elaborate procedures for the
male pollination of female ovules and their subsequent seed
In human history, the most primitive and the most
meaningful and enduring biunity or togetherness of persons
is the mother pregnant with her offspring, not the husband
and wife, nor the father and son. The most comprehensive
revelation of the infinite fecundity and being of the divine
Selflife is Woman, the functioning self-with-other pregnant
female placental mammal. Begetting offspring was the most
profound expression of her spaced time human otherself's
filial becoming. When she had a gentle man as her male
companion, the latter’s natural physical strength ensured
her protection and the provision of the necessities of bodily
sustenance and care.
A Motherless Deity
At first, the stories in the much later written Scrolls of
Genesis were part of various oral traditions. Their written
form begins : In the beginning God created the heavens and
the earth. To the minds of tribal story tellers and their
listeners, and subsequently to writers and readers he was
male. This hypothetical being was given different names.
They were all male, all named in the image and likeness of
the male scribes and priests who worshipped him with
sacrificial offerings and wrote about him in their sacred
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One name that stands out above all others is that of the
Hebrew tribal deity, Yahweh, generally translated as “I am
who I am”. It was unquestioningly interpreted in the Hebrew
patriarchal mindset as a male god.
But was it really so? Might it not just have been an
experimental trial and error link in cultural evolution’s
permitted wishful and aberrant thinking?
Yahweh can also mean “I am whom I will my otherself
become.” The key words in this Trial and Error sequence of
events are the “WHAT IF…” of stage perfomances. Were the
Hebrew tribesmen deceived on purpose? Were they chosen
ones to put on show lessons of Good and Evil in the staged
Drama of cultural evolution? What if proud arrogant men
took control of human affairs? What if they demanded that
all human beings worship and show obeisance to a deity
who was Father God of lies? What if the pregnant Motherself
of the Cosmos seemed to let humans think that She did not
exist in the Global Theatre?
It is essential for understanding the evolution and history
of modern cultural monotheism, to be mindful that in the
Hebrew language, there was, and still is, no word for divine
mother or goddess. No name meant no existence.
Theologically speaking, in the patriarchal mindset, Judaism
and its offspring were, and still are, motherless children.
Greek Socratic male-only self-sufficiency paralleled a similar
Palestinian mindset. All female divinities were officially
anathema to it and to its later derivatives, Christianity and
Islamism. Common folk were continually and vehemently
reprimanded for whoring after the “unspeakable” goddess
abominations of their godless neighbours. Judaism insisted
that only its own male Lord God Almighty should be
worshipped. Pauline Christianity did, and still does, the
The patriarchal mindset was closed. There was nothing
feminine in the Hebrew Pantheon. There was no word for
such. Now, after a few thousand years, we are confronted
with the reality that the most meaningful understanding of
selflife evolution is revealed in the self-other (egg-sperm)
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functioning of the human female placental mammal.
Pauline Christianity evolved from its parent motherless
Jewish Monotheism. Its mindset could not conceive nor
would it ever have tolerated any inclusion of woman in an
all-male same-sex godhead. For the patriarchal authorities
in Judaism and its Christian and Islamic offshoots, their
deity could in no way be construed as heterosexual. In the
unity of the respiring breath of the Holy Ghost, Father and
Son were literally and psychically homosexual, from the
Greek word homos meaning same. Today, patriarchal
ecclesiastical authorities still guard their male homosexual
hegemony jealously. Neophytes are baptized in the name of
a same-sex all male triunity.
The scribes of Genesis elaborated a god-hypothesis. They
had to rely solely on their own mindset knowledge derived
from their individual observations and the gleanings they
obtained from contact with other peoples. Hypothetically, IF
their creator had indeed been some kind of male father
deity, then we, with our present knowledge of history and
science, must conclude that he turned himself into or
tolerated at times an otherself, a deceitful Father God of
lies, John 8/44.
Cultural Evolution bears witness to both the proposing
and the disposing of hypotheses. Already existing Egyptian
and Sumerian creation myths had suggested a heterosexual
origin and content. On the part of Aseity’s spaced time
otherself it was a simplified but deliberately distorted
version to limit creation just to the activity of a motherless
single almighty masculine Father in Heaven.
The patriarchal mindset which has demanded reverential
worship and obedience to its all-male deity and its priests
for the past three thousand or more years is experiencing a
profound paradigm shift.
The concept of male Monotheism, a divine Paternity, a
God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, was
conceived by men as an ineffable male transcendence in
their own image and likeness. As such, it eulogized their
own presumptuous superiority and dominance over all
creation, including women. It has inevitably outlived its
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evolutionary cultural distinctioning purpose.
Christianity is at a crossroads in cultural evolution. The
sources of its revelation, the Bible and Tradition, were
considered and decreed to be inerrant. Both are now
questioned regarding their empirical verifiability. Believers
are being forced to choose between either a retrogressive
childish fundamentalist worship of the Bible and Tradition, or
by cutting their umbilical link with the past, be reborn into
the becomingness of adult age in an intellectual Scientific
Hypothetical creator-gods were made in the image and
likeness of the men themselves who created them. Hebrew
monotheism initiated the beginning of an arrogant despotic
patriarchal phase in cultural human evolution. The common
folk were naively persuaded that their Lord God Almighty
actually spoke at times to them through Moses and
subsequent prophets.
As far as this author is aware, Hebrew Mythology is the
first and only major religious cult whose absolute deity was
uniquely of male gender and in which there was no place for
any form of heterosexual ritual and worship. Christianity and
Islam followed suit. In repudiating any form of female SelfOther Relativity in divine relationships, it betrays being
under the influence of a deliberate deceiver, an Evil One or
Father God of lies.
The latter has occupied centre stage in the Theatre of
Planet Earth’s presentation of the mystery plot of Good and
Evil in the Drama of the Cosmos. To some stage hands and
spectators in the wings and backstage, it would seem that
perhaps the pregnant Mother Self of the Cosmos is
preparing to disillusion malekind about the many
inconsistencies in their male-god hypothesis.
The Hebrew scribes wrote what they believed they were
being inspired to write. For them, it was their tribal God who
inspired belief in his own existence. It was this same God
who was supposed to have inspired their scribes to write
what was deemed necessary for human behaviour. Israelite
history, for the most part, was an almost continuous record
of infidelity and disobedience to their Lord God Almighty.
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Absolute obedience to Yahweh was the dominant human
virtue. The threat of severe punishment for disobedience
was purported to be voiced by Yahweh through his
prophets. As captives in exile they could but look forward to
some future liberator who would restore the honour and
glory of Israel.
The combined Pauline and Johannine mindsets melded
into Christianity and its Theology. Imagined divine justice
demanded that the honour of a Creator Father God was so
outraged by created men’s acts of disobedience that only a
divine act of propitiation and vicarious atonement could
reinstate mankind’s favour in his God’s sight. For simple
minded people, this was the all-powerful motivating force
for unquestioning obedience to all kinds of male authority,
religious, legal, civil and domestic. Disobedience was a
heinous sin. It undermined male superiority and authority.
In Hebrew Mythology there are many hierarchies and
classes of beings. Choirs of angels abound and heavenly
hosts have their roles to perform. There is nothing wrong
with these ideas as long as we observe that they are only
mental constructs or contrived fictions. They were invented
as plausible explanations of what had happened, and still
was happening, backstage behind the scenes in the course
of human history. The legendary biblical characters of Adam
and Eve have been dominant protagonists in the evolving
dramas of male monotheism.
Male superiority and authority over women who are still
deemed as inferior, is vindicated in the First Letter of Paul to
the Corinthians 11/1-16 and 14/34-35 and also in Paul’s
First Letter to Timothy 2/12-14. His message is still part of
an official Sunday Mass liturgical reading.
Genesis Chapter 2
Verse 20. The man gave names to all the cattle, all
the birds of heaven and all the wild animals. But no
helper suitable for the man was found for him. [21]
Then, Yahweh God made the man faff into a deep
sleep. And, while he was asleep, he took one of his
ribs and closed the flesh up again forthwith. [22]
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Yahweh God fashioned the rib he had taken from the
man into a woman, and brought her to the man. [23]
And the man said: This one at last is bone of my
bones and flesh of my flesh! She is to be called
Woman, because she was taken from man. [24] This
is why a man leaves his father and mother and
becomes attached to his wife, and they become one
flesh. [25] Now, both of them were naked, the man
and his wife, but they felt no shame before each
Paul’s First Letter to Timothy 2/12-14.
I give no permission for a woman to teach or to have
authority over a man. A woman ought to be quiet,
because Adam was formed first and Eve afterwards.
Genesis 2/23 affirms that Adam (who was not a placental
mammal) was formed first and subordinate Eve (who was a
placental mammal) formed from him afterwards. Male Adam
was made in the image of his male God. In the circular logic
of human myth-making, it is human beings who create their
gods and goddesses in their own wishful human imagery.
This is a classic case of the blind leading those whom
they have blindfolded and all finish up intellectually ditched.
It is music to the ears of male monotheists in developed and
still developing countries. The seeming abysmal official
ignorance of Church authorities in regard to the verifiable
facts of the function of heterosexuality in the evolution and
propagation of human beings is still responsible for the evil
unrestrained malicious and widespread criminal abuse of
women in those countries and cultures where same sex
male monotheism holds sway.
Contrary to Genesis 2/22-23 and to Pauline Christianity,
Adam could not have been made first. The human animal
has evolved through the self-other functioning of the female
placental mammal. Biblical Adam, like all other males and
homosexual Gods, was not a real human mammalian being
in any strict sense, but is simply classified as an ordinary
male animal. When Yahweh God built the rib he had taken
from the man into a woman was he aware of the anatomy of
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female placental mammals? Did he notice whether Adam
had nipples or not? These vestigial traces are an undeniable
reminder that male is born of prior female flesh. Bearded
and hairy chested patriarchal deities bore no comparison to
the natural beauty of female human placental mammals.
In himself, man as father is not a placental mammal.
Only the mother has ovaries with their complement of live
eggs, a womb, placenta and breasts. Human fatherhood is
impossible without a mother. In the dictates of the Natural
Law, the male's ordained function is to serve, honourably
and pleasurably, the female as her other term in existential
relativity. Man’s role in human society is merely ancillary,
transitory and complementary to that of the woman in
human propagation by providing distinctioning, fertilizing
and custodial elements in moments of time.
Masters in Christendom, whilst displaying a patronizing
tolerance to verifiable scientific fact, nevertheless betray no
real understanding of the role of heterosexuality in the selfother existential relativity which engineers all biological and
cultural evolution.
The patriarchal monotheistic mindset, inherent in priestly
Judaism, still dictates to most Western Religions as it has for
the past two thousand years. As the heirs of Greek culture
and scholarship and Jewish traditions of religion, Christianity
has only parted company from them in name, but by no
means in nature.
Idealized Socratic self-sufficiency inspired male homosexuality and motivated many of the occupants of the Seats of
Learning in Greek Academies. The formal system of
Philosophical ideas of Plato and Aristotle became the
bulwark of the Christian sexually sterile mindset.
The visible authoritarian Christian Church, with its male
clergy, canonical legislation and liturgical rites is no different
in essential form from that of the Judaism which gave it
birth. After two thousand years of attempting to superficially
sanctify individual souls, Christianity's experience of inner
space is still generally that of a void or empty tomb. It has
yet to come to grips with the dual lobed focal core of
volumed human self-other-consciousness.
Cultural Evolution
There have been, and still are, theologians who were
dedicated scientists, but in the hierarchy of intellectual
disciplines, Churchmen have always put their Theology’s
Articles of Faith on a much higher plane than the dictates of
mere Empirical Science. In doctrinal matters of dispute,
scientific theories had no standing alongside what venerable
ecclesiastical authorities declared as divinely revealed
absolute truths. New scientific knowledge which shed fresh
light and dispelled the prejudices and misconceptions of past
theological teaching was, and still is, invariably suspect at
first. Relatively few theologians conceive their deity as
scientifically or mathematically minded. Fewer still would
concede the possibility of understanding the divine in the
sign language of algebraic abstraction.
Whilst most Christian theologians ponder over what they
consider as divine Revelation, they seem oblivious of the
fact that such so-called revealed knowledge is still merely a
contrived hypothesis. Like any intellectual discipline, it is
subject to the same laws of Mathematical Logic and to the
formal procedures of the Methodology of Science. This
author’s own Thesis of Self-Other Existential Relativity
presents what he claims to be is a scientifically verifiable
consistent Theory of Everything. There is only one absolute
truth. It declares that all other truths are relative.
When faith becomes articulate in creeds,
its nature dies, and what remains but feeds
linguistics' evolutionary dice.
Christianity, particularly in its Pauline mindset, has lost
its way. As an institution, it is undergoing the greatest
credibility crisis in its history. It is shipwrecked, stranded,
bogged down and stifled in a retrogressive childish
fundamentalist worship of the mythological fictions of the
Bible and religious traditions. To survive it must have the
courage and intellectual honesty to cut its traditional links
with the past, and be reborn into the becomingness of adult
age togetherness.
The age of this Universe in which we live (but not alone)
is reckoned by scientists as well over several billion years. It
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is not in the mere thousands of years as Jewish mythology
suggests. Most commentators of the Bible have no difficulty
in accepting this new understanding of when the Genesis of
the Cosmos took place and of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings.
Uncritical believers in the absolute inerrancy of the Bible,
however, are still reluctant to abandon their traditional
literal interpretation of Scripture, as for example, in Genesis
2/23, concerning woman being taken from man. The human
mind has always invented make believe myths to fill in the
gaps and for many people the pertinent question remains What was their “Daddy” deity doing during those billions of
years? For those who accept an immanent selflife principle,
Aseity, she is the animating maternal power within her
enwombed self-functioning self-evolving Cosmos.
What modern male monotheism has yet to realize is that
the pregnant human mother embodies the most profound
mysteries of Self-Other Existential Relativity. Compared to
pregnancy’s biune self-other relationship, a divine sire-son
linkage is trivial. In the antiquated patriarchal mindset, she
has always been made out to be the passive recipient of the
active male seed. Her womb has been just the receptacle of
the human life that male man implanted therein.
Empirically, verifiable Science now has a far different tale
to tell. The sperm does not tell the egg what to do to
develop into a new human being. On the contrary, the egg
tells the sperm how to cooperate and introduce distinction
and diversity in the selflife process. The instructions are all
programmed in the cerebral computer of the future mother
and linked to the genes in the ova of her ovaries.
The continuum of human life began Ages past with the
first live performance of the set of programmed genes of the
prototype of subsequent human placental mammals. From
their beginning, placental mammals had ovaries in which
there were tens of thousands of ova or eggs, programmed
to produce eggs ad infinitum. Such ova were consubstantial
with the female in whose body they were growing. They
were potential future otherselves of the primeval or
archetypal Mother Self “Eve”. This theme was developed in
Cultural Evolution
detail in Chapter Two, where the significance of the female
placental mammal was given its due importance.
Cultural evolution as a topic of study is having to rethink
its whole rationale. For the most part, male scholars have
dominated Academe for the whole history of the patriarchal
usurpation of the Seats of Learning. The last Century has
seen the beginning of the end of the rule and worship of the
Pauline “Abba” or Daddy-God the Father. It is seeing too the
exposure and demise of the evil Godfather of lies.
Intentionally or not, the most important factor in cultural
evolution has been almost totally ignored or even denied by
male academics who have had no personal experience of it.
Both pregnant woman consciously, and her foetal other self
unconsciously, grow psychically in memory-stored sense
experiences of both reflexive perceptual knowledge of its
otherself within and also transitively of other distinct selves
outside its self. Sense perception of outside otherness is
common to all animal life. Reflexive awareness is a specific
characteristic of pregnant human placental mammals. “I am
you and you are me” knows only a mother’s voice.
About 4000 years ago, an aberrant motherless patriarchal
mindset was initiated in the Middle East. Eventually, it was
incorporated into Greek and Roman ways of thinking and
became the intellectual determinant of future Western male
greed-culture, contaminating everything with its toxic and
contagious mindset {I, Me, Mine}.
This masculine belligerent mindset sought to impose its
sterile and destructive military hegemony far and wide.
Society is slowly being made aware of its diabolical intent. It
has served its planned exemplar purpose of harvesting
distinction and self-destruction, fratricide and genocide.
Whilst woman is a begetter and bearer of life, fighting,
pillaging, destroying, raping, killing others are activities
which seem to come naturally to the sons of men. The
noblest way a man could die was in battle, killing his
fellowman - for woman it was in childbirth.
Greek, Latin and Palestinian myths of male superiority
allied to disparage woman as the weaker sex and to
minimize the importance of any association on her part with
Cultural Evolution
a male divinity. Pauline Christianity liberated malekind from
submission to any female teaching authority. Wives were to
be subject to their husbands. The worship of an all-male
intellectualized homosexual sire-son Trinity was installed in
the courts of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Male monotheism eventually came to dominate in the
West. With belligerence and violence, it is progressing to its
own demise in self-destruction. Divine Aseity worship is
designed to effect new paradigm shifts in cultural evolution.
Mindsets in Transition
YAHWEH: This Hebrew sacred and feared word
understood only male monotheism. It verbalized the
singular individual mindset of the motherless personal male
God of Israel as {I, ME, MINE}.
Pauline Christianity evolved from monotheistic Judaism.
It proclaimed and worshipped a motherless mindset, an allmale homosexual Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Ghost}.
A-sé-i-ty: This English four-syllabled scientific word meaning
having life from itself, understands and verbalizes the plural
social mindset of the ever pregnant personal Mother
Goddess of the Cosmos as {WE, US, OURS}.
Cultural Evolution on Planet Earth might well be about to
undergo profound changes. Armies and arsenals are being
prepared for global thermonuclear war. If such eventuates,
it could annihilate or abort most of the inhabitants from the
live womb of Mother Earth. This state of affairs is the direct
result of the rejection of the EVER PREGNANT DIVINE
MOTHER OF THE COSMOS and the substitute worship of an
evil selfish Father God of lies.
Pauline Christianity cut its umbilical link with the female
sexual source of all self-other life and love. Her genitalia
were declared to be pudenda, organs of which she should be
ashamed. Freedom from service to female authority and
liberation from any reverential worship of her charms
ensured mankind’s salvation and grace-full attainment of
noble Socratic self-sufficiency in what was now divinized
Cultural Evolution
male homosexuality. Heterosexuality was belittled. Celibacy
was nominally extolled but its practice often dubious and
sexual satisfaction sought in other unapproved ways. The
maintaining of Church property solely under strict Church
control was a primary concern why its ministers should
remain celibate. Unmarried, they would not be required to
provide for housing, clothing and feeding natural human
families out of Church funds.
In past Catholic Moral Theology, there was no such thing
as light matter with respect to sexual sin, whether of word,
thought, or deed. Every such sin was mortal and the
unshriven were punishable in hell-fire for all eternity. Thank
Goddess, these ideas are being changed by an enlightened
understanding of the possible evil role of mutant genes.
Paedophilia was a poor and often an embarrassing
substitute for mutual heterosexual affection.
This author accepts Christianity's intended male fertilizing
and distinctioning role, for better or generally worse, in two
millennia of cultural evolution. It is a passing role designedly
dynamic, not static, a part knowing a past but tutored
forward by Selflife’s Spirit to contemplation's perceptual
experience of god-mothering. Human selflife can only perceive the divine as an immanent god-mothering experience,
analogous to the pregnant placental mammal. It is the
divine maternity in labour in the human psyche who knows
her human brainchild “You” as the child of man within.
Ancestral Stone Age sexual love and life
knew not a death-yoked one-one husband-wife:
knew not divorce, nor laws' adult'rous gaze.
Morality's ‘mine-thine’ postscripts the phase
of matriarchal feedback system rule,
where everything was held in common pool.
Such primitive simplicity of life
could not progress in haste without the strife
which only male ambition could create.
Priest-usurped role of lord from servant state
was needed now in Evolution's plan
to expedite Self's consciousness in man.
Cultural Evolution
Pride's lust for power and goods and pleasured thrills,
although accompanied by a train of ills,
preludes in revolution's discord mode,
a new Jerusalem for Self's abode.
Possessiveness is linked with father-rule.
One's rights of ownership boasts sterile school,
where individuality's the goal
and self-life's spent erecting one's own pole.
Shared common wealth, communal mind and might,
associates with fertile mother-right.
Here selves are saved in pluralizing "ours".
Togetherness of ones knows many's powers.
A freely chosen common-shared-wealth state
in time will fold love's seal on conflict's hate.
The tide of Eve's volution turns again;
raped culture's revolution's not in vain.
Through much travail, rebirth's new plural scene
greets unitive Aseity as Queen.
Her Queendom suffers warfare on its way
from man-made hell to woman's heav'nly sway.
To struggle for one-self's own right is vice.
To strive for other's good means sacrifice.
The only right self has is to dismiss
serf ‘mine’ and wed ‘all ours’ in biune bliss.
Time's patriarchal spate, pained human strain
has passed its zenith, now is on the wane.
The primal enmity in sterile self,
of being in becomingness' delf,
of potent act and sloth's inertial wait,
of male and female fiction-seeded hate,
will cease when once again at Woman's heel
head-crushed, distinction's man will naked kneel,
and realize that his eternal joy
is union in Aseity's employ.
Her mother-myst'ry womb climaxes flesh:
its analogue fires psychic life afresh.
Cultural Evolution
Alone the female organ bears life's fruit.
Man's act is transit'ry, not absolute.
Unless he's born again in servant role,
his self's frustrated, like a blacken'd hole.
Reluctant manly essence, static stance,
views with suspicion womanly advance.
Dynamic Evolution's witness shows
how energy's existence-essence flows
through dipole charge-banks, he-she, minus-plus,
to rest mass, lowest state's potential “us”.
In immanent becoming is revealed
transcendent being's sexual fertile yield.
For Eve, creation's act is free, not bound
in slavery as still on earth 'tis found.
In drama's If... her spaced time then... was planned,
redeeming self, narcissistic'lly damned
on purpose, so that love's sex remedy
might word a two-in-one act comedy.
With reverential worship of her charms,
man finds his being's good in woman's arms.
Many people maintain an open enquiring mind and are
compelled by natural curiosity to learn more about the past
and present world they live in. Humans, with a questionable mind, delight in questioning and solving problems.
Mythologies had, and still have, great literary value in the
cause of Cultural Evolution. A fertile imagination can also
construe fictional persons and events to supplement and
embellish their novel intuitions. Gods and goddesses were
literally invented or conjured into existence in the image and
likeness of the inhabitants of Planet Earth whose heroes and
heroines form the subjects of folk lore and legend. The
myths of the sages of the past may have seemed important
and valid for the wise formation of the mindsets of their
contemporaries, but like all contrived fictions, they had their
use-by dates. The time would come when much of their
content would be judged as scientifically invalid as a
foundation for future formal systematic progressive
knowledge of the physical Cosmos.
Cultural Evolution
With their prejudiced and crude superficial assessments,
past patriarchal authorities considered the female as merely
the receptacle of the male semen from which all new life
had its assumed beginnings. New persons resulted from
external male activity fertilizing mere internal female
passivity. There still prevails much confusion of mind and
contrived ignorance in popular thinking and religious
teaching in relating the traditional but unscientific Theology
of the past to the verifiable realities of present-day Biology.
In Patriarchal and Medieval mindsets the conception of a
new human being took place when the all-powerful male
seed invaded and took possession of an empty womb, and
initiated the growth of a new human being inside the body
of a future mother. Conception was the event when the
spirit of the homosexual motherless sire-son deity breathed
into and infused an immortal human soul into the seed
which the active male partner had ejaculated into the void
passive female receptacle.
It would seem that many modern religious, political and
legal authorities still have not even the most elementary
knowledge of biological evolution nor any personal
understanding of the extraordinary complexity of human
sexual propagation. Meiosis manifests a unique purpose and
demands an highly intelligent agent. Past naïve notions may
have been necessary to accommodate past theological
reasonings but today they are scientifically gratuitous.
Freely asserted, freely denied.
Omnia ex ovo – Everything from an egg. So wrote
William Harvey in 1653. For biologists, conception is simply
arithmetical when the genetic material in a living
microscopic human sperm gamete fuses with the genetic
material in the nucleus of a living microscopic human egg
gamete. It is the event when two live ones become one
selfsame live two. The microscope reveals infinitely more of
Mother Nature than the telescope.
Philosopher-Scientists like Aristotle and others with a
questioning frame of mind put forward theories of sexuality.
For Aristotle, homunculi existed in the male seed. They were
fully formed miniature human beings ejaculated into the
Cultural Evolution
female womb in copulation. The same applied to all animals.
Seed plants and their flowers, however, gave visible
evidence of something quite different, of real functional
sexual distinction and union. Human beings who disparage
heterosexuality and who condemn the public display of nude
human genitalia need be reminded that botanical beauty is
observed in the display of the naked sex organs of flowers.
Fruits result from sexual fertility. Both fauna and flora have
their mysteries of sex life and their meaningful unveiling
challenges human scientific understanding.
Whilst women had considerable economic value, they
were inferior servant beings. They were useful like animals
for breeding and mere labour activity. They served also as
desirable objects for lusty male pleasure in unbridled sexual
gratification and in glorifications of dominance.
This activity however was not without its dangers.
Women could be deceivers and artful seducers. Of course
men were not exempt from such vices but as the Genesis
story of Adam and Eve pointed out, it was all Eve’s fault in
the first place. This attitude towards women’s role in society
still prevails in many cultures. Regrettably it is not just
confined to Middle Eastern, Asian and indigenous African
and Australian societies.
For the patriarchal mindset preoccupied with a sensible
universe and the discovery and invention of externalities, its
hypothetical God was out there. His believers bowed down
their heads in worship of a transcendent someone up in the
heavens of a starry sky and existing somewhere in outer
space. His acclaimed champions in the realm of pictorial Art
depicted him as an old man with a beard. Together with his
Son, he still looks down from the ceiling of the Sistine
Chapel in the Vatican on the uplifted eyes of the admiring
faithful below. From the viewpoint of modern understanding
it is an obsolete representation of divine homosexuality.
All this seemed, and still seems, quite natural to most
people who take religious experience seriously. Without
wanting to offend such persons, however, it must be
understood that such behaviour is but a primitive and
dictated childish exercise of the natural virtue of Religion.
Cultural Evolution
Frustrated is the Potter’s clay-clad clod
who eyes the sky to give his God the nod.
The concept of any kind of rebirth is incompatible with
that of a blind adherence to an unchanging tradition which
insists on putting all new wine into old wineskins. Slavery to
tradition precludes any form of evolutionary progress and is
responsible for intellectual inertia and cognitive entropy.
Nature’s sole tradition is to evolve.
The Demise of Patriarchal Traditions
The cultural and scientific revolutions which have
characterized the last four Centuries have left Philosophy
and Theology in a state of having to rethink and remodel
their basic postulates and rational procedures if they are to
have any relevance and credibility for future generations.
Masters in Christendom, whilst displaying a patronizing
tolerance to verifiable scientific fact, nevertheless betray no
real understanding of the role of heterosexuality in the selfother relativity which engineers all biological propagation
and cultural evolution.
The departure of the early Christian Church from the
ordinary traditional Jewish attitude towards sexuality is a
fact of history. A cerebral virus disparaging womanhood and
their sexuality had wormed its vicious intolerant way into
the emerging mindset of church authorities and still
dominates the aberrant activity of the vocal inexperienced
celibate psyche. This infectious virus conceivably emanated
from the prevailing teaching authority of which Paul was the
dominant figure. It not only encouraged an air of arrogant
masculine superiority, but at the same time disparaged the
gentler and more complex elegant and dignified other sex as
physically weaker and intellectually inferior.
Lurking in the minds of many of the Fathers of the
Christian Church was the association, somehow or other, of
an Original Sin with Adam and Eve and sexuality. This still
persists to the present day. For many males, woman is a
temptress, a teasing stinging incitement to their flesh for
lustful satisfaction and a reminder of their own innate
Cultural Evolution
inadequacy which seeks compensation in sexual dominance.
Some kind of such sexual linkage can be made into a
plausible hypothesis if we consider an original sin as due to
brute-man’s aberrant genetic programming. Resulting from
this heredity defect, the human placental mammal would be
totally subject to their patriarchal legislated mastery and its
despotic refusal “I’ll not serve but rape instead”.
Most scholars accord the biblical concept of a primeval
parental Original Sin with only a mythological reality. The
Pauline dying-god Christology elaborates on mankind's
sinfulness. Its subsequently necessary Redemption becomes
no more than an emotive religious intellectual make-believe.
All his life, this author has been on the lookout for new
ideas which would fit in well with his own. He admired Carl
Gustav Jung and read many of his books. Some he studied
very extensively, particularly his works on Alchemy and
Jung had lamented the terrifying hollowness of Christian
civilization. For him it was all veneer, with its supposed lifegiving spirit lost in a maze of external development. Its
sacraments were outward forms of some inward grace which
however was never experienced in the soul except as a
concept of faith’s make believe. The MYSTERIUM MAGNUM
of Eph. 5,32 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and
becomes attached to his wife, and the two become one
flesh. This mystery has great significance, but I am
applying it to Christ and the Church –
was rooted in the human psyche and Jung boldly asserted
that a theologian who did not know this from experience
still had no idea of what religion or education was about.
The mystery of self and sex will yield
to violence, not in flesh cultured field
of body-beautiful, but in the mind
and heart, where Queen Aseity must find
re-programmed echoes of her spirit's role
of four dimensioning her nature's whole.
Cultural Evolution
In mystic nuptials with Self's Trinity
the creature finds transforming unity,
by which the blend of human and divine,
in psychical inebriating wine,
expands self's "I" in ecstasy to "We",
and sighs with biune breath from being's Queen,
"All Ours is Yours", in plural person scene.
No bribal gold can buy synthetic thrills
to match the joy when her love-life o'er spills
and fills self's ovoid emptiness with grace
in focal lover-other fond embrace.
The time will come when human selves are freed
from slavery to ‘i-me-mine’ false creed
of virgin-self-idolatry, and grown
a harvest, rich with ‘we-us-ours’ seed sown,
in childlike, innocent integrity,
then such love-lored renewed society
will liberate pure sexuality
from mediate conditionality
in procreation's two source function need
that self and race might feed perfection's greed.
In its love-making then, mankind will learn
to act divinely, imaging in turn
for all spaced time to see, in figured form,
the art from which all beauty takes its norm,
impersonating in sex-union's bliss
the rapture of divine selves in their kiss,
ecstatic otherness, freed from alloy
of selfishness and greed and lust. Pure joy,
serene peace, deaeform togetherness
will echo Self's biune ‘She-He’ caress.
What Woman joins together, let no man
asunder rend, as though there were no plan
to make of sex, the metaphor in time
of her love-life, ineffable, sublime.
Great mystery indeed, which prudent Paul,
scared, dared not speak, though he envisioned all.