VMI SPETEMBER 2 – DECEMBER 12 HIGHLY VOLATILE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE ERH 101: TTR SEPTEMBER TUES 2 Course Overview IN-CLASS WRITING: What is community? WORKSHOP: Introduce WordPress ePortfolio and establish accounts. THUR 4 Discuss Community-focused assignment sequence. Swales “The Concept of Discourse Community” WW 466-480 ePORTFOLIO: “Use your own words to describe each of the six characteristics of a discourse community according to Swales. Can you find examples of each from your own experience?” WW 480, question 1 IN-CLASS WRITING: “Consider a discourse community you belong to and describe how it meets the six characteristics of a discourse community. For example, what are its shared goals? What is its lexis? What are its genres?” WW 480, question 5 TUES 9 Mirabelli “Learning to Serve” WW 538-555 WORKSHOP: Discuss previous in class writing as a class. INVENTION: According to Swales, would a first-year college classroom count as a discourse community? Why or why not? THUR 11 “Exploring Ideas” EW 58-63 Distribute written assignment for Essay #1, Introduction INVENTION: Brainstorm as a class. What communities could work for this assignment? IN-CLASS WRITING: Freewrite on one of your community ideas. TUES 16 “Why Rhetoric?” handout “Rhetorical Situations” EW 48-57 ePORTFOLIO: post an artifact (image, anecdote, etc.) from your daily life that showcases the aspects of the rhetorical situation. Spend a little time analyzing the artifact in your post. Who is its intended audience? What do you imagine is the occasion for the artifact? Do you imagine it was effective? THUR 18 Rhetorical Situations SAT 20 Individual Consultations with Instructor (as scheduled) MON 22 Individual Consultations with Instructor (as scheduled) TUES 23 Individual Consultations with Instructor (as scheduled) THUR 25 “Reviewing and Revising” EW 112-116 Revised draft of Essay #1 DUE (post draft to ePortfolio for responses in class) WORKSHOP: Peer Review (Global and Local Concerns) TUES 30 Distribute written assignment for Essay #2, Place Essay #1 Due (Submit hard copy in class; Post audio or video of yourself reading your paper aloud to your ePortfolio.) INVENTION: Freewrite on a place that has significant meaning for you.