Brian Cloward Portfolio

Sample Work and Design
User Interface Architect – User Experience
Brian Cloward
3015 Spring Field Court
Alpharetta, GA 30004
404-939-7171 Homepage
In July 2009, I worked on an initiative
which brought more of
application functionality to the
homepage offering users a faster way to
track, ship, get a quote, and order
supplies. I introduced an accordion
application panel into the homepage
allowing easier access to these
applications without covering the hero
messaging space.
The accordion is made up of five
segments, each providing access to a
primary application on An
authenticated user could view a list of
recently tracked packages leveraging
default shipping settings.
Quick Links Module
In an effort to integrate several
external freight systems within, I designed a custom
link list control for registered
users. A user could adjust the
default list by adding links
listed in our link library or by
providing a link of their
UPS Tracking
Improving on UPS's original
concept of "saved" tracking
numbers, I designed a flexible
table interface allowing the user to
manipulate the columns to view
larger amounts of data and
nickname each tracked package.
Also incorporated in the design
the ability to remember whatever
the user tracked no matter where
it was tracked from.
Axure RP Pro
All design concepts shown here were designed
using Axure RP Pro. I have personally setup a
shared working environment leveraging a
Subversion Shared Project repository supporting 8
Axure users.
Global Locator
In January of 2010, I completed
a redesign of the Location
Finder application while also
expanding it to 32 countries.
The existing application only
supported US and Canada and
used 10 year old Map Quest
mapping software. Each click to
pan/zoom the map required a
complete page refresh.
The new design leverages Bing maps with a
three step 1] search, 2] results, and 3]
directions accordion. I also redesigned the
service location dialogs (left) and created new
tabbed location dialogs offering the user
everything they need from on page.
A convenient legend below the map (below)
helped tie the icons in the map to the results
displayed. A popup description of each
location type prevented the user from leaving
the page to get information.
UPS iPhone and Mobile Website Redesign
In early 2009 we started reviewing our mobile access
points to The existing mobile website was not
optimized for smart phones and UPS had not yet
stepped into the iPhone space. I conducted a full
heuristic evaluation of the current mobile website and
completed a series of usability studies with a working
prototype I also developed for both iPhone and the
mobile website.
The final outcome became the number one free iPhone
application within the business category for almost a
year. The application remains a 4 star application and is
now available in English, French, German, and Italian.
FORTUNE - 10 Most Admired for Quality
"Its attention to product quality shows up in some
expected ways, like its new iPhone app for tracking
packages..." - March 04 2010: 7:58 AM ET
"For a web view based app, it's about as good as it gets."
- Tyler Stone, Apple Inc.
Recent Tweets
"The UPS iPhone app is pretty slick"
"The iPhone app is absolutely insanely cool!!!"
"To anyone with an iPhone. Try the UPS app. Works very well with those who receive & send
packages daily."
"I can now create UPS shipments from my iPhone using the ups app. The label goes to my email
address to be printed. Sooo cool!"
Additional Usability Tweak Examples
Here are a couple of before and after examples of usability improvements I did to improve the
UPS Claims application. As a “green horn” this was one of the first applications I worked on when
I became an Information Architect for Interactive Communications.
Damaged Merchandise Input (Before)
This section of the online claims application used a lot of white space and was not very organized.
The transportation charges appeared to users as a “total” field when multiple items were added.
The radio selection chosen also used up a lot of space and showed for each item entered.
Damaged Merchandise Input (After)
The redesign of this form presents the form in a cleaner way similar to a ledger or spreadsheet.
Open ended radio control was replaced with a drop down list using “repair” as the default to
speed input.
Damaged Merchandise Playback (Before)
The merchandise information entered by the user would display in a review screen as shown
below. This proved to be difficult to scan and the wrong field labels were bolded.
Damaged Merchandise Playback (After)
The very minor information re-architecture made a very a large impact on the presentation of the
Quantum View Manage (Today)
This is how UPS Quantum View looks today. It is a Flex based visibility application complete with
advanced searching, filtering, and scheduled reporting. The layout and overall structure of this
application has always bothered me and our customer surveys supports that user can complete
tasks but they do not enjoy it. Some of our largest customers pay us so they don’t have to use it.
Quantum View Manage (My Proposal)
This is a mockup wireframe of an idea I had for Quantum View. I will probably do a usability
study on this concept in the coming months. This design enriches the experience by offering
charts for better data visualization, an improved column editing control, and a slide away filter
panel so it can be accessed when it is needed.
User Interface Architecture
Clams on the Web (Canada)
Web Campaign Management (Concept only)
UPS Homepage Enhancements (July 2009)
My UPS Workspaces Redesign (Concept only)
UPS Web Tracking Improvements
UPS Global Locator*
UPS Applications
UPS Internet Shipping*
Web Tracking*
Calculate Time and Cost
Freight Calculate Time and Cost
Claims on the Web
Business Solutions
UPS Internet Freight Shipping
Shipper Initiated Intercept
UPS Delivery Change Request
UPS Online Billing
Open an Account
UPS Mobile*
UPS iPhone*
Designed and Developed
UPS International Collect on Delivery (ASP, SQL 2000)
IBM MAS (Java, Oracle, Web Logic)
UPS SCS Intranet (PHP, MySQL, Apache)
SCS Web Request Form (ASP, SQL)
UPS GPS Database (Jan 2011)
Open Source Applications Wiki
Time Tracking Application
Other Subsidiary Websites
UPS Capital -
UPS Glenlake Financial
UPS Supply Chain Solutions -
UPS Mail Innovations -
*included usability studies