By Mike Kwiatkowski Goals Define CTAG Review Learning Outcomes for DC Circuits Discuss teaching methods for various topics Learn something new! What does CTAG mean? Career Technical Credit Transfer (CT2) or Career Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) Learning outcomes match introductory technical course Developed from Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) for state colleges Prerequisites CTAG courses may have some prerequisites as defined by the TAG requirements DC Circuits requires College Algebra Learning Outcomes Electrical components and quantities 2. Definitions: Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power 3. Ohm’s Law, Electrical Energy and Power and Kirchoff’s Laws 4. Series Analysis 5. Parallel Analysis 6. Series-Parallel Analysis 7. Circuit Theorems: Thevenin’s and Norton’s 8. Mesh and Nodal Analysis 9. Properties of Capacitors in a DC circuit 10. Properties of Inductors in a DC circuit 1. Electrical Components and and Quantities Schematic symbols for circuit components SI standard units and prefixes Electrical components Significant digits Engineering notation Unit conversion Suggestions! Scheme-it Name that part Metric prefix worksheet Definitions Define Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power Interpret standard resistor code Use lab equipment to measure voltage and resistance Calculate power Suggestions! BlBrROYGBVGyWh pneumonic Resistor code app Worksheets!!! Ohm’s Law, electrical energy and power Define Ohm’s Law, electrical energy and power Use Ohm’s Law to find voltage, current and resistance in simple circuits Describe relationship between voltage, current and resistance Design, build and test to achieve a specific voltage, current or resistance Select resistors based on power considerations Suggestions! Circuit labs Build simple resistive circuits and derive Ohm’s Law from measurements Equation manipulation Series Circuit Analysis and Kirchoff’s Law of Voltage Define a series circuit State Kirchoff’s Law of Voltage Apply Kirchoff’s Law to a series circuit Calculate effective resistance of resistors in series Create and use a voltage divider Suggestions! Series Circuit labs Create series circuits and demonstrate Kirchoff’s Law Demonstrate all elements have same current flowing through them Introduce sensors as part of a voltage divider Possibly use an Arduino to capture voltage value Parallel Circuit Analysis and Kirchoff’s Law of Current Define a parallel circuit Define Kirchoff’s Current Law Determine effective resistance for two or more resistors in parallel Apply Kirchoff’s Current Law to a simple circuit Apply current divider rule Suggestions! Labs! Possibly introduce transistors as a current source Measure current in labs using an ammeter Series-Parallel Circuit Analysis Define a series-parallel circuit Recognize a balanced Wheatstone bridge Find effective resistance for a series-parallel circuit Analyze 2 and 3 loop circuits Suggestions! LABS! For all the rest of the topics the final suggestion is to do labs test the concepts Circuit Theorems Define Superposition, Thevenin and Norton’s theorems Define maximum power transfer Convert sources Calculate the voltages and currents in a multi-source series-parallel circuit Calculate the equivalent Thevenin and Norton ciruits Convert a Norton circuit to a Thevenin circuit Convert a Thevenin circuit to a Norton circuit Calculate voltages and currents using superposition Mesh and Nodal Analysis Describe Mesh or Nodal Analysis Develop equations for two loops Recognize when sources need to be converted Find currents and voltage through all resistors in a two loop circuit Analyze a complex circuit consisting of three or more loops finding voltages and currents through all resistors Capacitors in a DC Circuit Define capacitance, charge, universal time constant and dielectric characteristics Describe the basic construction of a capacitor and various types of capacitors Calculate capacitance from physical characteristics of a capacitor Calculate current and voltage in an RC circuit at various whole time constants Solve for voltage, current and time in RC circuit Inductors in a DC Circuit Define inductance and basic construction of an inductor Describe voltage and current in steady state Sketch current and voltage in a transient circuit Calculate inductance from physical charactistics Calculate current and voltage in an RC circuit at various whole time constants Solve for voltage, current and time in RL circuit Resources