Dear Sisters in Christ, Last night my roommates and I were talking

Dear Sisters in Christ,
Last night my roommates and I were talking about going to see the new movie coming out tonight,
Magic Mike. If you have not seen the commercials the plot summary on IMBD says: “Mike, an experienced
stripper, takes a younger performer called The Kid under his wing and schools him in the arts of partying,
picking up women, and making easy money.” Now I am a fan of several of the male leading actors in this
film partly because they have played in most of my favorite chick flicks as well as they are very handsome.
At first I was disappointed I would not be home this weekend to participate in the “girls outing” but I have to
be honest I had an uneasy feeling about it in my gut but figured I would go see it at some point anyways. I
say all this to let you know that I had the desire to go see this film as well and that I am human as well and I
do not put myself on any sort of pedestal in writing this. This letter is just as much for me.
This morning I was listening to the Christian radio station at work and the lady on air said that she
has three things that are bothering her this morning, The Titanic, Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey. At
first I was like “Ok I understand Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey (I knew they were “risk-ay”) but The
Titanic? That’s a classic!” But she continued to say that all three of those have elements of sexuality that
are not healthy for us to think on. The scripture in Philippians 4:8 came to my mind:
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever
is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”
But what does that mean and how do I live that out in a world where we are constantly bombarded
by provocative images, swear words, and risky behavior? (She did say that the edited version of The
Titanic for TV was not bad  )
I am not claiming to be perfect in any sense and that I live 100% according to God’s will but I try to
continually strive to live within God’s plan for my life and to be a Proverbs 31 Woman. If you have not read
that passage I would encourage you to because I think it is a great goal for us as Sisters for the Lord (and
the message version or new living typically makes it more relevant to our time because I do not know about
you but it is not very often that I “select wool and flax”). An excerpt that I think applied directly to this
dilemma about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable is Proverbs 31:25-26:
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with
wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”
I want to be a woman who is honorable in everything I do. I want to be strong not just physically but
mentally and emotionally. I want to be able to laugh carefree and not with guilt and regrets. I want to be
wise not with worldly knowledge but with the knowledge of the things beyond this world. There is only way
to achieve all these “goals” and that is by living within God’s pure and whole plan for me.
Now if that does not necessarily stir something in your spirit then think about this: the radio host
said her son posted on Facebook “All you girls are raving about going to see Magic Mike but how would
you feel if your boyfriends went to see a similar movie with actresses?” Well I will tell you what I would not
be a very happy girlfriend if my boyfriend did that and when Audrianna isn’t happy the boyfriend will
definitely be made aware. And then a caller came in and addressed something that came to my mind when
the radio host said that. How can we expect guys to respect us physically and emotionally and to be God
fearing men that chase after God and are the spiritual head of our families if we ourselves say that it is ok
for us to divulge in movies or literature like those I have mentioned?
I heard something a long time ago that has stuck with me and please be open minded as I state
this. Men are physical beings. God knew men could not thrive without woman. They are innately “touchyfeely” and as such when there is unfaithfulness it is a physical affair. Women however are very different.
We are emotional beings, all month, not just for a certain week. We need that emotional aspect in a
relationship, which is how God created us. When the unfaithfulness is on the woman’s end it is typically an
emotional affair and neither type is no better or worse then another. Now the big bite…When we read
novels or watch movies with that “prince charming” or “hero” with that great romance sprinkled with a little
sexuality something inside us stirs up. Now granted the actual content is a large factor into if it is
appropriate to begin with but no matter if you are in a relationship or not God wants to be our prince
charming and hero that saves us and when we invest our hearts into these characters and such we in a
way cheat on God. Now I will be the first one to admit I have a lengthy chick flick movie selection and just
as large of a book collection so this is something that I have been convicted of and try everyday to discern
my hearts intentions.
If you are in a relationship I think that this can sometimes be overlooked but I have seen this type
of emotional affair with a book or movie in my own family recently. I have a family member (who is a
woman) who has read 50 Shades of Grey and during the duration of that time her Facebook status’ always
reflected about the main character and how she was obsessed with the book and could not wait for the
movie, not about her husband or children. I have since learned about the book and it breaks my heart to
see her marriage crumbling and this did not start with this book in particular but her heart is not 100% her
husband’s. Her husband shares her heart with these ideological characters in books and movies that are
put on a pedestal that honestly no man can really obtain. I want to be a woman who can give my heart
wholly to God who then intrusts it into my future husbands hands, not divide up my heart between
Channing Tatum, Matthew Maconaughey, or Zac Efron…to name a few.
I talked about that uneasiness in my gut and I hope that as you read this something stirs in you. In
James 16 this uneasiness is explained. Jesus said
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth,
comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he
hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will
receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the
Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”
That guts feeling inside you when you see injustice, hear something crude or maybe even speak
something yourself is the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you that is speaking straight from God. I do not believe
when we are convicted that it is meant in a chastising, beating over the head fashion but rather God’s
breaking heart as our actions are beating in the nails that He took for us, all out of love.
I hope you know that God loves you tremendously and we as a core do as well. If there is anything
you would like to talk about regarding what I have said or even just to talk please talk to me. Shoot me an
email or a text or even call, though I do not guarantee I always have cell service in Kentucky but I can
Skype great! And I am positive that any of the officers will be glad to talk to you as well. I feel so privileged
to be able to walk next to you this next year with you as we seek after God and continually strive to follow
His plan for us as a Sisterhood and individuals in this journey called life. Feel free to post comments as well
but let us all keep in mind that everyone has their own struggles and imperfections and something you may
think if no big deal could be weighing heavily on someone’s heart so let’s be respectful and loving to each
other  Lamb Love