Estaré comiendo.

¡¡¡Lección de los tiempos
Progressive tense lesson!?!?!?
The progressive tense describes
actions in progress
I’m eating?
 ¿Estoy comiendo?
He was eating?
 ¿Estaba comiendo?
You can use estar in the present,
imperfect, preterit, future,
condicional, subjunctives
I’m eating.
◦ Estoy comiendo.
I was eating.
◦ Estaba comiendo.
I will be eating.
◦ Estaré comiendo.
I would be eating, if I weren’t sleeping.
◦ Estaría comiendo, si no estuviera durmiendo.
It’s good that I’m eating.
◦ Es bueno que yo esté comiendo.
How do you form this thing?
 the present participle (-ing word in
The present participle / gerund
-ar verbs change to:
◦ -ando
-er / ir verbs change to:
◦ -iendo
◦ Comiendo
◦ trabajando
The present participle / gerund
What’s the difference between the
present participle and the gerund?
 I don’t know; what is this, English class?
The present participle / gerund
(Actually, in English the –ing word is
considered a gerund if it functions like a
noun [“Swimming is bad”] and it’s a
present participle if it works with another
verb [“I’m swimming”])
The present participle / gerund:
¡-ir stem-changing!
-ir stem changing verbs get the same
change in the gerund as in the preterit:
morir: muriendo
 pedir: pidiendo
 seguir: siguiendo
 sentir: sintiendo
The present participle / gerund:
¡Vowel (or vowel sound) in front of
-er / -ir!
caer: cayendo
 zambullir: zambullendo
 traer: trayendo
The present participle / gerund:
decir: diciendo
 poder: pudiendo
 ir: yendo*****
***** Don’t ever use this form in your life and you’ll be fine; to say “I am going” say
“Voy” etc.
Other verbs with the gerund
continuar / seguir = to continue doing
 andar = to go around doing something
 ir = to gradually be doing something
Sigo comiendo.
◦ I keep eating.
Ella anda comiendo.
◦ She goes around eating.
Vamos comiendo más y más.
◦ We’re gradually eating more and more.
Attach pronouns; accent on the
letter before -ndo
 diciéndoselas
 masticándola
El infintivo vs. El
The infinitive vs.The
When the –ing word in English functions
like a noun, you have to use the infinitive
in Spanish
Reading is good.
 Leer es bueno.
I like reading more than eating.
 Me gusta leer más que comer.
After reading, sometimes I read more.
 Después de leer, a veces leo más.
The –ing / -ndo form can function like an adverb that
describes the main verbal action in both English and in
Spanish; in English it’s sometimes Introduced with by
You can learn a lot by reading things.
 Puedes aprender mucho leyendo cosas.
He walked home, reading the whole way.
 Caminaba a casa, leyendo todo el camino.
She slowly gave way to the soft slumber of
dreamland, reading all the while
 Ella [etc.], leyendo.
Escribir en español
You won’t win any friends by tricking
 Surviving is a good option.
You knew this was coming:
What’s Juan doing?
He’s still reading, falling, saying and dying.
I wouldn’t be listening to music if I were sleeping.
Juan was ordering lemonade when he fell down.
Juan is eating it.
We are gradually learning them.
Surviving is a good option.