The male and female reproductive systems

What you will learn today . . .
1. Sperm formation begins at puberty but
continues throughout a male’s lifetime
2. Semen contain sperm from the testes, sugar,
alkaline fluids, and prostaglandins from the
seminal vesicles, Cowper’s glands, and
prostate gland, respectively
3. Egg production begins in the womb, but they
do not mature until puberty
4. A mature egg is called an ovum
The Reproductive System
Hormone Review
• The testes and ovaries are actually glands that
secrete sex hormones, but they also store
sperm and eggs.
• The changes of puberty are initiated by
gonadotropins, released by the pituitary gland
of the brain.
Male Reproductive System
1. Production of sperm – spermatogenesis
a. Begins at puberty, continues entire
b. Occurs in the testes
• Made of compartments called seminiferous tubules,
which forms immature haploid spermatids
• Enclosed within the scrotum which keeps testes
away from the body and at a lower temperature for
optimal sperm development
• Cells in the testes also produce testosterone
Male Reproductive System
Sperm Cell
Male Reproductive System
2. The sperm’s journey
a. Epididymis:
spermatids mature;
develop tail and area
with mitochondria for
– Sperm can be held here
for up to four weeks
b. Vas deferens: tube
that connect the
epididymis to the
urethra so sperm can
exit the body
Male Reproductive System
c. While in the urethra, the seminal vesicles,
prostate gland, and Cowper’s glands
secrete fluids that make up semen
Semen contains:
– High concentrations of fructose that gives
sperm energy
– Alkaline fluids that neutralize the acidic
condition of the vagina
– Prostaglandins that stimulate contractions in
the female reproductive tract
Male Reproductive System
3. Delivery of sperm
a. The penis becomes erect when
spongy tissue is engorged with blood;
this enables it to deposit sperm in
b. The sperm is expelled during
ejaculation, which releases 300-400
million sperm forced through the penis
by smooth muscle contractions
c. Components of semen help sperm
reach the site of fertilization; most
sperm are killed by acidic environment
of female reproductive tract
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
1. Egg formation
a. Occurs in ovaries
b. A female is born
with all the eggs she
will need in her
c. Beginning at
puberty the menstrual
cycle regulates the
maturation of eggs,
about one every 28
days; the mature egg
is called an ovum
Female Reproductive System
2. The ovum’s
a. An ovum is
released from
the ovary into
the abdominal
b. Ovum is
swept up into
the fallopian
tubes by cilia
Female Reproductive System
c. Ovum travels from the tubes to the
uterus, a hollow muscular organ
– If the egg is fertilized it will remain in the
d. An unfertilized ovum
will pass out of the
body through the
cervix then the
Female Reproductive System
The menstrual cycle
1. Follicular phase
a. An immature egg in the ovary is surrounded by
other cells to form a follicle
b. Pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
c. FSH and LH cause the follicle to grow
d. The follicle cells secrete estrogen which causes
the lining of the uterus wall to thicken
e. This phase lasts about 14 days, until the follicle
reaches the surface of the ovary
The menstrual cycle
2. Ovulation
a. A burst of LH causes the follicle to
rupture and release an ovum from the ovary
b. Ovum is swept into the fallopian tube; it
stays in the fallopian tube 48 hours waiting
to be fertilized
The menstrual cycle
3. Luteal phase
a. The ruptured follicle becomes the corpus
b. The corpus luteum secretes estrogen and
progesterone that cause the lining of the
uterus to continue to thicken
c. FSH and LH levels decrease when estrogen
and progesterone levels increase
The menstrual cycle
4. Menstruation
a. If the ovum is fertilized, it attaches
to the lining of the uterus; the corpus
luteum continues to secrete estrogen and
b. If the ovum is not fertilized, the
corpus luteum disintegrates, so less
estrogen and progesterone are secreted
c. The lining of the uterus is shed during
menstruation; this lasts about five days
during the beginning of the follicular phase
d. Menstruation occurs from puberty until a
woman reaches menopause