Presentation - Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum

Cardiovascular Quiz
Developed by: Sorcha McCaughley & Mark Brims
Approved by: Gawain Hammond & Maureen Bain
Supported by: The Chancellor’s Fund
Cardiovascular Quiz
Developed by: Sorcha McCaughley & Mark Brims
Supported by: The Chancellor’s Fund
Choose a region:
• The Heart
• Arteries & Veins
On this radiograph A, B, C, D =
The Heart
•L. Atrium, R. Atrium, R. Ventrical,
L. Ventrical
•R. Atrium, R. Ventrical, L. Ventrical,
L. Atrium
•L. Atrium, L. Ventrical, R. Ventrical,
R. Atrium
•L. Ventrical, R. Atrium, L. Atrium,
R. Ventrical
 Correct! 
Well Done! This is the
correct order. On a left
lateral view, moving
clockwise, the chambers
of the heart are
positioned: L. Atrium, L.
Ventrical, R. Ventrical, R.
Now try Blood Vessel
 Incorrect 
Try Again!
Arteries & Veins
Do you want to view:
• You can now choose:
Thoracic arteries
Abdominal arteries
Thoracic arteries
a) What is Number 3?
• Brachiocephalic Trunk
• L. Subclavian a.
• Superficial Cervical a.
b) What is Number 6?
• Common Carotid a.
• Axillary a.
• Vertebral a.
c) Which is the Internal Thoracic
• 9
• 10
 Correct! 
Well Done! This is the
Brachiocephalic Trunk, it is
the first branch of the
Aortic arch. It then
branches into the Left &
Right Common Carotids
and the Right Subclavian
Here is another example:
Now try part b)
 Incorrect 
• No, this is not the Left
Subclavian Artery! It is
the second branch of the
Aortic arch.
• Here is the Left
Subclavian (number 4):
• Try again!
 Incorrect 
• No, this is not the
Superficial Cervical artery! It
supplies the ventral neck
muscles, cranial shoulder
and upper forelimb.
• Here is the Superficial
Cervical(number 7):
• Try again!
 Correct! 
Well Done! This is the
Vertebral Artery it
branches from the
Subclavian artery. Here is
another example:
Now try part c)
 Incorrect 
• No, this is not the Common
Carotid artery! It branches
from the Brachiocephalic trunk
just before the Right
Subclavian, and supplies the
• Here are the Common
Carotids(number 5):
• Try again!
 Incorrect 
• No, this is not the Axillary
Artery! It branches from
the Subclavian artery and
supplies the forelimb.
• Here is the Axillary
Artery(number 8):
• Try again!
 Correct! 
Well Done! This is the
Internal Thoracic Artery. It
is a branch of the
Subclavian Artery and
supplies the lateral chest
Here is another example:
Back to:
•Choose a Region
•Arteries Page
 Incorrect 
• Number 10 is the
Costocervical Artery. It
supplies the dorsal
cervical muscles of the
• Try again!
What is A?
Abdominal Aorta
Femoral a.
External Iliac a.
Abdominal arteries
b) What is B?
Internal Iliac a.
Deep Femoral a.
Lumbar a.
c) What is C?
Coeliac a.
Caudal Mesenteric a.
Median Sacral a.
d) What is D?
Internal Pudendal a.
Cranial Mesenteric a.
Saphenous a.
 Incorrect 
No! This is not the
Abdominal Aorta. It ends at
the point where it
branches . This is shown by
the red circle on the
radiograph: everything
cranial to this is the
Abdominal Aorta.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
No! A is not the Femoral
Artery. The Femoral Artery
is the continuation of A.
It is shown on the
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Well Done! This is the
External Iliac Artery. It is
one of the main branches
of the Abdominal Aorta.
Here is another example:
Try part b)
 Incorrect 
No! B is not the Deep
Femoral Artery. The Deep
Femoral Artery is shown on
the radiograph. It is a
branch of the External Iliac.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
No! B is not the Lumbar
Artery. There are several
paired Lumbar Arteries
running to the vertebral
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Well Done! This is the
Internal Iliac Artery. It is
one of the main branches
of the Abdominal Aorta,
positioned proximaly to
the External Iliac.
Here is another example:
Try part c)
 Incorrect 
This is not the Caudal Mesenteric Artery. It is
located much more caudal to this and is not easily
seen on the example shown.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
This is not the Median Sacral Artery. It is located
between the Left & Right Internal Iliac Arteries.
It is not easily seen on the radiograph shown.
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Yes! This is the Coeliac
Artery. It supplies the liver,
stomach, spleen and
pancreas, as well as part
of the Duodenum.
Here is another example:
Try part d)
 Incorrect 
This is not the Internal Pudendal Artery. It is a
branch of the Internal Iliac artery. It is not visible on
the radiograph shown.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
This is not the Saphenous Artery. It is a branch of
the Femoral Artery, located distal to the part of the
Femoral Artery shown.
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Yes! This is the Cranial
Mesenteric Artery. It
supplies the pancreas, cd.
Duodenum, jejunum,
ileum, caecum and most
of the colon.
Here is another example:
Back to:
•Choose a Region
•Arteries Page
The radiograph shown is of the canine venous system as it enters the heart.
What is A?
•Pulmonary Vein
•Cr. Vena Cava
•Coronary Vein
What is B?
•Subclavian Vein
•Femoral Vein
•Cephalic Vein
What is C?
•Common Carotid a.
•Jugular Vein
•Maxillary Vein
What is D?
•Aortic Arch
•Vertebral Vein
•Cd. Vena Cava
 Correct! 
Yes, this is the Cranial Vena
Cava! It is the main vessel
entering the heart from a
cranial direction.
Here is a lateral view:
Try part B
 Incorrect 
This is not the Pulmonary Vein. It runs from the
lungs to the left atrium of the heart; it cannot be
distinguished on this x-ray.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
This is not the Coronary Vein. The coronary veins
return blood from the myocardium (muscle of the
heart) to the right atrium. They are located within
the heart itself.
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Yes, this is the Subclavian Vein! It is the first branch of the Cr. Vena Cava
and divides into the Axillary and Brachial Veins to supply the forelimb.
Try part C
 Incorrect 
This is not the Femoral Vein. It is a branch of the
External Iliac Vein and is located in the hindlimb.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
This is not the Cephalic Vein. It is formed more
distally than this and is positioned on the cranial
aspect of the forelimb. It cannot be seen on this
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Yes, this is the Jugular Vein! It
is the main vessel supplying
the Cr. Vena Cava.
Here is a lateral view:
Try part D
 Incorrect 
No, this is not the Common
Carotid artery! Contrast has
only entered the venous
system, arteries cannot be
Here is an example of the
Common Carotid:
It is notably thinner than the
corresponding veins as it is
more muscular.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
No, this is not the Maxillary
Vein! It is one of the cranial
vessels which contributes to
vein C.
It is shown here:
Try Again!
 Correct! 
Yes, this is the Caudal Vena
Cava! It is the main vessel
returning blood to the right
atrium from a caudal
Here is a lateral view:
Back to:
•Choose a Region
•Arteries & Veins page
 Incorrect 
No, this is not the Aortic
Arch! Contrast has only
entered the venous system,
arteries cannot be seen.
Here is an example of the
Aortic Arch:
It leaves the heart cranially
and arches back caudally.
Try Again!
 Incorrect 
No, this is not the Vertebral Vein! Vetebral Veins are much thinner than this
vessel. This is a major vessel.
Try Again!