English 202C Internet Resource Guide Online Resources for Students Working On the IE 311 Final Project Christian Poluch Table of Contents About This Guide .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Audience ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Assumptions .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Organization .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Tips for Using This Guide........................................................................................................................... 4 General Information..................................................................................................................................... 5 The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications .......................................................................................... 6 The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering........................................................................... 6 The Library of Manufacturing ................................................................................................................... 7 Manufacturing Processes and Systems..................................................................................................... 8 Product Pricing Guide................................................................................................................................... 9 Material Costs and Specification ........................................................................................................... 10 Online Metals ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Manufacturing Costs .............................................................................................................................. 10 Custompart ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Labor Costs ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Statistical Abstract of the United States ............................................................................................. 11 Hardware Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Bolt Depot ........................................................................................................................................... 12 2 About This Guide Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Audience ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Assumptions .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Organization .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Tips for Using This Guide........................................................................................................................... 4 3 Contents This internet resource guide is meant for those completing the IE 311 manufacturing project. The guide can help you to narrow down what a product is made from, how it is made, the approximate cost of making a part and its material costs, the approximate hourly wages and salaries of workers in manufacturing, and other general information that could be used in the project. There are links to journals and other general information that can be helpful in the discussion section of the project as well as finding specifically how your part was made before doing pricing. Audience The intended audience for this internet resource guide is those students who are in the Penn State Industrial Engineering program. Specifically those enrolled in the IE 311 Principles of Solidification Processing class, completing the final manufacturing of a product project. This class is a junior or senior level class which in turn is the class standing of those who would use this guide. Assumptions There are a few key assumptions for using this guide. The first assumption being that the student is in fact a junior or senior in the Industrial Engineering program at Penn State. They must have completed the IE 305 Product Design, Specification and Measurement class as a prerequisite which allows assumptions of key knowledge that the students will need for this class and project specifically. Their knowledge of product measurement and specification will be crucial for those parts of this guide that allow you to calculate the approximate manufacturing cost of a product. This guide also assumes that there is a basic knowledge of key manufacturing terms that are present on these resources. Without a basic knowledge of such terms as tooling costs, machining, casting, injection molding, and other terms this guide will be not as useful. Organization This guide is organized sequentially and by topic. There are some key steps in calculating the cost of manufacturing a product such as determining material, processes used, and then pricing these materials and processes along with the wages of the workers involved. To start the process of pricing the manufacturing a product you must first know how it is made and what it is made of. When these are determined you can then follow by pricing these materials and processes. That is why this guide starts by determining these key factors which is followed by the pricing of them. Tips for Using This Guide To utilize this guide it its fullest potential you should have a good base in the terminology and prerequisite knowledge needed for the IE 311 class and final project. For Example when determining things such as the material of a given product you should first take your best guess before using the websites provided by this guide. When you have a good idea of the material then use the resources to narrow down what specific type may have been used, such as a specific type of steel or aluminum. This same idea should be used to determine the type and cost of manufacturing processes involved. 4 General Information The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications .......................................................................................... 5 The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering........................................................................... 5 The Library of Manufacturing ................................................................................................................... 5 Manufacturing Processes and Systems..................................................................................................... 5 5 The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications http://catalog.gpo.gov/F Abstract: The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications is a search tool which can be used to find federal publications. The site is basically a database of records of new and old publications. The front page of the website contains a search bar in which you can search any topic. You then are provided a list of publications matching that keyword. Once a publication is selected the bibliographic information is shown as well as general information on where it can be purchased. These publications can be viewed online in some cases and can also sometimes be found in local libraries through a search provided. In relation to the topic of manufacturing and a student enrolled in the IE 311 class, the website can be used to find current historical information, such as government spending on manufacturing and information on outsourcing and other current events. The article, “Alternative Energy Tax Incentives: The effect of Short-Term Extensions on Alternative Technology Investment, Domestic Manufacturing, and Jobs” is an article that describes who is creating new U.S. manufacturing jobs, the industries that are thriving which is specifically alternative energy in this case, and the numerical figures that go along with these. This could be helpful in the discussion part of the IE 311 manufacturing project along with general information in the introduction of the project. http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/gpo33904/77605.pdf Tips for using this website: When searching for articles that you would like to be able to actually pull up online and read, look for the internet access tab on the right hand side and see what articles have a link next to them. Using the advanced search will allow you to narrow down results when looking for specific topics, years, publications, or formats such as books or visual materials. The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering http://manufacturingscience.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/journal.aspx Abstract: The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering is a website that houses research articles, book reviews, technical articles, design and innovation articles, and editorials surrounding all facets of manufacturing. All information regarding manufacturing, current events, and research can be found here. The scope of this journal is vast, ranging from manufacturing, to CAD simulation, to welding and joining, as well as process planning, and even nano/micro technology. This website can be used by an IE 311 student to find current information about manufacturing relevant to their project. They can do this by simply searching at the top of the page for a product, process. They will find information that could be extremely helpful in the discussion section of their project. This journal could help bring an 6 interesting twist to their project that they may not likely have if only finding information from textbooks or similar sources. Tips for using this website: Start always by searching in the search bar at the top of the page. This will narrow down your results to find information relevant to what you are doing on your project. After searching, look to the left hand side of the page and filter by public access to see the free to view articles as many of them require payment to view. The Library of Manufacturing http://thelibraryofmanufacturing.com/ Abstract: The Library of Manufacturing is a website that includes the many processes that make up manufacturing. It describes many of them in great detail and lists all of the processes that can be done by a certain type of manufacturing, such as casting, forming, powder processes, plastics, ceramics, and machining. When select a link to a specific process you will find information it such as what is involved, what can be made from this process, and an in depth detailing of how it is done. As a student in IE 311 doing the manufacturing project you will find this website helpful in finding information on how a process is done, what types there are, and information that will help you narrow down exactly how your product was made. In your presentation of your project you can use information from this website to describe in great detail the process, how it is done step by step, and pictures that can be used in a PowerPoint that could be helpful in showing it visually. Tips for using this guide: A general idea of how your part was made will give you a head-start when trying to find the specific process used. For example, knowing that your part was made by a casting process will help you to start reading through the casting section to find the correct method. This website is most helpful if you are looking for information on casting, forming and powder processes as you can select each type to find more information. For a brief overall description of broad topics such as casting or machining, scroll to the bottom of the home page to find that information. 7 Manufacturing Processes and Systems http://psu.summon.serialssolutions.com/document/show?id=FETCHMERGEDpsu_catalog_a17299291&s.cmd=addFacetValueFilters%28SubjectTerms%2Celectronic+books%29&s.fvf =ContentType%2CBook+%2F+eBook%2Cf&s.light=t&s.q=manufacturing+processes Abstract: Manufacturing Processes and Systems is a book that fully describes every facet and detail of the manufacturing process. Every type of manufacturing process is described, from casting, to plastic injection molding, to machining. The beginning of the book gives a basic overview of manufacturing, the book then moves on to describe every type of process, and finally finishing, measurement, and quality just to name a few other. By looking at the home page of the site you see the table of contents which allows you to navigate through the book by each topic. This book can be used by a student in IE 311 doing their final project no matter what product they chose. They can find information on how a process is done and give a detailed description in their presentation with this book alone. If a student was unclear on how a process was done, what a specific term means such as turning, or boring, this is where they can find all relevant information. Tips for using this website: When you copy the URL provide above into your search bar your will find yourself on the Penn State Libraries website. Select “Full Text Online” under the book information section. You will be prompted to sign into your Penn State account and then redirected to the book website. Start at the home page of the website to view the table of contents, there you can navigate to the section you need quickly. 8 Product Pricing Guide Material Costs and Specification ........................................................................................................... 10 Online Metals ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Manufacturing Costs .............................................................................................................................. 10 Custompart ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Labor Costs ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Statistical Abstract of the United States ............................................................................................. 11 Hardware Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Bolt Depot ........................................................................................................................................... 12 9 Online Metals http://www.onlinemetals.com/productguide.cfm Abstract: The online metals website is a place where metals can be purchased and a reader can view the various alloys of metals such as steel, aluminum, brass, titanium and many others. The website is organized by type of metal and when you select an alloy you can find necessary information for a material, its uses, and its specifications. The product guide section of the website is where all information about various metals is contained. Once you select a metal and an alloy its mechanical properties are shown along with the chemical makeup of the metal. This website can be used by a student in IE 311 on their final project to find information on the many types of metals for their presentation, and alloy them to narrow down what metal and alloy was used for a specific product if it is unknown to them. Tips for using this website: The product guide section is where you will find useful information about different types of metals. If you start on the home page of the website you will find the product guide link on the left hand side of the page. Know your materials terminology, without a basic knowledge of what such things such as mechanical properties or the difference between alloy and tool steel, this will be of no help to you. Know what shape material your part was originally made from if it was a machined. If you know that the part was made from round bar you can narrow down what type of steel was possibly used to make it. Custompart http://www.custompartnet.com/ Abstract: Custompart is a website that allows the reader to find the approximate cost to make a product using a variety of methods. The costs of machining die casting, sand casting, and injection molding can be estimated. These website in incredibly in depth, allowing you to fill in the exact information for the part you are looking to produce. You can input data into fields such as; the material used, the quantity being made, the costs associated with material, production times and rates etc. The website also allows the user to approximate tooling costs by using information such as allowable tolerances, surface finish, and complexity. This could be used by a student in IE 311 to determine the cost of producing a product, including tooling costs, material costs, and using in depth input from the user to get an accurate estimate. This website is vast so the best way to start is to navigate to the tabs at the top of the page to narrow down the user options and start the estimation process whether it is for machining costs, tooling costs, or material cost. 10 Tips for using this website: Go straight to the estimator tab at the top of the page and select either machining, injection molding, or casting, and then select the feature based estimator to make an accurate estimation. Since there is not a full list of material types simply select aluminum, plastic, or steel depending on what your part is. The specific alloy is not necessary for a rough estimation. If using the tooling cost estimator which is also under the estimator tab, click on the blue hyperlinks. They will define the terminology used and allow you to effectively use this estimator. Statistical Abstract of the United States http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s1016.pdf Abstract: The statistical abstract of the United States is a government run website which includes data from the latest census for many different industries. In this part of the website the average hourly rates of workers in the manufacturing industry are given. This is organized by state and gives their average hourly rates from years 2007 to 2010. It also gives the number of full-time equivalent employees and in various divisions of manufacturing and their average salary in years 2000, 2005, 2008, and 2009. A student in IE 311 would use this information when doing their final manufacturing project to help calculate the approximate cost paid to workers either hourly or salary. This would be used to calculate the cost to make a product. The information is very straightforward allowing the reader to find the hourly rates or salaries very quickly just by looking at the chart. Tips for using this website: When pricing worker compensation for completing a process, know approximately how long it takes to complete that process to make an accurate calculation. Use mostly the hourly rates section as most manufacturing workers are paid in this fashion. Use the most current hourly rates i.e. the 2010 rates, as the average wage amount increases every year. 11 Bolt Depot http://www.boltdepot.com/Default.aspx Abstract: Bolt Depot is a website in which you can find all the necessary information about fasteners and other miscellaneous hardware. It allows you to find information regarding the types of hardware, the specifications, and the pricing. Within the website you will find many different types of U.S. and metric hardware and their corresponding information. The useful sections for an IE 311 student are the product catalog section, and the fastener info section. The product catalog section is where you can find the details and pricing of a large amount of hardware and fasteners. You can narrow results initially by the type of hardware or fastener, such as machine screws, and then choose the appropriate size to find the full pricing of your specific choice. The fastener info section is where you can find information regarding the identification and types them. When looking at the product catalog section you must understand what the terminology means to find what you are looking for. Tips for using this website: Get familiar with the terminology and types found in the fastener info section if you are not a hardware expert. If you are looking to price hardware or fastener know the approximate size and type before reading through the many sizes and types found on this website to save time. 12