How to Write a Thematic Essay

Aim: What steps/measures
must be undertaken when
writing a Thematic Essay?
Title: Global History Essay
Next week Wednesday (06/18/14), when
you get your exam  turn to the back and
look at the Thematic and DBQ Essay topics
(this will actually go a very long way in
helping you succeed on the forthcoming
global exam).
On a piece of scrap paper, write down the
number of any multiple choice question that
you can use on the exam.
Thematic Essay Writing
In connection to today’s handout on the
same topic, the purpose of a thematic
essay is to measure your comprehension
of social studies concepts and themes.
It requires you to make connections and
links between different historical events
across time.
BEFORE You Begin
Writing an Essay
Organize your information
-use a graphic organizer
*Sandwich Method
*List method
-It doesn’t matter which one you choose…Use
the style that fits you best!
Thesis Statements
What is a thesis statement?
-tells the reader what the essay will be about
-tells the reader what point you will be making
How do you write a good thesis statement?
-look at your outline or theme/task
*What are the main ideas and supporting ideas?
Your thesis statement will have two parts.
-The first part states the topic.
-The second part states the point of the essay.
*Or it lists the main ideas you will discuss
Once you have formulated a thesis you are ready to continue writing
the essay
The Introduction
Communicates the idea with a strong
thesis statement
*uses the theme and task
*declares what will be proven
 You MUST paraphrase your
 Never copy directly from guidelines!
The Body Paragraphs
Thoroughly address all elements of the
*use the rubric
*organize by subject
*use a lot of details to write as much as
The Conclusion
Whatever you do, no matter how
tempting it might be, refrain from adding
new information.
 Borrows some materials from the theme
 Repeats what was first stated in the
introduction and proven in the body
 Offers a final thought, recommendation
or other analytical response
NYS Generic Scoring Rubric
Your goal should be a 4 or 5!
Score of 4:
Shows a good understanding of the theme or problem
Addresses all aspects of the task
Shows an ability to analyze, evaluate, compare and/or contrast
issues and events
Includes relevant facts, examples, and details, but may not support
all aspects of the theme or problem evenly
Is a well-developed essay, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of
Introduces the theme or problem by establishing a framework that
is beyond a simple restatement of the task and concludes with a
summation of the theme or problem
Score of 3:
 Develops all aspects of the task with little
depth or develops most aspects of the task in
some depth
 Is more descriptive than analytical (applies,
may analyze, and/or evaluate information)
 Includes some relevant facts, examples, and
details; may include some minor inaccuracies
 Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of
organization; includes an introduction and a
conclusion that may be a restatement of the
Score of 2:
 Minimally develops all aspects of the task or
develops some aspects of the task in some
 Is primarily descriptive; may include faulty,
weak, or isolated application or analysis
 Includes few relevant facts, examples, and
details; may include some inaccuracies
 Demonstrates a general plan of organization;
may lack focus; may contain digressions;
may not clearly identify which aspect of the
task is being addressed; may lack an
introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 1:
 Minimally develops some aspects of the task
 Is descriptive; may lack understanding,
application, or analysis
 Includes few relevant facts, examples, or
details; may include inaccuracies
 May demonstrate a weakness in
organization; may lack focus; may contain
digressions; may not clearly identify which
aspect of the task is being addressed; may
lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 0:
 Fails to develop the task or may only
refer to the theme in a general way; OR
includes no relevant facts, examples, or
details; OR includes only the theme,
task, or suggestions as copied from the
test booklet; OR is illegible; OR is a
blank paper
Sample Essay Topics
In the next few slides, you will find several
sample thematic essays from old Regents
Exams (carefully review them).
 For each essay topic, construct a brief
outline or plan of attack.
 Remember, outside information isn’t only
for DBQ essays!
Conflict 1
Identify one conflict that has threatened
peace in a nation or region and
• Discuss one major cause of that conflict
• Identify two opposing groups involved in
the conflict and discuss one viewpoint
of each group
• Discuss the extent to which the conflict
was or was not resolved
Conflict 2
Identify two ethnic, religious, political,
and/or cultural conflicts and for each:
• Discuss the historical circumstances that
led to the conflict
• Analyze the effect of this conflict on two
groups involved
Change 3
Choose one political revolution from your study
of global history and geography and:
• Explain the causes of the revolution
• Describe the effects this political revolution
had on society
• Evaluate whether the changes that resulted
from the political revolution resolved the
problems that caused it
Change [Political Events]
Identify two 20th-century political events
and for each
• Discuss the historical circumstances
surrounding the event
• Evaluate the extent to which this event
has had a positive or a negative effect
on global history
Change [Individuals Who
Have Changed History]
Identify two individuals who have
changed global history and for each:
• Explain one belief or achievement of
that individual
• Discuss the positive and/or negative
effects of the individual’s belief or
Trade: Movement of People
and Goods
Identify two trade routes and/or trade
organizations and for each
• Explain one reason for the
establishment of the trade route or trade
• Discuss one positive effect or one
negative effect of the trade route or
trade organization on a specific nation
or region
Belief Systems
Choose two belief systems from your study of global
history, and for each one:
Identify the nation or region where it was founded.
Describe two basic teachings of the belief system.
Discuss how the belief system has influenced the
culture of the areas in which it is currently
Global Problems
Select two different global problems and
for each
• Describe one major cause of the global
• Discuss one effect of the global problem
on a specific nation or region
Economic Systems
Identify one society and one economic system
that has been used or is being used in that
society and
• Discuss the historical circumstances
surrounding the development of that
economic system
• Describe two features of the economic system
• Evaluate the impact the economic system had
on this society during a specific historical
Human and Physical
Geography (Geographic
Impact on Societies)
• Select one geographic factor that influenced
life in a nation or region before A.D. 1500,
and using specific examples, discuss the
influence of that geographic factor on the
people of that nation or region
• Select a different geographic factor that
influenced life in a nation or region after A.D.
1500, and using specific examples, discuss
the influence of that geographic factor on the
people of that nation or region
Past Acronyms!
French Revolution
T – The influences of the Enlightenment
and American Revolution
 E – Estate System
 R – Rev begins (Storming of the Bastille)
 R – Reign of Terror
 O – Off with Louis XVI’s head!
(the Guillotine)
 R – Rise of Napoleon – helped put an end to
the reign of terror and the start of a
Industrial Revolution
Changes during the IR
I – Increase of population and Middle Class
N – New Advances in Science
D – Dangerous Working Conditions
U - Urbanization
S – Standard of Living Increases
T – Transportation improves
R – Rise of pollution
Y - Yeah, steel production improved
Reasons for Imperialsim
R – Rise of Nationalism
 U – Use your resources and markets
 L – Let our troops stay there
 E - Ethnocentrism
Causes of WWI
Causes of WWI
M – militarism OR
 A – alliances
 I – imperialism
 N – nationalism
M – militarism
A – alliances
N – nationalism
I- imperialism
A– assassination
of the archduke
Let’s take a look!
Theme: Conflict
Differences among groups have often led to conflict.
Identify two ethnic, religious, political, and/or cultural conflicts and for
• Discuss the historical circumstances that led to the conflict
• Analyze the effect of this conflict on two groups involved
You may use any examples from your study of global history and geography.
Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the persecution of
Christians during the Roman Empire, the Reign of Terror, the Armenian
massacres, the forced famine in Ukraine, the Holocaust, Apartheid in
South Africa, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the conflict in Northern
Ireland, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and the Tiananmen Square
You are not limited to these suggestions.
Do not use any conflict that occurred in the United States.
Theme: Change [Individuals Who Have Changed History]
The beliefs and achievements of individuals have changed global history.
These beliefs and achievements have had positive and negative effects
on society.
Identify two individuals who have changed global history and for each:
• Explain one belief or achievement of that individual
• Discuss the positive and/or negative effects of the individual’s belief or
You may use any individual from your study of global history. Some
individuals that you might consider include Hammurabi, Confucius,
Aristotle,Alexander the Great, Muhammad, Johannes Gutenberg, Queen
Isabella, Leonardo da Vinci, John Locke, Catherine the Great, Simón
Bolívar, or Nelson Mandela.
You are not limited to these suggestions.
Do not use any conflict that occurred in the United States.
Theme: Turning Points
Turning points are major events in history that have led to lasting change.
Identify two major turning points in global history and for each:
• Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the turning point
• Explain how each turning point changed the course of history
You may use any example from your study of global history. Some
suggestions you might wish to consider include the Neolithic Revolution,
the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Encounter, the French Revolution,
the Russian Revolution of 1917, World War I, creation of the modern state
of Israel, Nelson Mandela elected president of South Africa, and the fall of
the Berlin Wall.
You are not limited to these suggestions.
Do not use any conflict that occurred in the United States.