4-Part Logo_Ticket Project

Sports & Entertainment Marketing Activities
A 1.10 – Design logo for sports event. Design ticket for sports event.
Directions: Complete each below. Review the class notes to assist you.
Part A: Objective 1.10 Class Notes
(10 points)
Complete the class notes on the flip side of this paper.
Part B: Logo History
(15 points)
Team logos change over time – to freshen up the team image. Go to http://www.sportslogos.net/league.php?id=7 and
browse through any of the professional team logos. Click on a team logo and you will find their logo history.
Select a team and examine the changes in the logo over time. Write a half-page summary of the following topics:
 Describe the original logo. (Be as descriptive as possible.)
 Explain how it has changed over time into the current logo.
 Why do you believe the logo was changed?
 Do you think the logo change has also affected the team’s brand image? Why/Why not?
 How would you change the logo for the future?
Part C: Design logos for a team, business, or entertainer.
(20 points)
You may create logos for a NEW team, business, or entertainer.
You MUST design 4 or the 5 different types of logos. (Brand Mark Symbol, Word Mark, Letter
Mark, Combination Mark, or Emblem)
You may use the art supplies or make computer generated designs.
Remember to include logo components discussed in class and use the characteristics of effective
logos in your creation.
Part D: Design the next Super Bowl Ticket
(25 points)
Super Bowl ticket design is serious business. The ticket reflects the location of the game while promoting the spirit of
football. You are to design a ticket that reflects the next Super Bowl location. Research the location of the next Super
Bowl and include themes that are consistent with the location. (For example, palm trees in Miami, or Mardi Gras in New
Orleans.) This must be computer generated. Follow the link below for inspiration.
Information that must be included:
Seat info: gate/section/row/seat
Event info: day/time/venue/price
Illustrations: NFL logo/Competing team logos/UPC symbol/Host city theme
Advertisement: Show sponsorship by using a business logo or advertisement