THEME Chapter 4 OBJECTIVE: WE WILL BE ABLE TO DEFINE THEME AND GENRE Objectives for later in the unit… • We will be able to determine the theme of a story • We will be able to compare works of different genres that have a universal theme • We will be able to cite evidence in the text that contributes to the development of a theme • We will be able to explain how the selection of genre shapes theme APK=ACTIVATING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Q=What do you already know about THEME and/or the GENRE? A=Genre is a category C O N C E P T D E V E L O P M E N TGENRES Fiction (fake) Science Fiction Manga Outer Space underwater Future Time travel Fantasy Mystery Western Romance How would you categorize ___________? How do you know? Action Thriller Realistic Fiction Spy Novel Survival Horror C O N C E P T D E V E L O P M E N TGENRES “Taste, the Final Frontier” would be categorized as ____________. How do you know? NonFiction (true) Autobiography Newspaper Autobiographical Narrative Biography How-To Biographical Narrative Informational text Textbooks C O N C E P T D E V E L O P M E N TTHEME Themes are the fundamental ( universal ( ) and often ) ideas explored in a literary work. Theme is THE MEssage the text is trying to send the reader about a specific idea or topic C O N C E P T D E V E L O P M E N TTHEME WHAT IT IS What all the elements of a good story add up to An insight about life or human nature Is unseen and unstated A revelation about the author’s personal attitude toward the world or how people should behave WHAT IT ISN’T Not a summary Not the moral (lesson) Not the topic or subject Not a one-word answer or phrase CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Checking for understanding • What is GENRE? • What are the two major GENRES of writing? • Can you name a sub-genre? • What is a THEME? • What is THEME NOT? IMPORTANCE Why are Genre and Theme important? Every book, movie, song belongs to a particular genre… Most stories (including movies) have a THEME that the writer/director/producer is trying to convey to the audience… SKILL DEVELOPMENT A N D G U I D E D P R AC T I C E Steps to figuring out THEME 1. Determine some general TOPICS the story is about 2. Figure out what the story’s MESSAGE about those topics is 3. Write the message the story/author is sending to the reader in a complete sentence SKILL DEVELOPMENT A N D G U I D E D P R AC T I C E Practice with “Everyday Use” 1. Determine some general TOPICS the story was about • 2. Family, Heritage, Heirlooms Figure out what the story’s MESSAGE was about those topics • Pair share…what was the author’s message about Family, Heritage, Heirlooms? SKILL DEVELOPMENT A N D G U I D E D P R AC T I C E 3. Write the message the story/author is sending to the reader in a complete sentence • • • Family is more important than social status and material possessions. To really understand one’s heritage, one must understand and appreciate his/her ancestors. Often times an heirloom’s sentimental value is more important than its monetary value. CLOSURE What are the steps to figuring out theme? INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Time to APPLY Independently or with a partner, determine a possible theme for one of the other stories we have read in class… • “The Love Letter”; “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”; “Typhoid Fever”; “Cold Equations” • Follow the steps to determine a possible THEME THEME Cold Equations • Share out topics: • Consider how the main character changes • Consider the conflict of the story, and how it is resolved • Which of the topics does the story have the MOST to say about? THEME Make a specific statement from the story that reveals what the story has to say about the topic. Now make the statement general so it can apply to a broad range of stories.