BIG IDEAS The structure of the atom LEARNING GOALS (WHAT ARE OUR AIMS?) Know about atomic structure SUPPORTING GOALS (WHAT WILL THEY KNOW?) The structure of the atom Mass number Atomic number Names of subatomic particles ACTIVITIES (WHAT WILL THEY DO?) Chalk & Talk. To understand in broad terms the structure of the periodic table That elements are arranged into groups and periods in the periodic table according to their properties That elements have a symbol. Know the difference between an element, compound and mixture That elements are composed of one type of atom That compounds are composed of two or more different atoms That mixtures are a physical mix of Colour in the periodic table Question sheet about elements and the periodic table to be done Online version of periodic table into favourites What am I? Periodic Table Crossword Be able to use atomic symbols correctly The elements are arranged according to their properties in the periodic table Elements, compounds and mixtures That the properties of materials can be explained in terms of their constituent particles and the forces holding them together Worksheet to be done Symbol Search Symbols Dominoes Particle Puzzle Demo: Centrifuge to show how mixtures separate RESOURCES (WHAT WILL WE USE?) Sc Dim 3 p3 Based on Liz’s yr 10 sc worksheet revamped Clickview: What are atoms made of? Ch. The periodic table Sc dim 3 p 10/11 periodic table Sc Dim3 HWK p11/12 Sc Dim HWK p13 Sc. Dim 3 Teachers book p 4 different compounds and elements. That compounds have a chemical formula Understand valencies, electron configuration and how atoms become ions That ions are formed when atoms lose or gain electrons depending upon their position in the periodic table Prac: Separating mixtures – brainstorm how to do this scientific method Prac: Using straw and plasticene (or models) to create compounds, molecules and lattices and then writing chemical formula Worksheet: to be made Sc. Dim 3 p 4/5 Prac: Compounds in soft drinks? Drawing atoms and electron shells Rules for electrons Prac: Firework Colours Sc Dim 3 p8 Clickview: What are atoms made of? Ch: Valency Sc Dim 3 p 19 Bonding To know there are Be able to write Covalent and ionic chemical formula bond types of bonds Know what a molecule is. Know what a lattice is. Ions Get Together Ferreting out the formula Prac : Colours of Transition Metal ions Sc Dim 3 activity 1.4 HWK Book. Sc dim 3 p45 States of matter Notation for Solid, liquid, gas Types of Solutions Solutions & Solubility Curves To understand the different states of matter Be able to read a solubility graph Explain chemical reactions in terms of energy Prac: Action of Heat on Compounds Chalk & Talk Prac: Making a super saturated solution Solubility curve exercise The difference between Physical Changes and Chemical Changes Are able to recognize the signs indicating a chemical change has occurred Prac: Signs of chemical change Chalk & Talk Activity 2.2 Physical & Chem change The know the types of Chemical reactions and be able to describe them using balanced chemical equations Be able to summarise chemical reactions using equations Types of reactions Pracs together with equations Apply this concept to relevant chemical phenomena Use exothermic reactions and the production of new materials as examples Ionic compounds , names & formulas Be able to balance simple chemical equations Clickview: What are atoms made of? Ch: How elements combine Sc Dim 3 p38 39 40 41 HWK Book Activity 2.1 Sc Dim 3 p 41 Sc Dim 3 p 45 Sc Dim 3 p 42 Sc Dim 3 p 46 Sc Dim 3 p 44 Sc Dim 3 p. 47-50, prac p 53 Sc Dim 3 HWK Book Activity 2.2 Sc Dim 2.3 unit 2.3 Reaction types p 55 Design and conduct scientific investigations and prepare investigation reports using symbols To know that there are different types of reactions: Precipitation reactions Decomposition reactions Combination Reactions Combustion reactions Neutralisation Reactions Displacement Reactions Prac: Either Precipitation of Unknowns Or Precipitation Reactions – Judy’s prac Sc Dim 3 p60 Decomposition Reactions Discussion: combustion reactions, Sc Dim 3 p60 combination reactions, Neutralisation Reactions Electroplating Balancing Equations Sc Dim 3 p 61 Acids and Bases To understand the properties of acids and bases The difference between acids and bases That many common substances may be classified as acidic or Chem Reactions crossword Prac: Testing Household substances Activity 2.3 HWK Book or similar Classifying reaction types - equations Sc Dim # HWK Book Activity 2.7 basic To appreciate that indicators may be used to show the presence of an acid or a base Sc Dim 3 p70 Sc Dim 3 HWK book p22/23 The properties of acids and bases Dilute and concentrated acids Chalk & Talk The pH scale Some of the different Indicators Acids, Bases & the pH scale ph Levels of Common Drinks Reactions of acids and bases Neutralisation Reactions Acids and metal carbonates Acids and metal oxides Acids and metal hydroxides Sc Dim 3 p63 Sc Dim 3 p64 Chalk & Talk Prac: Common Indicators Sc Dim 3 HWK Book Activity 2.5 Prac: Natural Indicators Prac: Universal Indicator Neutralisation reaction worksheet Sc Dim 3 p68 Prac: Acids & Metal Carbonates Prac: Acids and Metals Equations worksheet? Sc Dim 3 p69 Sc Dim 3 p69 Sc Dim 3 HWK Book Activity 2.6 Sc Dim 3 p71 Sc Dim 3 p70