10 Genomics, Proteomics and Genetic Engineering Genomics and Proteomics • The field of genomics deals with the DNA sequence, organization, function, and evolution of genomes • Proteomics aims to identify all the proteins in a cell or organism including any posttranslationally modified forms, as well as their cellular localization, functions, and interactions • Genomics was made possible by the invention of techniques of recombinant DNA, also known as gene cloning or genetic engineering 2 Genetic Engineering • In genetic engineering, the immediate goal of an experiment is to insert a particular fragment of chromosomal DNA into a plasmid or a viral DNA molecule • This is accomplished by breaking DNA molecules at specific sites and isolating particular DNA fragments • DNA fragments are usually obtained by the treatment of DNA samples with restriction enzymes • Cloning from mRNA molecules depends on an unusual polymerase, reverse transcriptase, which can use a single-stranded RNA molecule as a template and 3 synthesize a complementary DNA (cDNA) cDNA Cloning • The resulting full-length cDNA contains an uninterrupted by introns coding sequence for the protein of interest • If DNA sequence is known at both ends of the cDNA for design of appropriate primers, amplification of the cDNA produced by reverse transcriptase is possible by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) 4 Bioinformatics • Rapid automated DNA sequencing was instrumental in the success of the Human Genome Project, an international effort begun in 1990 to sequence the human genome and that of a number of organisms • However, a genomic sequence is like a book using an alphabet of only four letters, without spaces or punctuation. Identifying genes and their functions is a major challenge • The annotation of genomic sequences at this level is one aspect of bioinformatics, defined broadly as the use of computers in the interpretation and management of biological data 5 Functional Genomics • Genomic sequencing has made possible a new approach to genetics called functional genomics, which focuses on genome-wide patterns of gene expression and the mechanisms by which gene expression is coordinated • DNA microarray (or chip) - a flat surface about the size of a postage stamp with up to 100,000 distinct spots, each containing a different immobilized DNA sequence suitable for hybridization with DNA or RNA isolated from cells growing under different conditions • DNA microarrays are used to estimate the relative level of gene expression of each gene in the genome 6 Fig. 10.13 7 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 0.1 yceO solA yceP dinI pyrC yceB grxB yceL rimJ yceH mviM mviN flgN flgM flgA flgB flgC flgD flgE flgF flgG flgH flgI flgJ flgK flgL rne b1085 rluC yceF yceD rpmF plsX fabH fabD fabG acpP fabF pabC yceG tmk holB ycfH ptsG fhuE ycfF ycfL ycfM ycfN nagZ ycfP ndh ycfJ ycfJ ycfQ ycfR ycfS mfd ycfT ycfU ycfV ycfW ycfX cobB ycfZ ymfA potD potC potB potA pepT ycfD phoQ phoP purB ycfC trmU ymfB ymfC icd ymfD ymfE lit intE ymfG ymfH ymfI ymfJ ymfK b1146 ymfL ymfM ymfN ymfR ymfO ymfP ymfQ ycfK ymfS ymfS 0.1 tfaE stfE pinE mcrA icdC elbA ycgX ycgE ycgF ycgZ ymgA ymgB ymgC ycgG ymgF ycgH b1170 ymgD b1172 ycgI minE minD minC ycgJ ycgK ycgL ycgM ycgN hlyE umuD umuC dsbB nhaB fadR ycgB dadA dadX ycgO ldcA emtA ycgR ymgE ymgE ycgY ycgY treA ycgC ycgS ycgT ycgT ycgU ycgV ychF pth ychH ychM prs ychB lolB hemA prfA hemK ychQ ychA kdsA chaA chaB chaC ychN ychO narL narX narK narG narH narJ narI b1228 tpr tyrV tyrT purU ychJ rssA rssB galU hns tdk ychG ISZ adhE ychE oppA oppB oppC oppD oppF yciU cls kch yccT yccU yccV yccW yccX yccK yccA serT hyaA hyaB hyaC hyaD hyaE hyaF appC appB yccB appA yccC yccY yccZ ymcA ymcA ymcB ymcC ymcD ymcD IS1D cspH cspG sfa yccL yccM torS torT torR torC torA torD yccD cbpA yccE yccE agp yccJ yccJ wrbA ymdF ycdG ycdH ycdI ycdJ ycdK ycdL ycdM ycdC putA putP ycdN b1017 ycdO ycdB phoH ycdP ycdQ ycdR ycdS ycdT ISD3 ISD3 ymdE ycdU b1030 ycdV serX ycdW ycdX ycdY ycdZ csgG csgF csgE csgD csgB csgA csgC ymdA ymdB ymdC mdoC mdoG mdoH yceK msyB b1052 yceE htrB yceA yceI yceJ 0.1 10 yciI tonB yciA yciB yciC ompW yciE yciE yciF yciF yciG trpA trpB trpC trpD trpE trpL trpL trpH yciO yciQ yciL btuR yciK sohB yciN topA cysB yciX acnA ribA pgpB yciS yciM pyrF yciH osmB yciT yciR rnb yciW fabI ycjD sapF sapD sapC sapB sapA ymjA ycjJ ycjK ycjL ycjC aldH ordL goaG pspF pspA pspB pspC pspD pspE ycjM ycjN ycjO ycjP ycjQ ycjR ycjS ycjT ycjU ycjV ompG ycjW ycjX ycjX ycjF tyrR tpx ycjG ycjI ycjY ycjZ mppA ynaI IS5F ynaJ ydaA fnr ogt abgT abgB abgA abgR ydaL ydaL ydaM ydaN dbpA ydaO ybjP ybjQ ybjR ybjS ybjT ltaE poxB ybjV ybjW ybjE aqpZ ybjD ybjX ybjY ybjZ cspD yljA clpA serW infA aat cydC cydD trxB lrp 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ybhR ybhS ybhF ybhG ybiH rhlE ybiA dinG ybiB ybiC ybiJ ybiI ybiX fiu ybiM ybiN ybiO glnQ glnP glnH dps ybiF ybiF ompX ybiP b0816 ybiQ ybiR ybiS ybiT ybiU ybiV ybiW ybiY mipB moeB moeA ybiK yliA yliA yliB yliC yliD yliE yliF yliG yliH yliI yliJ dacC deoR ybjG cmr ybjH ybjI ybjJ ybjK ybjL ybjM ybjM grxA ybjC nfsA rimK ybjN potF potG potH potI ybjO ybjF artJ artM artQ artI artP 0.1 10 ydcQ ydcR ydcS ydcT ydcU ydcV ydcW ydcX ydcY ydcZ yncA yncB yncC yncD yncE ansP yncG yncH yncH rhsE ydcD yncI b1459 ydcC ydcE yddH nhoA yddE narV narW narY narZ narZ narU yddJ yddK yddL yddG fdnG fdnH fdnI yddM adhP sfcA rpsV bdm osmC ddpF ddpD ddpC ddpB ddpA ddpX yddU yddV yddW xasA gadB pqqL yddB yddA ydeM ydeN ydeO b1500 ydeP ydeQ ydeR ydeS ydeT yneL hipA hipB hipB ydeU ydeK ydeV ydeW ego ydeY ydeZ yneA yneB yneC tam yneE uxaB yneF yneG yneH yneI yneJ yneK ydeA marC marR marA marB marB ydeD 10 810 910 1120 10 1510 820 920 1030 1210 1310 1410 1520 830 930 1040 1130 1140 1220 1320 1330 1420 1430 1530 1540 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The customary procedure has been to use a mutant phenotype to recognize a mutant gene and then to identify the wildtype allele and its normal function • Recombinant DNA technology has made possible another approach, often called reverse genetics, in which wildtype genes are cloned, intentionally mutated in specific ways, and introduced back into the organism to study the phenotypic effects of the mutations 11 People that are unable to remove UV-induced DNA lesions are sensitive to sunlight E. coli that are unable to remove UV-induced DNA lesions are also sensitive to sunlight UV dose WT uvrA uvrB uvrC J/m2 0 5 10 20 40 80 120 12 Gene Targeting • The procedure for introducing mutations into specific genes is called gene targeting • Gene targeting in embryonic stem cells involves homologous recombination between target gene in vector and target gene in genome • Target gene in vector contains unrelated DNA so that recombination disrupts function of targeted gene • Cells with targeted gene mutations can be selected by including an selectable marker in the sequences that are incorporated into the genome 13 Transgenic Animals • Germ-line transformation involves the insertion of genes into the reproductive cells of an organism, which permanently alters the genetic content of the individual and all offspring = transgenic animals • Transgenic animals are used to study the functions of specific genes in development or disease processes 14 Applied Genetic Engineering • Crop plants with improved nutritional qualities can be created • Animal growth rate can be genetically engineered • Engineered microbes can help degrade toxic waste • The production of useful proteins is a primary impetus for recombinant DNA 15 Biomedical Applications • Recombinant DNA technology is used to produce large amounts of medically important proteins • Animal viruses such as retroviruses may prove useful vectors for gene therapy to treat single gene disorders • Recombinant DNA probes detect mutant genes in hereditary disease • A major breakthrough in disease prevention would come through the development of synthetic vaccines produced by recombinant DNA 16