


Internal thoracic artery descends into thorax

1.2cm lateral to edge of sternum, and ends at the sixth costal cartilage by dividing musculophrenic and superior epigastric arteries

Azygos vein

Begins as continuation of right ascending lumbar vein

Ascending along the right side of vertebral column

Joins superior vena cava by aching above right lung root at level of T4 to


Receives right posterior intercostals and subcostal veins plus some of bronchial, esophageal and pericardial veins, and hemiazygos vein

Tributaries – hemiazygos v.

and accessory hemiazygos v.

, which receive most left posterior intercostals vein and left bronchial veins

The lymphatic drainage of thorax

The lymphatic drainage of thoracic wall

To axillary lymph nodes

To parasternal lymph nodes

(along internal thoracic vessels)

To intercostals lymph nodes from deeper structures

lymph nodes of the thoracic contents

lymph nodes of trachea, bronchi and lungs

Pulmonary lymph nodes lie in the angles of bifurcation of branching lobar bronchi

Bronchopulmonary hilar lymph nodes - lie in the hilus of the lung

Tracheobronchial lymph nodes

- situated above or below the bifurcation of trachea

Paratracheal lymph nodes

- along each side of the trachea

Anterior mediastinal lymph node lies anterior to the large blood vessels of thoracic cavity and pericardium; the efferents unite with those of paratracheal lymph nodes, to form the right and left bronchomediastinal trunks .

The left bronchomediastinal trunk terminates in thoracic duct, and right in the right lymphtic duct

Posterior mediastinal lymph nodes lie along the esophagus and thoracic aorta

Anterior branches of thoracic nerves

Intercostal nerves (anterior rami of

T1- T11): runs forward inferiorly to intercostals vessels in costal groove of corresponding rib, between intercostals externi and intercostals interni; first six nerves are distributed within their intercostals space, lower five intercostals nerves leave anterior ends of their intercostals spaces to enter abdominal wall

Subcostal nerve (anterior ramus of

T12): follows inferior border of T12 rib and passes into abdominal wall

Distribution: distributed to intercostales and anterolateral abdominal muscles, skin of thoracic and abdominal wall, parietal pleura and peritoneum

The segmental innervation of anterior surface of trunk

T2 - sternal angle

T4 - nipple

T6 - xiphoid process

T8 - costal arch

T10 - umbilicus

T12 - midpoint between umbilicus and symphysis pubis

Phrenic nerve

Descends over scalenus anterior to enter thorax

Accompanied by pericardiophrenic vessels and passes anterior to lung roots between mediastinal pleura and pericardium to supply motor and sensory innervation to diaphragm

Sensory fibers supply to pleurae, pericardium and peritoneum of diaphragm; usually right phrenic nerve may be distributed on live, gallbladder and biliary system.

Left vagus nerve

Enter thoracic inlet between left common carotid and left subclavian arteries, posterior to left brachiocephalic vein

Crosses aortic arch where left recurrent laryngeal nerve branches off

Passes posterior to left lung root

Forms anterior esophageal plexus

Forms anterior vagal trunk at esophageal hiatus where it leaves thorax and passes into abdominal cavity , then divides into anterior gastric and hepatic branches

Right vagus nerve

 Enter thoracic inlet on right side of trachea

Travels downward posterior to right brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cava

Passes posterior to right lung root

Forms posterior esophageal plexus

Forms posterior vagal trunk at esophageal hiatus where it leaves thorax and passes into abdominal cavity, then divides into posterior gastric and celiac branches

Recurrent laryngeal nerves

Right one hooks around right subclavian artery, left one hooks aortic arch

Both ascend in tracheo-esophageal groove

Nerves enter larynx posterior to cricothyroid joint, the nerve is now called inferior laryngeal nerve

 Innervations: laryngeal mucosa below fissure of glottis , all laryngeal laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid

Bronchial and esophageal branches

Thoracic sympathetic trunk

 Branches of sympathetic trunk to thoracic plexuses

Greater splanchnic nerve formed by preganglionic fibers from T5~T9 ganglia, and relay in celiac ganglion.

Lesser splanchnic nerve formed by preganglionic fibers from T10~T12 ganglia, and relay in aorticorenal ganglion.

The postganglionic fibers supply the liver, spleen, kidney and alimentary tract as far as the left colic flexure.

Regional anatomy of thorax

Parts and regions of the thorax


 Superior - jugular notch, sternoclavicular joint, superior border of clavicle, acromion, spinous processes of C7

 Inferior - xiphoid process, costal arch, 12th and 11th ribs, vertebra T12


Thoracic wall

Thoracic cavity


Jugular notch corresponds with

The 2th thoracic vertebra in male, the 3th thoracic vertebra in female

Sternal angle connects 2nd costal cartilage laterally corresponds with

The lower border of 4th thoracic vertebra

The bifurcation of trachea in the adult

The beginning of aortic arch which ends posteriorly at the same level

The esophagus is crossed by the left main bronchus

Xiphoid process xiphisternal junction lies opposite the body of the 9th thoracic vertebra


Inferior fossa of clavicle

Coracoid process

Ribs and intercostal spaces

Costal arch

Infrasternal angle

Xiphocostal angle


Thoracic wall

 Skin

 Superficial fascia

Thoracoepigastric v.

Supraclavicular n.

Anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal n.

 Deep fascia

Lymphatic drainage of breast

Into pectoral ln.

from lateral and central parts of breast

Into apical and supraclavicular ln.

from superior part of breast

Into parasternal ln.

from medial part of breast

Into interpectoral ln.

from deep part of breast

The lymphatic capillaries of breast form an anastomosing network which is continuous across the midline with that of the opposite side and with that of the abdominal wall

Internal thoracic vessels

 Internal thoracic a.&v.

 Parasternal ln.

Endothoracic fascia

The muscles of thorax

Extrinsic muscles

Pectoralis major

Pectoralis minor

Serratus anterior

Intrinsic muscles

Intercostales externi

Intercostales interni

Intercostales intimi

Transverses thoracis

Intercostales externi

 Origin: lower border of ri Ⅱ )

Insertion: upper border of rib below origin

Action: elevate ribs adding in forced inspiration

Replaced anteriorly by external intercostals membrane.

Intercostales interni

Origin: upper border of rib

Insertion: lower border of rib above origin

Action: depress ribs for forced expiration

Replaced posteriorly by internal intercostals membrane.

Intercostal space

Posterior intercostal v.

Posterior intercostal a.

Intercostal n.


Shape and position

: dome-shaped between thorax and abdomen, consists of a peripheral muscular part and a central tendon


Sternal part: xiphoid process

Costal part: lower six and costal cartilages

Lumbar part: arises by two crura from upper 2-3 lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: central tendon

Weak areas

: triangular spaces without muscular tissue

Lumbocostal triangle : between costal and lumbar parts.

Sternocostal triangle : between costal and sternal parts.

Openings in the diaphragm

Aortic hiatus lies anterior to the body of the 12th thoracic vertebra between the crura. It transmits the aorta, thoracic duct

Esophageal hiatus for esophagus and vagus nerves at level of T10.

Vena cava foramen for inferior vena cava, through central tendon at T8 level






Contraction : the dome moving downward, increases the volume of thoracic cavity which results in inspiration, at the same time the intraabdominal pressure is increased assists in defecation, vomiting or child birth.

Relaxation : the dome returns to the former position, reduces the volume to the thoracic cavity, resulting in expiration.

The Mediastinum

Concept all of organs between the left and right mediastinal pleurae is called mediastinum. It extends from the sternum in front to the vertebral column behind, and from the thoracic inlet above to the diaphragm below.

Subdivisions of mediastinum

Superior mediastinum

Inferior mediastinum

Anterior mediastinum

Middle mediastinum

Posterior mediastinum

Left side of mediastnum

Left vagus n.

Left recurrent n.

Phrenic n. & pericardiacophrenic a.

Root of lung



Left subclavian a.

Thoracic duct

Aortic arch

Thoracic aorta

Sympathetic trunk

Greater splanchnic n

Right side of mediastnum


Left vagus n.

Arch of azygos v.

Azygos v.

Sympathetic trunk


Inferior vena cava

Superior vena cava

Phrenic n. & pericardiacophrenic a.

Root of lung


Superior mediastinum

Locating - from inlet of thorax to plane extending from level of sternal angle anteriorly to lower border of

T4 vertebra posterioly


 Superficial layer


Three veins

Left brachiocephelic v.

Right brachiocephelic v.

Superior vena cava

 Middle layer

Aotic arch and its three branches

Phrenic n.

Vagus n.

 Posterior layer



Thoracic duct

Relations of aortic arch

Anteriorly and to the left pleura, lung phrenic n., pericardiacophrenic vessels and vagus n.

Posteriorly and to the right trachea, esophagus, left recurrent n., thoracic duct, deep cardiac plexus

Superiorly - its three branches, left brachiocephalic v. and thymus

Inferiorly - pulmonary a., arterial ligament, left recurrent n., left principal bronchus and superficial cardiac plexus

Triangule of ductus arteriosus

Bounded by phrenic n., left vagus n. and left pulmonary a.

Contents - arterial ligament , left recurrent n. and superficial cardiac plexuses

Inferior mediastinum

Anterior mediastinum

Location - posterior to body of sternum and attached costal cartilages, anterior to heart and pericardium

Contents - fat, remnants of thymus gland, anterior mediastinal lymph nodes

Middle mediastinum

Location - between anterior mediastinum and posterior mediastinum

Contents: hart and pericardium, beginning or termination of great vessels, phrenic nerves, pericardiacophrenic vessels , lymph nodes,

Posterior mediastinum

Location - posterior to heart and pericardium, anterior to vertebrae T5 - T12

Contents : esophagus, vagus n., thoracic aorta, azygos system of veins, thoracic duct, thoracic sympathetic trunk, posterior mediastinal lymph nodes

Relations of esophagus

 Anteriorly - trachea, bifurcation of trachea, left principal branchus, left recurrent n., right pulmonary a., anterior esophageal plexus, pericardium, left atrium, diaphragm

 Posteriorly - posterior esophageal plexus, thoracic aorta, thoracic duct, azygos v., hemiazygos v.,accessory hemiazygos v., right posterior intercostal v.

Left - left common carotid a., left subclavian a., aortic arch, thoracic aorta, superior part of thoracic duct

Right - arch of azygos v.

Relations of thoracic aorta

Anteriorly - left root of lung, pericardium and esophagus

Posterior - hemiazygos v., accessory hemiazygos v.,

Right - azygos v. and thoracic duct

Left - mediastinal pleura

Thoracic duct

Begins in front of L1 as a dilated sac, the cisterna chyli, which formed by joining of left and right lumbar trunks and intestinal trunk

Enter thoracic cavity by passing through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm and ascends along on the front of the vertebral column, between thoracic aorta and azygos vein

Travels upward, veering to the left at the level of T5

At the roof of the neck, it turns laterally and arches forwards and descends to enter the left venous angle

Just before termination, it receives the left jugular, subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks

Drains lymph from lower limbs, pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, left side of thorax, and left side of the head, neck and left upper limb

Right lymphatic duct

 Formed by union of right jugular, subclavian, and bronchomediastinal trunks

Ends by entering the right venous angle

Receives lymph from right half of head, neck, thorax and right upper limb

Mediastinal spaces

Retrosternal space lies beween sternum and endothoracic fascia

Pretracheal space lies within superior mediastinum, between trachea, bifurcation of trachea and aortic arch

Retroesophagus space lies within superior mediastinum, beween esophagus and endothoracic fascia

Thoracic aorta

Continuation of aortic arch at lower border of T4

Courses downward on left side of, then in front of vertebral column

Passes through aortic hiatus of diaphragm at level of T12 vertebra to enter abdominal cavity

Main branches

Parietal branches

 Nine pairs posterior intercostals arteries

One pair subcostal artery

For lower nine intercostals spaces and upper part of abdominal wall; superior phrenic arteries supply the superior surface of the diaphragm.

Visceral branches

Bronchial branches: one or two for each lung

Esophageal branches

Pericardial branches
