What is Biotechnology? Biology 600 Biotechnology: Principles and Products Delivered Live and via Videoconference June 1-2, 2005 Phil McClean Department of Plant Science North Dakota State University NDSU Extension The Latest Biotech News ND GMO Planting Decisions (Winter 2005) • New law enacted during 2005 legislative session • Only the ND state government has the authority to ban plantings of GMO crops • Response to laws passed at county level in other states NDSU EU Approving GMO-free Zones (May 2005) • European Union GMO regulations permit regions • to declare themselves GMO • Otherwise approved GMO products can be grown • 162 regions or provinces (=US states) have asked to be GMO free • 4500 total government units have made the request Extension NDSU Extension What is Biotechnology? How about some definitions General Definition The application of technology to improve a biological organism Detailed Definition The application of the technology to modify the biological function of an organism by adding genes from another organisms NDSU Extension What is the Result of Biotechnology? • An organism showing a novel trait not normally found in the species Extended shelf-life tomato (FlavrSavr Tomato) Herbicide resistant soybean (Roundup Ready Soybean) NDSU Extension Biotechnology Terms You Probably Heard Transgene – the foreign gene added to a species Ex. – modified EPSP synthase gene (encodes a protein that functions even when plant treated with Roundup) Transgenic – an organism containing a transgene introduced by technological (not breeding) methods Ex. – Roundup Ready Crops NDSU Extension Biotechnology Develops GMOs - Genetically modified organisms • GMO - an organism that expresses traits that result from the introduction of foreign DNA • Also called transgenic organism NDSU Extension Important Terms • Breeding Beneficial gene added from the same species Gene delivered by mating within the species Source: USDA • Transformation Beneficial gene added from another species Gene delivered by plant genetic engineering Source: USDA NDSU Extension Let’s Be Up Front • Breeding Biotechnology Breeding only exchanges genes found in the species Breeding can transfer the transgene to other breeding materials BUT it is not the same as biotechnology • Biotechnology adds traits not available in the species Soybean does not have a gene to breakdown Roundup The gene comes from bacteria NDSU Extension Interspecific Cross Wheat Rye X Triticale New species, but NOT biotechnology products NDSU Extension Mutagenesis: New Trait, No Foreign Gene Mutagenesis changes the sequence of a gene New, useful traits can be obtained Susceptible Normal Gene Resistant Mutant Gene Mutagenesis Treatment ATTCGA ATTGGA NDSU Extension BASF Clearfield Products Mutagenesis Crops Herbicide resistance •imidazolinones Mutant AHAS enzyme •developed by mutagenesis Crops • Canola, Corn, Rice, Sunflower, Wheat In US • Not considered GMOs by USDA regulators • A Major marketing advantage • When some stacked with GMOs, the advantage lost NDSU Extension The Crop Biotech Market Is Dominated By Five Countriesa 58.8%/118 ma (63%/106 ma) 6.7%/13 ma (6.0%/10 ma) 4.6%/9 ma (3%/7 ma) 6.2%/12 ma (3%/7 ma) 20.0%/40 ma (21%/36 ma) a2004 NDSU Top Five Countries = 96% of market 20 % increase in biotech acreage from 2003 growing season data. http://www.isaaa.org/Press_release/Briefs30-2003/press/b30_english.htm 2003 in parentheses. Extension Crop Biotechnology Grew Worldwide In 2004 • 200 million acres (20% growth) • 8.3 million farmers (18% growth) • 17 mega-producing countries (>120,000 acres) • Up from 16 countries in 2003 • US, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, China, Paraguay, India South Africa, Uruguay, Australia, Romania, Mexico, Spain, Philippines, Colombia, Honduras, Germany • Germany new in 2004 NDSU Historically, biotechnology is the most rapidly adopted new agricultural technology Extension Biotechnology Crops: Worldwide Acreage 2004 Soybean: 120.0 million acres (17% annual growth) Corn: 30.6 million acres (25% annual growth) Canola: 16.8 million acres (12 % annual growth) NDSU Extension Economic Effect of Bt Cotton In China $200/acre increase in income $750 million increase nationally NDSU Extension Benefits to Hungarian Farmers Total benefit Farmer realized Industry realized 3 mill 76% 24% Bt corn (Western corn rootworm) 16 mill 65% 35% Herbicide tolerant maize 14 mill 73% 27% 3 mill 50% 50% Trait Bt corn (european cornborer Herbicide tolerant sugarbeet NDSU From: Demont et al. 2005. Potential impact of biotechnology in eastern Europe: transgenic maize, sugar beet, and oilseed rape in Hungary. Extension Transgenic Crops Increasing In the USa Crop (% total acreage) Soybeanb Cornc Canolad Year US ND SD US ND SD US ND SD 2001 68 49 80 26 25 48 61 75 - 2002 74 50 86 32 18 65 64 80 - 2003 81 74 91 40 - 75 - - - a Source: NASS Planting Reports, 2001, 2002. b2002 US acreage = 73 million; ND acreage = 2.6 million c2002 US acreage = 79 million; ND acreage = 1.2 million d2002 US acreage = 1.6 million; ND acreage = 1.3 million NDSU Extension Impact of Transgenics on Major Crop Production Ha 2004 % 2004 % 2003 Soybean 86 56 55 Cotton 32 28 21 Canola 23 19 16 Maize 140 14 11 NDSU Transgenic versions of the big four crops are grown on 30% of their acreage Extension Impact of Transgenics on Worldwide Crop Production Transgenic crops are grown on 5% of the 3.7 billion acres of cultivated land in the world NDSU Extension Roundup Ready Soybean No Yield Drag or (Advantage) North Dakota 2002 Data Locationa Arthur, Grandin, Northwood Wyndmere, Mooreton, Great Bend Soybean type Ave.Bu/A Conventional 46.6 (27)b 91 % 45.5 (26) 100 % Roundup Ready 51.5 (78) 100 % 44.1 (80) 97 % collected by Dr. Ted Helms, NDSU b# of varieties in trial in parenthesis NDSU aData % Yield Ave. Bu/A % Yield Extension Roundup Ready Soybean Reduces Expensesa Soybean type Herbicide cost (per acre) Conventional $27.65 Roundup Ready $15.90 aData provided by Dr. Duane Burgland, NDSU. NDSU Extension Biotech Crops Can Be Environmentally (and Yield) Friendly Table 1. Cotton yield and insecticide results from a large (157 sites) trial in India during 2001. Cotton type Non-Bt Popular check Yield (kg/ha) 1501* 833 802 # Bollworm sprays 0.62* 3.68 3.63 # Sucking insect sprays 3.57 3.51 3.45 Kg/ha insecticide 1.74* 5.56 5.43 Toxic class I 0.64* 1.98 1.94 Toxic class II 1.07* 3.55 3.46 Toxic class III 0.03 0.03 0.03 *Means within a row are significantly different at the 5% level From: Science (2003) 299:900 NDSU Bt Extension Agriculture Products On the Market Insect resistant cotton Bt toxin kills the cotton boll worm toxin gene from a bacteria Source: USDA Insect resistant corn Bt toxin kills the European corn borer toxin gene from a bacteria Rootworm GM approved (2/26/03) Transgenic NDSU Normal Extension Herbicide resistant crops current: soybean, corn, canola coming: sugarbeet, lettuce, strawberry, alfalfa, potato, wheat (on hold) resistance gene from bacteria Source: Monsanto Virus resistance papaya, squash, potato resistance gene from a virus NDSU Extension Bacterial and Animal Biotechnology Products Source: Chr. Hansen Biotech chymosin enzyme used to curdle milk products gene from yeast harvested from GE bacteria replaces the calf enzyme bST (bovine somatotropin) NDSU Source: Rent Mother Nature increases milk production gene from cow protein harvested from GE bacteria replaces cow protein originally harvested from pituitary glands of slaughtered cows Extension Next Generation of Ag Biotech Products Golden Rice Increased Vitamin A content Transgenes from bacteria and daffidol Controversory: large amount needed to solve problem Sunflower White mold resistance Resistance gene from wheat Source: Minnesota Microscopy Society NDSU Extension Turfgrass Herbicide resistance Slower growing reduced mowing = reduced pollution Bio Steel Spider silk strongest known protein Protein expressed in goat milk Protein used to make soft-body, bullet proof vests (Nexia) NDSU Extension Field Testing Permits Tell Us What is Coming Field Trial Data: Jan 2001 – Today (n=2540) Organization Monsanto Universities Scotts # 2002-03 trials (%) 1480 (58%) 329 (13%) 84 (3%) 78 (3%) 69 (3%) 63 (2%) USDA/ARS Prodigene 60 (2%) 25 (1%) 2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology (http://www.isb.vt.edu/) NDSU Aventis Sygenta Dow Extension Where Are the GM Crops Tested in the US? ND #23 230 (3) CA #5 990 (12) IA #4 1,022 (12) Data: 1993-present: State rank, # trials, % total trials Information Systems for Biotechnology (http://www.isb.vt.edu/) PR #3 1,063 (13) NDSU HA #1 1,437 (17) IL #2 1,292 (16) Extension Corn is the Current Main Focus Crop # 2002-03 Trials (%) Corn 1424 (56%) Cotton 193 (8%) Rice 146 (6%) Wheat 141 (6%) Soybean 124 (5%) Alfalfa 121 (5%) Turfgrass NDSU 2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology (http://www.isb.vt.edu/) 89 (4%) Extension The Traditional Traits Predominant Trait # 2002-03 Trials (%) Insect resistance 791 (31%) Herbicide resistance 736 (29%) Plant quality 400 (16%) Pathogen resistance 171 (7%) NDSU 2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology (http://www.isb.vt.edu/) Extension But Some Novel Traits Are Being Tested Trait # 2002-03 Trials (%) Yield 105 (4%) Amino acid content 94 (4%) Sugar content 44 (2%) Oil content 42 (2%) NDSU 2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology (http://www.isb.vt.edu/) Extension What’s Coming for Wheat?? Trait % 2002-03 Wheat Trials Roundup Ready 57% Protein content 10% Yield 8% Fusarium resistance 8% NDSU 2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology (http://www.isb.vt.edu/) Extension Some Ag Biotech Products Are Discontinued Why??? Poor Quality • FlavrSavr tomatoes (Calgene) Negative Consumer Response • Tomato paste (Zeneca) Negative Corporate Response • NewLeaf (Monsanto) NDSU Universal Negative Publicity • StarLink corn (Aventis) Extension Environmental Applications Indicator bacteria contamination is detected in the environment microbes sensitive to certain pollutants Bioremediation cleanup contaminated sites uses microbes designed to degrade the pollutant NDSU Extension Land Mine Detection Without this effort, that is dangerous to our military, children are maimed. NDSU Extension Land Mine Detection How biotechnology helps • Patented transgene added to plants • When metal from mine is detected • Plant turns from green to red • Technology developed by Aresa Biodetection Mine detected NDSU Extension Biotechnology and Health Product Use Insulin Diabetes Interferon Cancer Interleukin Cancer Human growth hormone Dwarfism Neuroactive proteins Pain NDSU Extension What is Biopharming? Biopharming Definition Growing transgenic crops that express pharmaceutical products Examples: Drugs Antibodies Proteins NDSU Extension Why use this technology? Familiar Production Systems • Genes introduced into field crops (mostly corn) • New productions systems not needed • Producer can use traditional growing strategies Reduced End-Product Cost • Animal system: $1000 - $5000 per gram protein • Plant System: $1 - $10 per gram protein Source: The Roanoke Times, 2000 NDSU Extension Edible Vaccines – A Biopharming Dream Biotech Plants Serving Human Health Needs • A pathogen protein gene is cloned • Gene is inserted into the DNA of plant (potato, banana, tomato) • Humans eat the plant • The body produces antibodies against pathogen protein • Human are “immunized” against the pathogen • Examples: Diarrhea Hepatitis B Measles NDSU Extension Future Health-related Biotech Products Vaccines Herpes hepatitis C AIDS malaria NDSU Tooth decay Streptococcus mutans, the mouth bacteria releases lactic acid that destroys enamel engineered Streptococcus mutans does not release lactic acid destroys the tooth decay strain Extension Nutritional Genomics (Nutrigenomics: a coming Biotechnology innovation) Concepts of Nutrigenomics Certain diets can cause severe health risks in individuals • Refined sugars, dairy products, fatty foods Certain diets enhance disease susceptibility in individual’s with a specific genetic makeup • Diabetes, lactose intolerance, high cholesterol NDSU Diets based on an individuals genetic makeup are preferred • No refined sugars, minimal dairy products or fatty foods Extension Nutritional Genomics (Nutrigenomics) Goal of Nurtigenomics Identify specific genetic makeups • What combination of genes places a person at risk? Develop dietary recommendations • What diets are best suited for certain at-risk individuals? NDSU Extension Top Biotechnologies In The Future Molecular Diagnostics • Treatments exist, but diagnositic tools are lacking • Expensive, hard to implement • Cost effective diagnostic procedures needed NDSU Recombinant Vaccines • Vaccines have effectively eradicated small pox, polio, etc • Other diseases need to be addressed • More effective and low-cost vaccines are needed • Genetic engineering can solve these problems Extension Top Biotechnologies In The Future Vaccine and drug delivery • Vaccine injections can cause serious infection • New delivery forms, such as slow release drugs, are needed Bioremediation • Water, air, and soil pollution is a problem • Plants can breakdown much of these pollutants • Plants that are safe to the environment and reduce pollutants are needed NDSU Extension Top Biotechnologies In The Future Nutritionally Enriched Crops • Malnutrition is widespread • Malnutrition is associated with many diseases • Modification of staple crops necessary to solve the problem NDSU Female Controlled Protection Against STDs • Incidence of sexually-transmitted disease is high • Women are most affected • Vaginal microbicides needed • Topical application best solution Extension The Question for the Future: Should We Live A Biotech Free Lifestyle?? Answers depends upon your perspective on the value of the technology What will support your opinion? • Economics • Safety of products • Needs of human NDSU Extension