OCLC Online Computer Library Center Comparing DDC and LCC shelf arrangement Julianne Beall Assistant Editor, DDC Library of Congress July 4, 2006 Vienna OCLC Online Computer Library Center Outline Notation Differences in arrangement of material Practical considerations OCLC Online Computer Library Center Main classes and subclasses DDC: 10 main classes Each with up to 10 subclasses LCC: 21 main classes Each with up to 20+ subclasses OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC class numbers Decimal numbers Logically, the decimal point belongs at the start of the number, though for ease of reading it is placed after the third digit Only rare, optional recommendations to subarrange alphabetically, e.g., for name or make of specific named passenger automobiles OCLC Online Computer Library Center LCC class numbers 1-3 letters Followed by whole numbers 1-9999 Followed in many cases by decimal extensions Followed in many cases by subject Cutter numbers OCLC Online Computer Library Center Abridgment DDC class numbers can be abridged at many levels to fit different sized collections LCC notation cannot easily be abridged (except to cut back to the initial 1-3 letters) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC and book numbers Methods of subarranging alphabetically by author are not part of DDC proper Many different methods are used by Dewey libraries; no one method is prescribed OCLC Online Computer Library Center LCC and book numbers A specific kind of Cutter number is prescribed for subarranging alphabetically by author OCLC Online Computer Library Center LCC subject Cutter lists: example SD397.A-SD397.Z Forestry—Sylviculture—Natural history of forest trees—Description, value, and culture of individual species or groups, A-Z . . . . SD397.M3 Maple Maple, Sugar see SD397.S775 SD397.M4 Mesquite Metasequoia glyptostroboides see SD397.D37 OCLC Online Computer Library Center LCC subject Cutter lists: example (2) SD397.M65 Mopane SD397.M84 Mulanje cedar SD397.P6112 Pinus patula SD397.P61124 Pinus pinea. Italian stone pine SD397.P6114 Pinyon pines SD397.P6115 Ponderosa pine OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC classified arrangement of kinds of trees in forestry 630 634 634.9 634.97 Agriculture Orchards, fruits, forestry Forestry Kinds of trees 634.972 Dicotyledons 634.973 Other dicotyledons 634.974 Monocotyledons 634.975 Gymnosperms OCLC Online Computer Library Center 634.972 Dicotyledons 634.9721 †Oaks 634.9722 †Maples 634.9723 †Poplars 634.9724 †Chestnuts 634.9725 †Beeches 634.9726 †Birches 634.9727 †Lindens 634.9728 †Elms † Add as instructed under 634.97 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 634.973 Other dicotyledons Add to base number 634.973 the numbers following 583 in 583.2-583.9 , e.g., eucalyptus 634.973766 634.973+[583]766= 634.973766 583.766 Eucalyptus (Gum trees) OCLC Online Computer Library Center 634.975 Gymnosperms (1) 634.9751-634.9758 Coniferous trees 634.9751 †Pines 634.9752 †Spruces 634.9753 †Hemlocks 634.9754 †Firs † Add as instructed under 634.97 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 634.975 Gymnosperms (2) 634.9755 †Cypresses 634.9756 †Cedars 634.9757 †Larches 634.9758 †Sequoias † Add as instructed under 634.97 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 634.9759 Other gymnosperms Add to base number 634.9759 the numbers following 585 in 585.2-585.9 , e.g., kauris (dammar pines) 634.97593 634.9759+[585]3=634.97593 585.3 Podocarpaceae, Araucariaceae, Cephalotaxaceae (plum-yew family) Including Huon pine, kauris (dammar pines) . . . . OCLC Online Computer Library Center Example of DDC and LCC class numbers Genetic variation in seedling progeny of ponderosa pine provenances DDC: 634.97517 LCC: SD397.P6115 OCLC Online Computer Library Center More on DDC example 634.9751 Pines + 7 Varieties and kinds from add table at 634.97 = 634.97517 Libraries that have few books in this area can drop the final 7 and put all the books about pines together The abridged DDC stops at 634.9 Forestry OCLC Online Computer Library Center More differences in arrangement of material There are so many differences that I cannot possibly list them all; I can only give some examples. OCLC Online Computer Library Center CLASS G - GEOGRAPHY. ANTHROPOLOGY. RECREATION (1) G1-9980 Geography GA1-1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography GB3-5030 Physical geography GC1-1581 Oceanography GE1-350 Environmental sciences OCLC Online Computer Library Center CLASS G - GEOGRAPHY. ANTHROPOLOGY. RECREATION (2) GF1-900 Human ecology. Anthropogeography GN1-890 Anthropology GR1-950 Folklore GT1-7070 Manners and customs (General) GV1-1860 Recreation. Leisure OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 300s corresponding to LCC G 300 301 304 304.2 Social sciences Sociology and anthropology (GN) Factors affecting social behavior Human ecology (GF) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 300s corresponding to LCC G (2) 330 333 333.7 Economics Economics of land and energy Land, recreational and wilderness areas, energy Class here interdisciplinary works on the environment (GE) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 300s corresponding to LCC G (3) 390 398 Customs, etiquette & folklore (GT) Folklore (GR) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 500s corresponding to LCC G 500 Science 520 Astronomy and allied sciences 526 Mathematical geography (GA) Class here cartography (GA) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 500s corresponding to LCC G (2) 550 Earth sciences & geology 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology 551.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere 551.46 Hydrosphere and submarine geology Oceanography (GC) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 700s corresponding to LCC G 700 790 790.1 Arts & recreation Recreational and performing arts (GV) General kinds of recreational activities Class here leisure (GV) OCLC Online Computer Library Center DDC in 900s corresponding to LCC G 900 910 910.02 History & geography Geography and travel (G) The earth (Physical geography) (GB) OCLC Online Computer Library Center GV Recreation. Leisure (1) 363.14 Hazards in sports and recreation 790-790.1 Recreation. . . General kinds of recreational activities 791.1-791.3 Traveling shows; minstrel shows; circuses 791.8 Animal performances OCLC Online Computer Library Center GV Recreation. Leisure (2) 792.62 Dancing 792.78-792.8 Theatrical dancing; ballet and modern dance 793-797 Indoor games and amusements; athletic and outdoor sports and games; aquatic and air sports 799.3 Shooting other than game OCLC Online Computer Library Center Individual literary authors and works in DDC (1) Classed by language, form, and literary period; no class numbers devoted to specific authors. Examples: 831.914 German poetry—1945-1990 832.914 German drama—1945-1990 833.914 German fiction—1945-1990 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Individual literary authors and works in DDC (2) Individual works by the same author in more than one form are separated according to form Comprehensive collections of an author’s works are classed with the author’s predominant form, if there is a predominant form OCLC Online Computer Library Center Individual literary authors and works in DDC (3) If there is no predominant form, comprehensive works are classed in a special number for individual authors not limited to or chiefly identifiable with one specific form. Example: 838.91409 German authors of the period 1945-1990 not identified with a specific form OCLC Online Computer Library Center Individual authors and works in DDC (4) You can use book numbers to bring together works of an author in the same form and editions of a work. There are several ways to do it; here’s one. Example: Böll, Heinrich, 1917 833.914.B6333z 1963 Der Zug war pünktlich OCLC Online Computer Library Center Individual literary authors and works in LCC (1) LCC has specific class numbers devoted to specific authors Works in all forms by the author are classed in subdivisions of the number OCLC Online Computer Library Center Individual literary authors and works in LCC (2) Example: German literature—Individual authors or works—1860/70-1960—B-Bz—Böll, Heinrich, 1917 PT2603.O394 PT2603.O394Z45 1973 Der Zug war pünktlich OCLC Online Computer Library Center Editions of DDC and LCC DDC: 4 volumes in full edition 1 volume abridged edition Full and abridged web versions LCC: 41 volumes No abridged edition Full web version OCLC Online Computer Library Center Translations DDC has been translated into more than thirty languages (not all of these are current) There is a current German translation of the full edition, but no German translation of the abridged edition There is a web version of the German full edition There is no translation of all of LCC There are translations of some parts into a few languages (e.g., Spanish), but I am not aware of any German translation OCLC Online Computer Library Center Up to date Both DDC and LCC are actively being kept up to date OCLC Online Computer Library Center Users of DDC Used by a wide range of sizes and types of libraries in 138 countries School libraries Public libraries Special libraries College and university libraries OCLC Online Computer Library Center Users of LCC Primarily large and medium-sized academic and research libraries in English-speaking countries Some specialized collections that are part of a larger general library, e.g., a university law library, may be classed in LCC when the rest of the collection is not OCLC Online Computer Library Center A final practical consideration What classification is used by the majority of the libraries whose records you want to use for copy cataloging? OCLC Online Computer Library Center Resources and links ddc-deutsch: http://www.ddc-deutsch.de/ Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service: http://www.loc.gov/cds/classif.html OCLC Dewey Services: http://www.oclc.org/dewey/