A non-linear lower bound for planar epsilon-nets

A non-linear lower bound for planar
CSCE 669
Project Presentation (Paper Reading)
Student Presenter: Praveen Tiwari
Original Author: Noga Alon, Tel Aviv University
Publication: FOCS '10 Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 51st Annual
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
What is an epsilon-net?
Intuitive Idea:
Given a (finite) set X of n points in ℛ2, can we find a
small(say f(n,ε)) P⊆X, so that any triangle T⊆ ℛ2 covering
some points in X (≥εn) contains atleast one point in P?
That is, we somehow want to approximate the larger set X
by a subset P satisfying some property
What is an epsilon-net?
Formal Definition:
Range Space: S:(X,ℛ) for a (finite) set X of points
(objects) and ℛ (range) is a set of subsets of X
VC(Vapnik-Chervonenkis)-dimension: A set A⊆X is
shattered by ℛ if ∀ B⊂A, ∃ R∊ℛ s.t. R⋂A = B
VC(S) = sup {|A| | A⊆X is shattered}
ε-Net: A subset N⊂A, s.t. ∀ R∊ℛ, and 0<ε<1,
|R⋂A|≥ε|A| and R⋂N≠Ø
Bounds on epsilon-nets
Question:For a given range space S(X,ℛ) with a VC-
dimension d in a geometric scenario, what is the lower
bound on size of ε-net?
Haussler and Welzl: For any n and ε>0, any set of size n in
a range space of VC-dimension d contains an ε-net of size at
most O((d/ε)log(1/ε))
Is this bound tight?
Lower Bound: There is no natural geometric example
where size of smallest ε-net is better than trivial Ω(1/ε)
Question: Whether or not in all geometric scenarios of VCdimension d, there exists an ε-net of size O(d/ε)? (Matousek,
Siedel and Welzl)
Previous Work
Linear upper bounds have been established for special
geometric cases, like point objects and half space ranges in
2D and 3D
Pach, Woeginger: For d=2, there exist range spaces that
require nets of size Ω(1/ε log(1/ε)) (no geometric scenario)
The linear bound on size of ε does not hold, not even in very
simple geometric situations (VC-dimension=2)
The minimum size of such an ε-net is Ω((1/ε)ω(1/ε)) where
ω is inverse Ackermann's function with respect to lines, i.e.
for VC-dimension = 2
Using VC dimension = 2:
Two theorems on strong ε-nets
One theorem on weak ε-nets
Theorem 1: For every (large) positive constant C there
exist n and ε > 0 and a set X of n points in the plane, so that
the smallest possible size of an ε-net for lines of X is larger
that C·(1/ε)
Def.: A fat line in a plane is the set of all points within
distance μ from a line in the plane.
Theorem 2: For every (large) positive constant C there
exists a sequence εi of positive reals tending to zero, so that
for every ε=εi in the sequence and for all n > n0(εi) there
exists a set Yn of n points in general position in the plane, so
that the smallest possible size of an ε-net for fat lines for Yn
is larger than C·(1/ε)
Weak ε-nets: A relaxation to Strong ε-nets
Def.: For a finite set of points X in ℛ, given A⊂X, a subset
N⊂R is a weak ε-net if ∀R∊ℛ, and 0<ε<1, |R⋂A| ≥ ε|A| and
The difference is that the set N need not be a subset of A as
Theorem 3: For every (large) positive constant C there
exist n and ε>0 and a set X of n points in the plane, so that
the smallest possible size of a weak ε-net for lines for X is
larger than C·(1/ε)
Proofs use a strong result by Furstenberg and Katznelson,
known as the density version of Hales-Jewett Theorem.
Def.: For an integer k ≥ 2, let [k]={1,2,...,k} and let [k]d
denote the set of all vectors of length d with coordinates in
[k]. A combinatorial line is a subset L ⊂ [k]d so that there is
a set of coordinates I ⊂ [d] = {1,2,...,d}, I ≠ [d], and values
ki ∊ [k] for i ∊ I for which L is the following set of k
members of [k]d:
lj ={(x1,x2,...,xd)}: xi = ki for all i ∊ I and xi = j for all i ∊ [d]\I}
Density Hales-Jewett Theorem (Furstenberg and
Katznelson): For any fixed integer k and any fixed δ > 0
there exists an integer d0 = d0(k,δ) so that for any d ≥ d0,
any set Y of at least δkd members of [k]d contains a
combinatorial line.
Construction (for Theorem 1):
Every combinatorial line in X=[k]d is a line in ℛd. If d =
d0(k,1/2) and n=kd, ε=k/kd, then any ε-net with respect to
lines must be of size ≥ (k/2)(1/ε)
Now for planar construction, project these combinatorial
lines randomly on ℛ2
Other two theorems use similar constructions with simple
The conjecture that minimum size of epsilon net is linearly
bounded by (1/ε) is not true for geometric examples in VCdimension = 2 for both strong as well as weak ε-nets.
This paper only proves that the bounds are not linear, but
whether there are natural examples for an Ω ((d/ε)log(1/ε))
lower bound for range spaces of VC dimension d, is still
Recent Work: Pach and Tardos proved that there are
geometric range spaces of VC-dimension 2 in which the
minimum possible size of an ε-net is Ω ((1/ε)log(1/ε)). Their
method does not seem to provide any non-linear bounds for
weak ε-nets.
Alon N., A non-linear lower bound for planar epsilon-nets, FOCS 2010
Alon N., Web Seminars, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, Jan 11, 2011
H. Furstenberg and Y. Katznelson, A density version of the Hales-Jewett
theorem, J. Anal. Math. 57 (1991), 64-119
D. Haussler and E.Welzl, ε-nets and simplex range queries, Discrete and
Computational Geometry 2 (1987), 127-151
J. Pach and G. Woeginger, Some new bounds for ε-nets, Proc. 6-th Annual
Symposium on Computational Geometry, ACM Press, New York (1990),
J. Matousek, R. Seidel and E. Welzl, How to net a lot with little: Small nets for disks and halfspaces, In Proc. 6th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput.
Geom., pages 16-22, 1990