PPT - Boise State University

K-8 Science Websites
Product Evaluation Report
Kristin Ewing
Anna-Marie Robertson
Karl Werner
Edtech 505-4172
Summer, 2011
Boise State University
Product Evaluation Summary
A review of six science websites using a web-based learning environment rubric was
undertaken through a survey. Data from the survey showed that of the six sites
reviewed, only three, Earth Floor, Food Chain and Kid's Biology were appropriate for K-8
Of these three, Earth Floor and Kid's Biology are most appropriate as web-based
resources for whole class instruction of science units, while Food Chain would be most
appropriately used for individual study outside of class.
Of the two appropriate for whole class instruction, Earth Floor is considered the better
resource because it has an overall rating of adequate for its high content, relevancy and
sufficiency, which is impacted by its lack of activity plan, communication and help
tools. The other, Kid's Biology, has an overall rating between adequate and poor for its
sufficient and relevant information, but poor design due to an excessive amount of
advertising that appears in the middle of the content, and a lack of teacher aids. The
individual study site, Food Chain has an overall rating of poor; the information and
purpose are clear with interactive materials, however the design contains many
advertisements that are distracting and misleading, and the site is difficult to navigate.
Science Websites Quantitative Analysis Summary
Quantitative analysis was achieved by taking the mean of the mode in each of the four
areas of the WBLE rubric results:
All sites feature adequate to excellent usability and content. Many of the sites were missing
rubrics, activity plans, or ways for students to communicate with each other, which reflects
the poor rating for overall educational value. In Cells Alive and The Dinosauria, the sites
had links which worked, and updated information. In Earth Floor and Kids Biology, some
links were broken, but most worked. In Food Chain and The Genius of Leonardo Da Vinci,
many links were broken and updating was needed.
Cells Alive
The focus: Interactive illustrations of cells, bacteria, viruses and their
interaction with one another.
The data from the survey indicates:
• 64% think the site is most appropriate for 10th12th grades.
• 56% think it can be used in a mixed mode
combination of instructional styles.
• 36% think it can be most effectively used
individually in class and 28% think individually,
outside of class.
• 48% think it can be applied as basic instruction for
all learners.
This website was designed for students to explore interactive images of cells, bacteria, viruses and
their interaction with one another. Once a user has explored the informational section a puzzle or
quiz can be played to test knowledge learned. No other activities are present. Quantitative data
shows the educational content and usability to be excellent overall, but the learning activities are
only adequate. Respondents stated, "This site is very effective independently and can function
without the aid of an instructor." Overall this site has a rating of adequate.
Cells Alive Usability Analysis
The quantitative data from the survey for Cells Alive shows the purpose of the website is clearly
defined, the homepage is well-labeled, the navigation is easy to tell where to go, the multimedia is
relevant and appropriate, and the users can read the content of the web pages easily. The design of
the site is adequate. Comments from the survey indicate the bright colors on a black background are
overwhelming to read and some of the text is very small. Overall, the survey data shows the usability
of the website is excellent.
Cells Alive Content Analysis
The quantitative data for the content of the Cells Alive site was excellent in the relevancy, sufficiency
and appropriateness, and adequate in the authority of the content. Respondents commented, "the
material is clear and easy to understand for a high-school student," and "there are a variety of
interactive activities that students can view to learn about cell activity." About the website's authority,
respondents noted, "(the) Content (is) created and updated by the author who is a former biologist,
university consultant, published researcher and scientific photographer."
Cells Alive Educational Value Analysis
The quantitative data for Cells Alive educational value showed that the overall ability to communicate
with others in the program was excellent, and the learning activities adequately allowed users to
construct new knowledge. However, there the data also showed that there were no activity plans, no
additional resources shared, no rubrics for student or teacher use and no way to give feedback to the
site designers. Respondents stated, "The learning activities tend to be puzzles and word games," with
mixed responses about the educational value of the puzzles and word games. Other responses were
mixed as to the ability to contact the site designer, but several noted there was an email link and a Help
link: "Help link takes user to a chat forum in a separate website called 'Open Study: Biology.'"
Cells Alive Vividness Analysis
For the vividness of the Cells Alive site, the quantitative data showed that all links were
active and overall excellent. Updating the resources and information on the site was
adequate. Respondents stated, "Last updated 2011; all links work," while others found
a copyright date of 2010.
The Dinosauria
The Dinosauria focuses on Dinosaurs and related topics.
The data from the survey indicates:
• 41% think the site is most appropriate for 9th-12th grades.
• 92% think it is informational in nature
• 45% think it can be most effectively used individually in class and
42% think it should be used outside of class
• 67% think it can be applied as basic instruction for all learners or
29% enrichment
The Dinosauria is an information rich site with high readability, a simple design, and
many pages concerning dinosaurs and related topics. However, it has no site
based navigational tools, it can be verbose at times, and is a very passive learning
environment. Overall, The Dinosauria is very encyclopedic in nature and has an
average rating of adequate.
The Dinosauria Usability Analysis
The quantitative data for The Dinosauria indicates that it is adequate to excellent in
most usability areas. Many of the quantitative results are supported by qualitative
responses although there are some discrepancies. Several respondents remarked on
a lack of navigational tools. However, The Dinosuaria scores near or at adequate for
this category. Many respondents did not provide qualitative evidence. The Dinosauria
was cited as “easy to read” and "consistent throughout the entire web site."
The Dinosauria Content Analysis
The quantitative data for The Dinosauria indicates that it is excellent in most of the
content areas. Many respondents noted that The Dinosauria is full of relevant
information that “could have been condensed a little more.” It also has been noted that
this site might not be appropriate for younger students which is reflected quantitatively
in “Appropriateness.” However, many praised it for its source citations and authority as
The Dinosauria is connected to UC Berkeley.
TheDinosauria Educational Value Analysis
The Dinosauria suffers against the WBLE rubric under Educational Value since it does
not offer resources for communication, feedback, activity grading rubrics, or help
tools. This site was compared by one respondent to a “wikipedia entry” with little to no
interaction by the students. There are some questions asked of the user but there are
no tools available for true interaction or evaluation.
The Dinosauria Vividness Analysis
The quantitative data for The Dinosauria indicates that it is excellent or adequate with
regards to vividness. Many respondents noted that this site has many intra-site links
but that it does not link to other material across the web. There is some confusion
amongst respondents on when the site was last updated with one person noting it was
1995 while another believes it was 2005. With the majority of respondents not
supplying qualitative data the quantitative results indicating “adequate” updating
becomes less solid.
Earth Floor
The focus: Earth science fundamentals such as
cycles, spheres and geologic time.
The data from the survey indicates:
• 40% think the site is most appropriate for 4th-6th
grades while 44% think it's most appropriate for
7th-9th grades.
• 64% think it is informational in nature.
• 40% think it will be used most effectively for whole
class instruction using a projector or large display.
• 64% think it is best applied as basic instruction for
all learners.
The Earth Floor website has a high level of usability for 4th through 9th grade students wanting to
learn more about earth science topics. The overall content was appropriate for the grade levels
with colorful graphics and relevant and sufficient information by an authoritative
resource. Respondents noted, "Information seems to be current and relevant if students wanted to
learn more about the Earth's floor," "...the site was informative and would be great as a supplement
instructional resource," and "Some content may be hard for struggling readers but the addition of
images helps, as do the activities that relate to students lives (football field representation of time)."
Overall this website has a rating of adequate.
Earth Floor Usability Analysis
The quantitative data from the survey for Earth Floor shows the purpose of the website is adequately
defined, the homepage is well-labeled, the navigation is easy to tell where to go, the multimedia is
relevant and appropriate, the design of the site is excellent and the users can read the content of the
web pages adequately . Respondents stated, "Site navigated intuitively. Design was fun and eye
catching. Created a fun atmosphere to learn more about earth science." Others responded, "This site
is rather stale overall" and "The design is somewhat attractive but the 'Puzzle' looking clickable map is
somewhat confusing."
Earth Floor Content Analysis
The quantitative data from the survey shows that the content of Earth Floor is excellent
overall. The site has excellent relevancy, there is sufficient detail without being
overwhelming, and it is written at an appropriate level. Respondents note that the
content is "written at 5th grade level by university professors backed by NASA," which
supports the excellent rating of authority. They also stated, "facts are backed by
examples which helps provide context," and "content is very well presented."
Earth Floor Educational Value Analysis
Quantitative data for the educational value of the Earth Floor website indicates that five of the seven
categories did not apply or were not present: no activity plans, external resources, no way to give
feedback, no rubrics and help tools were lacking or missing. However, an email link was available to
communicate with designers, and the learning activities that were available through teacher resources
were considered adequate. Respondents stated, "Only activities were a list of dinosaur-related
through a separate window. No plan provided, just ideas." They also noted, "Site seems to be more
informational than anything else. Does not seem to have any activities, only teacher
resources. Nothing for students directly."
Earth Floor Vividness Analysis
The quantitative data from the Earth Floor website showed that most of the outside
links worked well, although there were some that didn't. The site had last been
updated in 2005, so the overall rating was poor. Respondents commented, " Much of
the content is timeless, but design, and external links show signs of lack of attention."
Food Chain
The focus: Consumers, Producers and related topics.
The data from the survey indicates:
• 80% feel it is most appropriate for 4th - 6th grades
• 44% feel the primary instructional style is Mixed Mode, while 40%
feel it is Informational in nature
• 40% feel it is most effectively used individually outside of class
• 72% feel it should be applied as basic instruction for all learners
The Food Chain website has a clear purpose and is appropriate and relevant for the age group it's
intended for. There are interactive applications and the amount of information presented is
adequate. However, it is full of advertisements that are distracting and misleading. There is no clear
navigation system making it easy to get lost on this site. The educational resources needed by the
instructor, including activity plans, are not included and it is not apparent if this site is ever updated.
Overall, this site has a rating of poor.
Food Chain Usability Analysis
The quantitative data for the usability of the Food Chain website indicates that overall it is adequate.
But since this website was rated for 4th - 6th graders, the navigation may be a big concern because as
one participant said, "once you click on a linkable word, hard to figure out where to go next or whether
to go back." All of the respondents mentioned that there were too many ads that are distracting and/or
inappropriate for the age group and that there was no clear way to navigate through the website.
Food Chain Content Analysis
The quantitative data for the content of the Food Chain website indicates the relevance and
appropriateness are excellent, and that the amount of information presented (sufficiency) is adequate.
However, several respondents noted that "there is no indication or verification that the information is
authentic as resources or references have not been mentioned."
Food Chain Educational Value Analysis
Quantitative data for the educational value of the Food Chain website indicates that
five of the seven categories did not apply or were not present. Respondents indicated
that, "there were no lesson plans," "no feedback mechanisms in place," "no
measurement tools for self-evaluation," "there is no rubric," and "no interactive options
to the web authors" (communication).
Food Chain Vividness Analysis
The quantitative data for the vividness of the Food Chain website indicates the links
are adequate and it seems that they "all work and go to appropriate web pages." It is
also indicated that "there is no indication of who designed this or that it is regularly
maintained or updated."
Kids Biology
The focus: Human and animal biology and related topics.
The data from the survey indicates:
• 50% feel it is most appropriate for 4th - 6th grades.
• 42% feel the primary instructional style should be Mixed Mode
• 50% feel it is most effectively used as whole class instruction using a projector or large display. The
other 50% feel it should be used for individual, outside of class instruction (i.e., at home or after
school, etc).
• 77% feel it should be applied as basic instruction for all learners.
The Kids Biology website has a clear purpose, is relevant to the age group, and
contains information that is sufficient but not excessive. However, most respondents felt
the design of this site is poor because of the advertisements that appear in the middle of
the reading material. They also found the educational value of this site to be poor or non
existent because of the lack of feedback, teacher aids such as rubrics and feedback.
Overall this website has a rating halfway between adequate and poor.
Kids Biology Usability Analysis
The quantitative data for the usability of the Kids Biology website indicates that the homepage "clearly
states the purpose of the website." The table of contents is "visible but kind of small and out of the way.
The web site is "fun, colorful, though sometimes seems overloaded. The biggest negative aspect of this
web site is the appearance of advertisement banners that appear "right in the middle of the reading
sections." Most respondents felt that "students could easily get distracted" and that the ads' placement
"breaks the flow of information." Overall, the usability is adequate.
Kids Biology Content Analysis
The quantitative data for the content of the Kids Biology website indicates that the authority for the
information is adequate because the Our Story Link listed volunteers from universities and NASA as the
source of information. The content is "appropriate to the target audience." Respondents felt that content
was "well organized and thorough." Overall the content on the Kids Biology was between excellent and
Kids Biology Educational Value Analysis
The quantitative data for the educational value of the Kids Biology website indicates that although this
site is "very informative and user friendly," the games that are provided consist of "a word search, a
hangman game, and a matching game," none of which "encourage learning new content." It was also
indicated that there was "a forum where users can come together." but required the user to sign in and
"was inactive, which was disappointing." There were help tools provided but were located on a different
website. One respondent noted that there "was no obvious place to go if you're having problems."
Overall this site is poor to not applicable.
Kids Biology Vividness Analysis
The quantitative data for the vividness of the Kids Biology website indicates that this portion is adequate
for links and updating. One respondent noted that "the copyright on the bottom of the page is updated"
as it contains the year it was started to the present year. Most of the respondents agree that the links
are "operable and enriching" and contain "lots of good information." The overall rating of the vividness is
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci focuses on the
achievements, life, and times of Leonardo da Vinci
The data from the survey indicates:
• 79% think the site is most appropriate for 10th-12th grades.
• 33% think it can be used as a tutorial
• 63% think it can be most effectively used individually in class
think individually, outside of class.
• 46% think it can be applied as an enrichment activity and 42%
can be used as basic instruction.
and 25%
think it
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci is designed as a WebQuest that relies on links to
external sites so that students can complete question based activities. The homepage
has been cited as "well designed" but many respondents felt the activities were
convoluted. Unfortunately, this site has not seen an update since 2002 and suffers from
broken links that limit its usefulness. It is a very passive site with no way for users to
communicate or receive feedback. One respondent noted that this site might best be
used in a group context. Overall this site has a rating of adequate.
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci Usability Analysis
The quantitative data for The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci indicates adequate to
excellent usability in most areas. The site was referred to as “web-quest-like” and
appropriate for a single lesson. There seems to be some contradiction amongst
respondents with regards to the interface of this site. Some found the site “very well
designed” while others remark that the “back and forth clicking in order to get through
all the content”... ”makes for a less fluid lesson.”
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci Content Analysis
The quantitative data for The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci is adequate to excellent in
most content areas. The authority of the site derives from links to the Web Museum of
Paris, the Museum of Science in Boston and Marin Kausal’s biography
site. Qualitative responses also mention that much of the information is repetitive and
that the questions posed in are “very basic” and “subjective in nature.” However,
another respondent also noticed that each activity might make for engaging group
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci Educational Value Analysis
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci suffers against the WBLE rubric under Educational
Value since it does not offer resources for communication, feedback, activity grading
rubrics, or help tools. Although there are question based activities provided, which
could be construed as a plan, one respondent note that this site would require
instructor support or feedback. Two respondents reported broken links.
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci Vividness Analysis
The quantitative data for The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci indicates that it is adequate
to poor in most vividness areas. Many respondents reported broken links which
included the "lesson Index" and the fact that this site has not seen an update since
2002. These observations are corroborated by the quantitative data.
Kristin Ewing:
• Evaluated sites - Cells Alive, Earth Floor
• Created skeleton for presentation
• Lead the group
Anna-Marie Robertson:
• Evaluated sites - Food Chain, Kids Biology
• Created Google spreadsheet and conducted training
• Created Skype group call
Karl Werner:
• Evaluated sites - The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci,
• Developed format for charts and analysis
• Conducted Google Drawing training