… Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions He appeared to “destroy the works of the devil” 1 Jn 3:8 To overthrow; do away with He partook of flesh & blood to “render the devil powerless” Heb 2:14-15 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions He “delivered those who through fear of death were subject to it” Heb 2:14-15 It was always God’s plan to save man in Christ 2 Tim 1:9-10 Acts 2:23 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions Satan’s “destruction” not annihilation… he still has power to capture men Death still exists 1 Cor 15:20-26 Men still have to fear death if they are unprepared Heb 2:14-15 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions Yes…man still has to die Heb 9:27 But he no longer has to be afraid to die This is a “victory” for man over death Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions The “strength of the might of Christ” was brought about when He was raised from the dead & seated Eph 1:18-20 Initial victory “in prospect” Man still has to battle sin & temptation Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions It is the Lord’s resurrection that gives His death meaning Otherwise, He was nothing more than another in a long line of martyrs Acts 5:30, 33-39 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Christ’s actions Our victory over sin will not ultimately be achieved until the day of His coming… when the last enemy is destroyed 1 Cor 15:26, 50-57 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions There are certain things we have to do for ourselves to bring about sin’s defeat in our own lives We must “save ourselves…” Acts 2:40 Phil 2:12 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions FAITH Defeats the LOVE of sin Until one learns to hate sin, it won’t be defeated Psa 119:104 Faith helps us see sin as “passing” or “fleeting” Heb 11:24-26 Faith is a “shield” Eph 6:16 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions FAITH Defeats the LOVE of sin It only comes through exposure to the word of God Rom 10:17 Loving God as we should means we will use His word to conquer sin Psa 97:10 119:113, 128 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions FAITH Defeats the LOVE of sin Human reasoning won’t help us defeat sin Prov 14:12 Human emotions won’t help us defeat sin 1 Tim 6:9-10 Faith defies logic Heb 11:8, 17, 33 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions FAITH Defeats the LOVE of sin It is necessary Heb 11:1, 6 Faith can be in vain 1 Cor 15:1-2 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions REPENTANCE Defeats the PRACTICE of sin Sinful behavior makes one a slave of sin Jn 8:34 Committing (practicing) sin makes one lawless 1 Jn 3:4 Sorrow must be genuine 2 Cor 7:8-9a Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions REPENTANCE Defeats the PRACTICE of sin Real repentance reveals true changed behavior…sin stops being practiced Mt 3:8 Acts 26:20 Must one repent? Lk 13:3, 5 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions BAPTISM Defeats the STATE of sin At some point in time, one goes from being dead in sin to being dead to sin That defining moment is when one is baptized (crucifying, burying the man of sin) Rom 6:3-7 Col 2:11-14 Rom 6:3 Gal 3:27 Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin Man’s actions BAPTISM Defeats the STATE of sin When one “…obeys from the heart” and is set free from sin Rom 6:16-18 When sins are washed away Acts 22:16 …