Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin

Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints
Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 He appeared to “destroy the works of
the devil” 1 Jn 3:8
 To overthrow; do away with
 He partook of flesh & blood to “render
the devil powerless” Heb 2:14-15
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 He “delivered those who through fear of
death were subject to it” Heb 2:14-15
 It was always God’s plan to save man in
Christ 2 Tim 1:9-10 Acts 2:23
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 Satan’s “destruction” not annihilation…
he still has power to capture men
 Death still exists
1 Cor 15:20-26
 Men still have to fear death if they are
unprepared Heb 2:14-15
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 Yes…man still has to die Heb 9:27
 But he no longer has to be afraid to die
 This is a “victory” for man over death
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 The “strength of the might of Christ”
was brought about when He was raised
from the dead & seated Eph 1:18-20
Initial victory
“in prospect”
Man still has to battle
sin & temptation
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 It is the Lord’s resurrection that gives
His death meaning
 Otherwise, He was nothing more than
another in a long line of martyrs
Acts 5:30, 33-39
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Christ’s actions
 Our victory over sin will not ultimately be
achieved until the day of His coming…
when the last enemy is destroyed
1 Cor 15:26, 50-57
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
 There are certain things we have to do
for ourselves to bring about sin’s defeat
in our own lives
 We must “save ourselves…”
Acts 2:40 Phil 2:12
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
LOVE of sin
 Until one learns to hate sin, it won’t be
defeated Psa 119:104
 Faith helps us see sin as “passing” or
“fleeting” Heb 11:24-26
 Faith is a “shield” Eph 6:16
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
LOVE of sin
 It only comes through exposure to the
word of God Rom 10:17
 Loving God as we should means we will
use His word to conquer sin
Psa 97:10 119:113, 128
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
LOVE of sin
 Human reasoning won’t help us defeat
sin Prov 14:12
 Human emotions won’t help us defeat
sin 1 Tim 6:9-10
 Faith defies logic Heb 11:8, 17, 33
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
LOVE of sin
 It is necessary Heb 11:1, 6
 Faith can be in vain 1 Cor 15:1-2
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
 Sinful behavior makes one a slave of sin
Jn 8:34
 Committing (practicing) sin makes one
lawless 1 Jn 3:4
 Sorrow must be genuine 2 Cor 7:8-9a
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
 Real repentance reveals true changed
behavior…sin stops being practiced
Mt 3:8 Acts 26:20
 Must one repent? Lk 13:3, 5
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
STATE of sin
 At some point in time, one goes from
being dead in sin to being dead to sin
 That defining moment is when one is
baptized (crucifying, burying the man
of sin) Rom 6:3-7 Col 2:11-14
Rom 6:3
Gal 3:27
Lesson 9 – Defeating Sin
Man’s actions
Defeats the
STATE of sin
 When one “…obeys from the heart”
and is set free from sin Rom 6:16-18
 When sins are washed away
Acts 22:16