Amount of Scholarship

Scholarships Listed in Alphabetical Order
L.A. Long Loan Scholarship Trust
U.S. Government Student Loans
Texas Grant
Agnes C. Deats and Paul K. Deats Memorial Scholarship
Amber Lindley Memorial Scholarship
Association Texas Professional Educators’ Scholarship
Bettis, Boyle, Stovall & Street Valedictorian Scholarship
Brazos Telephone Cooperative Scholarship
C. L. S. C. Emma le Veaux Parrish English Scholarship
Ciera Bank in Graham
Ciera Bank Employees’ Scholarship
Class of 1954, 1955 & 1956 Scholarship
Class of 1958 Scholarship
Delta Kappa Gamma/Willie Allen Memorial Scholarship
Derek Liles Memorial Drama Scholarship
Derek Shifflett Memorial Drama Scholarship
Desk & Derrick Club Scholarship
Donnie Choate Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy M. Street Memorial Music Scholarship
Ed Graham III UT Memorial Scholarship
Edward B. Harris Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Edgar Scholarship
Eunice & Joe B. Friedel Graham High School Scholarship
First Presbyterian Church–Peggy & Joe McKinley Memorial Scholarship
First State Bank Scholarship
Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative Scholarship
Graeme Stewart Shannon Scholarship
Graham Athletic Boosters Club Scholarship
Graham Band Boosters Scholarship
Graham Evening Lions "Cliff Walker" Club Scholarship
Graham Girls Softball League Scholarship
Graham High School's "All Around Boy" Scholarship
Graham High School Spanish Club Scholarship Club
Graham High School Thespian Scholarship
Graham InterBank Scholarship
Graham Ladies Golf Association Scholarship
Graham Noon Lions Club Academic Scholarship
Graham Noon Lions Club P.K. Relays Ray Herring Memorial Scholarship
Graham Savings Scholarship
H.A. and Dorothy Hefner Scholarship
Helen F. Hawkins Scholarship
Hunnewell Religious Foundation Scholarship
J.D. Burke Scholarship
Jean and Harry Bettis Educational Foundation Scholarship
Jack Cody Drama Scholarship
Jim Norvell Memorial Kiwanis Scholarship
Jimmie Mae Bennett Golf Scholarship
Jimmy Guinn Scholarship
Kenneth G. Knox, Class of 1952 Memorial Scholarship
Kiwanis Scholarship
Libby Fellows Memorial Scholarship
Lu Allen Memorial Scholarship
Movelda E. Rhine Scholarship
Pat Bryan III UT Memorial Scholarship
Pauline Guinn Jones Scholarship
Possum Kingdom Westside Ladies Club
Professional Athletes Foundation Scholarship Program
Randy Finney Scholarship
Rhogenia Kindley Scholarship
Rotary Club of Graham, Texas Academic Scholarship
S.H.A.R.E. Scholarship
Texas A&M Scholarships
Colonel Dan Orr Memorial Scholarship
Floy Hinson Memorial Scholarship
J. Duff Pitcock Memorial Scholarship
Rob Puryear Memorial Scholarship
Sheri Lea Burkett Memorial Scholarship
Tom Hunnewell Memorial Scholarship
Texas Tech Alumni, Lake Country Chapter, Scholarship
Texas Tech Remington Scholarship
Todd Hall Memorial Scholarship
Tommy Littlepage Memorial Scholarship
Watson Payne Roye – 5 Star Progressive Achievement Scholarship
Wildcatter Ranch & Resort Scholarship
Young County Bar Association Scholarship
Young County Car Club Scholarship
Young County 4-H Parents Club Scholarship
Young County Masonic Lodge No. 485
Young County Republican Women-Salutatorian
NCTC Graham Campus Foundation Scholarships
Internet Websites and Career Links
GHS Common Scholarship Application Sample
Dear Students and Parents:
After you have read this booklet, it is obvious that individuals and businesses
in our community are anxious for every Graham High School graduate to have
an opportunity for a postsecondary education. Historically, the scholarships
have provided the means for GHS graduates to become successful in a wide
variety of careers. For the support and generosity shown our graduates, we
are deeply grateful and appreciative.
This booklet contains the information provided to us by the scholarship
donors. Read the information for each scholarship very carefully and follow
the directions given. Pay close attention to the application form required and
to the scholarship deadlines listed for each scholarship. All applications
require you to attach a transcript. Students will receive a copy of their
transcript in mid-January and may make as many copies as they need. The
GHS Common Scholarship Application is used for most of the scholarships
and it is found online at on the counseling web page.
Check each scholarship for instructions on whether the application is to be
returned to the GHS counselor’s office or whether it is to be mailed to the
address listed in the information for that scholarship. Almost all of the
scholarships use the March 17th deadline, but some may use a different
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the
GHS counselors at 549-4030. We are very proud of our GHS seniors, and we
want to make sure each of them has every opportunity to continue their
education after high school. We are thankful that we live in a generous
community that helps make this dream come true for so many students!
Robert Loomis
GHS Principal
1000 Brazos - Graham, Texas – 76450 - 940-549-4030 - Fax 940-549-4031
L.A Long Scholarship Trust
The L.A. Long Scholarship Trust is a private trust established to assist
graduates further their education through low-interest rate student
loans, which do not have to be paid back until the student graduates. To
be eligible to receive a student loan advance from the L.A. Long
Scholarship Trust an applicant must be a Graham High School graduate
with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Applications may be obtained by
contacting Mr. Trey Henderson, Ciera Bank, Graham, Texas at 940-5213689.
Federal financial aid is available through the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), commonly known as the Pell Grant.
Applications are available through the GHS counselors’ office, but the
U.S. government prefers that students apply online. The website is The student and one parent need to get a personal
identification number (PIN) to use as the electronic signature. To get a
PIN number, go to Every student who plans to attend
an institution of post-secondary education needs to complete the FAFSA
application. Vocational schools, colleges and universities use the
information not only as a basis for determining the financial needs of
universities use the information not only as a basis for determining the
financial needs of a student, but also as a criteria for scholarships given
from the college or university. Students planning to attend a postsecondary institution in the fall following graduation from high school
can file a FAFSA form after January 1 of their senior year.
State financial aid is available through the Texas Grant to students who
graduate from GHS on either the recommended graduation plan or the
distinguished achievement graduation plan who have financial need.
Colleges and universities use the information on the FAFSA form to
determine Texas Grant eligibility. Students and parents should mention
eligibility to the college or university financial aid counselor. For more
information, please see
The GHS scholarships application can be accessed by going to click on schools, then high school, then counseling.
On the left of the page, you will find the link “GHS Scholarship Application.”
Fill out the application, save it, then print as many copies as you need. Be sure
to put the name of each scholarship at the top of the application page. If you
do not have access to a computer, you may use the computer in the
If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please DO
NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
Agnes C. Deats and Paul K. Deats Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 Approximately $500.00- $1,000 per year with the possibility of the
scholarship continuing for four years.
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior from Graham High School
 Must be accepted for admission to an institution of higher learning, such
as a college, university or junior college
 Must need financial assistance to pursue higher education
 Must have a GPA of 2.5 or better.
 Must be considered a full time student (12 hours or equivalent)
 The GHS common application form should be submitted with a copy of recent
transcript(s) with three letters of recommendation. Mail these items to:
Deats Memorial Scholarship Committee, First United Methodist Church, 700
Third Street, Graham, Texas 76450. Finalists may be personally interviewed.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship check will be mailed to recipient upon request in July. Contact
Sandra Boedeker at (940)549-0970. For continuing scholarships send a copy
of the previous year’s grades to Deats Memorial Scholarship, 700 Third
Street, Graham, Texas, for payment for the upcoming year.
Amber Lindley Scholarship
Amount: Determined each year
Qualifications & Eligibility:
Amber Lindley possessed a special spirit- a uniqueness, a spark, and a love of
life---that guided her and touched her family, friends, teachers, and
community members. Young people yearn for that quality and search for
that spark.
In one typed written page, define what you think is the most important trait
needed in a youth's personality to achieve that special spirit. Defend or
explain your choice.
Selection Committee:
Selection is by a blind committee of various teachers, friends and family
Complete the GHS Common Application
Submit the application and essay to: Amber Lindley Scholarship, P.O. Box
1804, Graham, TX
Application Deadline:
March 17
Association of Texas Professional Educators’ Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 To be determined
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a senior eligible for graduation from Graham High School.
 Must need financial assistance to attend college.
 Must be of high moral character.
 Must be seeking a degree in education.
 Must have a 2.5 GPA
Scholarship Payments:
 One-half of the total scholarship will be paid to the college after registration
notification for the second semester.
 Submit common application to the GHS Counselors.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Bettis, Boyle, Stovall & Street Valedictorian Scholarship
Valedictorian Award:
 $2,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 To the Valedictorian of Graham High School graduating class.
Brazos Telephone Cooperative Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $250- At least four will be given in the service area of Brazos Telephone
Cooperative, Inc.
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Applicant must be a high school senior
 an active member of Brazos Telephone Cooperative members will have a
telephone prefix number of 345, 362, 378, 862 or 873)
 receiving landline telephone service in their home or business from the
 Use the GHS common application
 Send application to Kyle Hinson,
109 N. Avenue D, Olney, TX 76374
Application Deadline:
 March 17
C.L.S.C. Emma le Veaux Parrish English Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $250
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior from Graham High School.
 Must attend a college or university.
 Must attain highest accumulative grade in English.
Selection Requirements:
 Recipient shall be selected by teachers of English IV at GHS.
 None required
Ciera Bank in Graham
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
Must have a GPA of 2.5 or better
Must have need for financial assistance to attend college
Must be attending college with the intent of majoring in business or finance
Bank employees, directors and their immediate families are not eligible for
this scholarship
 Submit common application to Sherry Reddell, FNB, Graham, P.O. Box 540,
Graham, TX
 Attach a copy of transcript
 Attach three letters of reference with one being form a high school counselor
or teacher.
 You will be contacted if a personal interview is required
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Ciera Bank Employees Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500 – This scholarship is funded solely by the employees of First National
Bank in Graham
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
 Must have a GPA of 2.5
 Must have need for financial assistance to attend vocational school, trade
school, junior college or university.
 Bank employees, directors, and their immediate families are not eligible for
this scholarship
 Submit common application to Ciera Bank Employees Scholarship Fund c/o
Martha Floyd, P.O. Box 540, Graham, Texas 76450
 Attach a copy of your transcript
 Attach 3 letters of references with 1 being from a high school counselor or
 You will be contacted if a personal interview is required
Application Deadline
 March 17
Class of 1954, 1955 and 1956 Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $2000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must have at least a 2.0 or “B” Grade Point Average.
 Must need financial assistance for further education.
 Must attend college, trade or vocational school.
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School.
 Must be of good character and a good citizen
 Must have work experience
Scholarship Payments:
 Award will be made to the student by class committee upon presentation of
evidence that the student has enrolled in a college, trade or vocational school
of his/her choice.
Selection Committee:
 Committee of classes of 1954, 1955 and 1956 and the GHS Scholarship
 Submit common application to:
Annie Belle Burdick, 812 Shawnee, Graham, TX 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Class of 1958 Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must have at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average.
 Must need financial assistance for further education.
 Must attend college, trade or vocational school.
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School.
Scholarship Payments:
 Award will be made the school upon presentation of evidence that the
Student has enrolled in a college, trade or vocational school of his/her choice.
Selection committee:
 Committee of 1958 graduates and/or the GHS Scholarship Committee.
 Submit common application to: Tom Loftin, 1072 Matlock Rd., windthorst,
Texas 76389
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Delta Kappa Gamma/Willie Allen Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 Amount determined each year.
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior girl at Graham High School
 Must plan to enter the teaching profession.
Scholarship Payments:
 The scholarship money will be paid directly to the individual when proof of
8college enrollment is brought back to the chapter. One-half will be paid at
the beginning of each semester for the first year in college. Money will be
paid when proof of registration is provided for the second semester plus a
copy of grades. The treasurer of the chapter takes care of this payment.
Selection Committee:
 Mu Lambda of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International scholarship
Committee. The executive committee will interview each applicant if needed.
 Submit common Application to: Scholarship Chairman of Mu Lambda
Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Graham, Texas by
giving it to the GHS counselors.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Derek Liles Memorial Tennis Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $250
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a Graham High School graduating senior
 Must be planning to attend a vocational school, trade school, community
college or university
 Must be a good citizen
 Must have played varsity tennis
Scholarship Payments:
 Awards will be made to the recipient at the GHS Awards Program
 Submit common application to the GHS Counselors
Application Deadline:
 March 17
NOTE**If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please
DO NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
Derek Shifflett Memorial Drama Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 To be determined
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior who been extensively
 Involved in theatre at Graham High School.
 None required
 Jack Cody
Desk & Derrick Club Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 Amount will be determined each year.
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be pursuing a degree in business, education or science.
 Must have at least a 2.5 Grade Point Average
 Must Need financial assistance
 The Personal and Academic Goals Section of the GHS Common Application
included with the student application, must be at least 250 words.
 Partial Scholarships are available for part time students.
 Must attach three letters of reference - one being from a high school
counselor or teacher.
Selective Committee:
 The Scholarship Committee will give all eligible applications to the Screening
Committee for review and recommendation of selections. The Screening
Committee will recommend the most qualified applicants to the Scholarship
Committee based on the above qualifications.
Scholarship Payments:
 The assistance will be determined on a semester Basis and will depend on
the student’s maintaining a satisfactory level of grade performance. Funds
will be distributed in August and January each year for a period of four years.
Payments will be made to the Student upon proof of school registration.
 Submit common application to: Desk & Derrick Club, P.O. Box 685, Graham,
TX 76450.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Donnie Choate Memorial Kiwanis Scholarship
Amount: $1000
Must be a graduating student from Graham High School
Must attend TRADE SCHOOL and have financial need
Must be a good citizen
Submit common application form to:
Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 561, Graham, TX 76450
Application Deadline:
March 17
Dorothy M. Street Memorial Music Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 One musician or vocal performer who has maintained 3.0 or better average
for four years.
 Must be a good citizen.
 Must need financial assistance to attend college.
 Must pursue a degree in music
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship payment will be made to the university of college after the
student registers. After entering college, the student will notify: Mrs. Anne
Skipper, P.O. Box 1210, Graham Texas 76450
 GHS Common application
 Anne Skipper
Ed Graham III UT Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 To Be Determined
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must have applied to UT and been accepted for admission
 Must be an entering freshman
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular, service, and community activities, leadership
and financial need
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship checks are presented to the recipient very early in the fall
semester at the Ex-Student Association Scholarship Banquet
No separate application is required. Questions can be directed to Terri
Christian, 1008 Woodlawn, Graham, Texas, 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Edward B. Harris Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1000
The Edward B. Harris Jr. Memorial Scholarship, sponsored by GHS graduate,
William Dean Singleton and The Graham Leader, will be awarded annually to
a Graham High School Graduate pursuing a degree in journalism / mass
communication. Edward B. Harris Jr., publisher of The Graham Leader from
1946 until 1986, was regarded as “the most important voice in the history of
The Graham Leader.” Mr. Harris devoted his entire life to professionally
documenting the events of the community and providing strong leadership
to make the community amoung the nation’s best. He was both a gentleman
and a journalist in the truest sense. The Edward B. Harris Memorial
Scholarship thus reflects the continuing ideal of professionalism and
community recognition
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Based on financial need
 Must be a graduating senior of a previous graduate of Graham High School.
 Must plan to major in or be majoring in journalism/mass communication.
 Must have a letter of acceptance and be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours.
 The scholarship’s selection committee will determine annually whether the
$1000.00 Award will be presented to a graduating senior from Graham High
School or to a former GHS graduate whose educational path has turned to a
for up to two scholarship awards in pursuit of their higher education degree.
 Submit GHS application form to Graham High School counselors.
 Attach two letters of reference.
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship will be paid directly to the college or university in recipient’s
name upon verification or registration.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Edgar Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 Approximately $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
 Must need financial assistance to attend college
 Must have a good academic record
 Consideration will be given to students attending the University of Texas
 None Required
Selection Committee
 Mr. Ken Andrews and Mr. David Edgar
Eunice & Joe B. Friedel Graham HS Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior from GHS
 Must attend a college, university or technical school
 Winner must have worked hard to reach his or her scholastic potential. Does
not have to be ranked high. Must be well-rounded, active in and participated
in school and community activities, or both
 Recipient must have overcome some sort of adversity; ie, blindness or other
physical or mental impairment, a learning disability, language or cultural
disability or impediment, or poverty
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship award shall be distributed to the winner during the 1st week of
the 1st semester at the institution.
 Submit common application form and a 300 word essay telling how you have
overcome a hardship, to the GHS Counselors
Application Deadline:
 March 17
First Presbyterian Church
Peggy and Joe McKinley Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 2 Scholarships $1,000 each paid ½ for fall % ½ for spring for freshman year
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating student from Graham High School or college student.
Must have a Christian congregation affiliation and active participation in
worship, study, and fellowship of a local church, both prior to making
application and during the term of the scholarship
Must be a good citizen
Must need financial aid
Must attend an accredited college or trade school
Students considering potential music careers shall be given due
 All financial information requested in the application is for evaluation
purposes by the scholarship committee. All such information will be kept
 Return common application to: McKinley Scholarship Committee, First
Presbyterian Church, 1400 Randy Drive, P.O. Box 870, Graham, Texas, 76450,
 Along with the application, submit to the scholarship committee either a high
school transcript or a transcript of all college grades earned, three letters of
recommendation from persons other than relatives, and a recent photograph.
Application Deadline:
March 17
First State Bank Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 A graduating senior of Graham High School
 Have a GPA of 3.0 or above.
 Have letter of acceptance or be enrolled in a college or university for a
minimum of 12 hours.
 Demonstrate good moral character and leadership abilities
 Bank employees, directors, and their immediate families are not eligible for
this scholarship
 Submit common application in person or by mail to: First State Bank
Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 1988, Graham, Texas 76450
 Attach a copy of high school transcript
 Attach three (3) original letters of recommendation (other than a relative)
addressed to the First State Bank Scholarship Committee.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $250.00
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Senior student at GHS whose parents or immediate family receives electric
service from Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative
 Enrollment status of recipient may be either full-time or part-time in any
institution of higher education including trade school.
Applicant must be in the top half of his/her class in terms of academic
Scholarship Payment:
 Award will be made to recipient upon proof of employment in a college,
university or trade school
 Names will be selected at random from qualified applicants
 Submit application provided by Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative which can
be picked up in Counselor’s office
 April 18
Graeme Stewart Shannon Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Scholarship will be awarded to the senior student selected as Best All Around
Girl at
None required
Scholarship Payment:
Award will be made after student has registered at a college or university by
the Stewart family and by Jack and Diane Cody
Will be made from a vote by the Graham High School faculty
Graham Athletic Booster Club Scholarships
Amount of Scholarships:
 $1,500 each for 4 girls and 4 boys
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
 Must attend a college or trade school
 Must have received at least TWO LETTERS in one or more high school sports
 Must have a t least a 2.0 GPA
 Submit common application to GHS Counselors. All applications will be
reviewed by the scholarship selection committee. Those applicants selected
will be scheduled for personal interviews with the selection committee. Each
applicant will be ranked separately in six categories by each member of the
committee. The applicant receiving the highest cumulative scores will be
awarded scholarships at the All-Sports Banquet in May. Any letters of
recommendation or pertinent information should be attached to application.
Scholarship Payments:
 All payments will be made to the registrar of the college or trade school after
the applicant has registered and notification is given to the Graham Athletic
Booster Club. ½ of the scholarship amount will be paid after registration for
the first semester and ½ after registration for the second semester.
 In the event the recipient is not able to complete the two required semesters,
scholarship funds not utilized will be forfeited and returned to the Graham
Athletic Booster Club Fund
Application Deadline
 March 1
Graham Band Boosters Scholarships
 Incentive to students to further their education
Amount of Scholarships:
 $1,000- for college freshmen year only
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be graduating senior of Graham High School Big Blue Band.
 Must be Band member in good standing, with no outstanding debt to the
band program
 Must be entering the freshmen year of college or trade school.
 Application MUST be signed by student and parent/guardian to be
 Scholarship must be used within two school years of graduation.
Selection Process:
 Judging committee will review application forms and possibly interview all
 Band directors will authorize the final decision of the judging committee on
the applicant chosen. The judging committee will consist of
o Band Booster President
o Three additional band booster members, not to include parents of
Scholarships Payments:
 Half the first semester when entering.
 Half the second semester.
 Submitted to the college registrar of the chosen school of the applicant.
 In the event the recipient is not able to complete the two required semesters
of college, the scholarship will be forfeited and funds will be returned to the
scholarship fund.
 Submit common application to the Band Director at GHS.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Graham Evening Lions “ Cliff Walker” Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior in Young County.
 Must attend a college, vocational or technical school.
 Must be used within two years of graduation from high school.
 Application should reflect financial needs, goals, current extracurricular
activities and civic involvement. Attach to your application one paragraph
(100 words or less) describing how you see yourself in 10-20 years. Mail
common application to Graham Evening Lions Club, P.O. Box 411, Graham,
TX 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Scholarship Payment:
 Award will be made to recipient upon presentation of evidence of enrollment
in college, vocational or technical school of his or her choice.
Graham Girls Softball League Scholarship
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Any girl that was a Lady Blue or has played in the Graham Girls Softball
Submit Common Application to Kristine Darrow, P.O. Box 701, Graham, TX
March 17
NOTE**If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please
DO NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
Graham High School's "All Around Boy" Scholarship
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a GHS Senior Boy
 Has made outstanding contributions to GHS through leadership,
 participation, academics and character throughout his high school
 experience
Sponsored by:
 The Graham Public Education Foundation (GPEF)
 GHS Faculty and Staff
Graham High School Spanish Club Scholarship
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a senior Spanish club member
 Must have completed at least 3 years of Spanish
Scholarship Payment:
 Award will be made to the student upon presentation of evidence that the
student has enrolled in a college or trade school.
 May be obtained from Mrs. Wilson at Graham High School.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Graham High School Thespian Scholarship
Amount of scholarship:
 Amount varies
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Senior student at Graham High school who has participated in the Theater
Arts program.
 Must display Leadership qualities.
 Must need financial assistance to attended college.
Scholarship Payment:
 Award will be made to the recipient upon presentation of evidence that the
student has enrolled in a college or university of his/her choice.
 None required
 Thespian sponsors will select the student.
Graham InterBank
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000 - $500.00 per semester
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must be a graduating senior of Graham High school.
Must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Must have need for financial assistance to attended college.
Must be attending college, university or junior college.
Bank employees, directors and their immediate families are not eligible for
 Must maintain 2.00 GPA during first college semester.
 Must be considered a full time student (12 hours).
 Submit a common application form and a copy of your transcript to the GHS
Counselors. You will be contacted if a personal interview is required.
Application Deadline:
March 17
Graham Ladies’ Golf Association Scholarship
Amount of Scholarships:
 $500.00
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior girl who has participated on the GHS golf team
for at least two years consecutively.
 Submit the common application form to the GHS Counselors’ Office
Selection Committee:
 Ladies Golf Association Scholarship committee
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Graham Noon Lions Club Academic Scholarships
Amount of Scholarships:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham high School.
 Must have at least a 3.0 Grade point average.
 Must need financial assistance to attended college.
 Must be a good citizen.
 Additional consideration will be given to those students who have exhibited
leadership qualities through involvement in extracurricular school activities
and/or participation in community projects.
 Submit common application form to:
o Graham Noon Lions Club, P.O. Box 1049, Graham, Texas 76450
 Transcript and references required.
 Financial information requested in the application is for evaluation purposes
by the selection committee. All such information will be kept confidential.
Selection Committee:
 Graham Noon Lions Board of Directors
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Graham Noon Lions Club P.K. Relays Ray Herring Memorial
Amount of scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior student.
 Must be a good citizen.
 Must need financial assistance to attended college.
 Return the common application form to Ronnie Robertson of the Graham
Noon Lions Club, P.O. Box 1058 Graham, Texas 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Graham Savings Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
 Must need financial assistance in order to attend college.
 Send common application form to Troy Lambden, P.O. Box 1490, Graham, TX
Selection Committee
 Ken Andrews
Scholarship Payments:
 Payment will be made to the university for the benefit of the recipient upon
Application Deadline:
 March 17
H.A. and Dorothy Hefner Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500 per semester of freshman year
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of GHS
 Must attend the University of North Texas
 Must need financial assistance to attend college
 Must be a good citizen
 Submit common application form to GHS Counselors
 Attach an essay stating personal goals and reason the Hefner Scholarship
would be of benefit
 Attach two letters of reference
Scholarship Payments:
 GHS Scholarship Committee will send copies of all completed applications to
the Hefner family prior to final selection
 Recipient will be chosen by GHS Scholarship Committee
 GHS Scholarship Committee will furnish the recipient’s name and contact
information to the UNT Scholarship Office and the Hefner family prior to June
 Amount of scholarship will be credited to recipient’s UNT account by the
UNT Scholarship Committee
Application Deadline:
March 17
Helen F. Hawkins Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $250 per semester of freshman year for a total of $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of GHS
 Must have a GPA of 2.5 or better
 Must have need for financial assistance to attend college
 Must be accepted for admission to a college, university, junior college or
other institution of higher learning
 Must be considered a full time student (12 hours or equivalent)
 Submit common application form to: Helen F. Hawkins Scholarship
Committee, c/o First United Methodist Church, 700 Third Street, Graham,
Texas 76450. Attach a copy of transcripts. Submit up to three letters of
recommendation and three references. A personal interview may be
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship will be paid in two parts. Contact Sandra Boedeker at 940-5490970 in July for first part. Send a copy of first semester grades to Helen
Hawkins Scholarship, 700 Third Street, Graham, Texas, for second payment
for second semester.
Hunnewell Religious Foundation Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500 to $1500 a semester depending on numbers of Christian education
hours taken
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior or presently attending a college, university or
 Must plan on or be presently studying Christian Ministry
 Must have and maintain passing grades.
 Submit a brief paragraph on why you want to study the ministry and what
your goals are for obtaining a religious degree
 References - 2
Application and Scholarship Payment:
 Submit common application
o Shannon Plowman, P.O. Box 1210, Graham, Texas 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
J.D. Burke Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1000 per semester for the first year, for a total of $2000 for the first 2 years
as long as good grades are maintained.
Qualification and Eligibility:
 A G.I.S.D. senior
 Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
 Has participated heavily in extra-curricular activities and/or worked part
time after school or weekends
 Financial need will be taken into consideration
 Complete the GHS common application and return to the GHS Counseling
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Jean and Harry Bettis Educational Foundation Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 To be determined
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Graduating or a Graduate of Graham High School who is actively pursuing
undergraduate or post-graduate degrees
 Must be attending college
 Important factors considered are GPA, Work Experience, Community
Activities, School Activities and Honors.
Requirements for Application:
 Submit scholarship application form to P.O. Box 1139, Graham,
Texas 76450
 Completed Jean and Harry Bettis Educational Foundation Scholarship
Application Form. All applicants not using the Foundation’s Scholarship
 300 words or less essay relating to career-interest
 Three (3) letters of recommendation from employers, instructors or
 Copy of most recent official school transcript
 Any applications not having these requirements WILL BE DISREGARDED.
Application Deadline:
 Scholarship applications may be obtained at the office of Bettis, Boyle &
Stovall, Inc., 505 5th Street, Graham, Texas 76450, (John Cox – 940/549-0780,
Ext. 110).
 Scholarship applications must be post marked to the foundation by the
Deadline provided by the GHS Counselors.
 Scholarship selection will be made by the Foundation Selection Committee
Jack Cody Drama Scholarship
Amount of scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and eligibility:
 Senior student at Graham High School who has actively participated in
Theater Arts.
 Has demonstrated leadership qualities.
 Financial assistance in order to attend college is given priority.
 None required.
Scholarship payment:
 Award of scholarship will be made after student has registered at a college or
 Jack and Diane Cody
Jim Norvell Memorial Kiwanis Scholarship
Must be a graduating student from Graham High School
Must attend TRADE SCHOOL and have financial need
Must be a good citizen
Submit common application form to:
Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 561, Graham, TX 76450
Application Deadline:
March 17
Jimmie Mae Bennett Golf Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 Two at $500 for one year
 Must be a GHS senior boy on golf team attending college next year.
 Must be a GHS senior girl on golf team attending college next year.
 Submit common application to:
Mr. Jim Bob Bennett, 925 Austin Rd., Graham, TX 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship money will be presented at the GHS Scholarship Program.
NOTE**If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please
DO NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
Jimmy Guinn Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior student.
 Must be a good citizen.
 Must have evidence of his/her Christian endeavor by interest, attendance
and service in the church.
 Must have at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average.
 Must plan to attend college.
 Submit common application form to GHS Counselors.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Selection Committee:
 Mr. Ronnie Blackstock, Jim Guinn, Jr.
Kenneth G. Knox, Class of ‘52 Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: $1000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must letter in Varsity Football
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
 Must plan to attend a college, trade or vocational school
 Must be of high moral character.
 Submit common application form to the GHS Counselors.
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Scholarship Payments:
 Recipient will notify Ken Knox of the name and address of the college after
registration in the fall and payment will be made directly to the school.
Kiwanis Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $300 per semester for first 4 semesters
 $500 per semester for last 4 semesters
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a senior graduating student from Graham High School
 Must need financial assistance in order to attend college.
 Must be a good citizen
 Must take a minimum of 12 hours per semester in college
 Must maintain a “C” or above in all college courses to retain the scholarship
 Submit common application form to:
o Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 561, Graham, TX 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Lee Allen Hunnewell Reading Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: $1000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be dyslexic
 Must aspire to attend college
 Must exhibit strong work ethic and be at least a high “C” or low “B” student
 Complete the GHS Common Application and turn it in to the GHS
Counseling Office by the deadline.
 Made by Mr. Lee Allen Hunnewell with assistance from the GHS Selection
 March 17
Libby Fellows Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a Graham High School graduating senior
 Must be planning to attend a vocational school, trade school, junior college or
 Must be of good character
 Must submit one letter of recommendation
 Must submit a resume
 Must submit a one page written essay or creative expression of personal
qualities, values, and/or goals
 Use GHS common application form and return to Counselor’s office
Scholarship Payment:
 Award will be made to the recipient upon presentation of proof of enrollment
in 12 or more hours
 March 17
NOTE**If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please
DO NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
Lu Allen Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a senior female athlete graduating from Graham High School
 Must have lettered in two sports and one must be volleyball
 Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
 Must have shown good leadership and sportsmanship
 Must submit two (2) letters of recommendation from your coaches
 Submit a common application form and all required information to:
o Randy Balderson, HC 74, Box 182, Graham, TX 76450
 All applications will be reviewed by the committee overseeing this
 This is a two-semester scholarship and will be paid in cash ($500/$500) as
soon as proof of college enrollment is received.
Movelda E. Rhine Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1000 for one student
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must have financial need
 Must attend college
 Important factors considered are GPA, a strong work ethic and good
Requirements for Application:
 Submit to the GHS Counselors.
o Common Application Form, two letters of recommendation and
Application Deadline:
 March 17
 Made by committee of GHS faculty, including a business teacher.
Pat Bryan III UT Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 To Be Determined
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must have applied to UT and been accepted for admission
 Must be an entering freshman
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular, service, and community activities, leadership
and financial need
Scholarship Payment:
Scholarship checks are presented to the recipient very early in the fall
semester at the Ex-Student Association Scholarship Banquet
 No separate application is required. Questions can be directed to Terri
Christian, 1008 Woodlawn, Graham, Texas, 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Pauline Guinn Jones Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School currently on the Student
 Must attend college
 Must be a good citizen
 Must be an outstanding senior who is a hard working student
 Submit common application form to the GHS Counselors
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship payment will be made to student after notification of registration
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Possum Kingdom Westside Ladies’ Club
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
 Must attend higher education
 Preference may be given to student who lives and/or works at the lake
 Submit common application form to GHS Counselors
Scholarship Payment:
 Directly to student upon proof of enrollment
Selection Committee:
 Graham High School selection committee and PK Westside Ladies’ Club
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Professional Athletes Foundation Scholarship Program
Amount of Scholarship:
 $2500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Overall high school GPA of 2.0 or better
 Must be a high school senior
 Must be accepted to a two or four year college or university
 Nominated by a high school coach
 Must have participated at the varsity level in athletics for at least one year
 Has not accepted any scholarship funds or grants to participate in college
 Is not the son/daughter of a current or former NFL player
 To apply the student must complete the scholarship packet, which is housed
in the GHS Counseling Office. Included in the packet are a coach’s nomination
letter, an application form, a two-page essay and a high school transcript.
Application Deadline:
February 15, 2014
Randy Finney Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1000 for the first year
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must have at least a 2.0 GPA
 Must need financial assistance to further education
 Must attend college, trade or vocational school
 Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School
Scholarship Payments
 Award will be made to the school upon presentation of evidence that the
student has enrolled in a college, trade or vocational school of his/her choice.
Selection Committee:
 AT&T Employees of Graham
 Submit common application form to AT&T, Attn: Robert Lewis, 3101 Hwy.
16 South, Graham TX 76450
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Rhogenia Kindley Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: Amount will be determined each year
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be of good moral character.
 Must need financial assistance to attend college.
 Must be dedicated to better himself/herself educationally.
 Must have initiative to succeed
 No applications will be taken. Selection will be by a committee
Selection Committee:
 Mr. Ken Andrews, Mr. Eddie Chambers
Scholarship Payments:
 After selection is made, the recipient’s name will be sent to: Mr. Ken
Andrews, P.O. Box 666, Graham, Texas 76450
Rotary Club of Graham, Texas Academic Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
$1,000 per year up to four years
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Applicants must be a graduating GHS senior enrolling in a four-year college
program. Minimum 1000 SAT score, 3.0 GPA.
Recipient will be required to attend one Rotary Club meeting each year to
update the club on their progress during the term of the scholarship. The
Graham Rotary Club meets at noon each Friday in the American Legion
Must be a current member of the GHS Interact Club.
Submit the GHS common application form along with two letters
recommendation and a copy of transcript to GHS Counselors or mail to:
Rotary Club of Graham Scholarship Chairman, P.O. Box 114, Graham, TX
Selection Committee:
 A personal interview will be scheduled with the selection committee. The
recipient will be notified at the Academic Awards Program in May.
Scholarship Payments:
Payment of $500 per semester upon evidence of enrollment in at least 12
semester hours. Additional $500 per semester (up to $1,000 per year for four
years) if enrolled in at least 12 hours and maintain a 3.0 GPA
Application Deadline:
March 17
S.H.A.R.E. Scholarship
(Students Helping Achieve Realistic Endeavors)
Sponsored by:
GHS Student Council
Amount of Scholarship:
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must be a senior graduating in May.
Must be good moral character.
Must be planning to attend a trade or vocational school, two-year college or
four-year college.
Submit common application form to Mrs. Talbott in Room 108.
Application Deadline:
March 17
Texas A&M Scholarships:
Colonel Dan Orr Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500.
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 The student must meet Texas A&M admission requirements and have
for admission to Texas A&M University.
 The student must be an entering freshman or new transfer student at the
A&M College Station campus.
 Other qualifications considered are: outstanding academic record; involve e t
in extracurricular and community activities, leadership, and financial need.
Scholarship payments:
 Contact Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr., Graham, Texas (940) 5491424, One application will suffice Aggie Club
Application Deadline:
March 17
Floy HInson Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 The student must meet Texas A&M admission requirements and have
applied for admission to Texas A&M University.
The student must be an entering freshman or new transfer student at the
A&M College Station Campus.
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular and community activities, leadership, and
financial need.
Scholarship Payments:
 Contact Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr., Graham Texas (940) 5491424,
 Submit common application form to: Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr.,
Graham, Texas 76450,
 One application will suffice for all Aggie Club Scholarships
Application Deadline:
 March 17
J. Duff Pitcock Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 The student must meet Texas A&M admission requirements and have
applied for admission to Texas A&M University.
 The student must be an entering freshman or new transfer student at the
A&M College Station Campus.
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular and community activities, leadership, and
financial need.
Scholarship Payments:
 Contact Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr., Graham Texas (940) 5491424,
 Submit common application form to: Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr.,
Graham, Texas 76450,
 One application will suffice for all Aggie Club Scholarships
Application Deadline:
 March 17
NOTE**If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please
DO NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
Rob Puryear Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 The student must meet Texas A&M admission requirements and have
applied for admission to Texas A&M University.
 The student must be an entering freshman or new transfer student at the
A&M College Station Campus.
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular and community activities, leadership, and
financial need.
Scholarship Payments:
 Contact Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr., Graham Texas (940) 5491424,
 Submit common application form to: Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr.,
Graham, Texas 76450,
 One application will suffice for all Aggie Club Scholarships
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Sheri Lea Burkett Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 The student must meet Texas A&M admission requirements and have
applied for admission to Texas A&M University.
 The student must be an entering freshman or new transfer student at the
A&M College Station Campus.
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular and community activities, leadership, and
financial need.
Scholarship Payments:
 Contact Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr., Graham Texas (940) 5491424,
 Submit common application form to: Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr.,
Graham, Texas 76450,
 One application will suffice for all Aggie Club Scholarships
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Tom Hunnewell Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 The student must meet Texas A&M admission requirements and have
applied for admission to Texas A&M University.
 The student must be an entering freshman or new transfer student at the
A&M College Station Campus.
 Other qualifications considered are outstanding academic record,
involvement in extracurricular and community activities, leadership, and
financial need.
Scholarship Payments:
 Contact Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr., Graham Texas (940) 5491424,
 Submit common application form to: Michael Armstrong, 1424 Fairway Dr.,
Graham, Texas 76450,
 One application will suffice for all Aggie Club Scholarships
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Texas Tech Alumni, Lake Country Chapter, Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship: $1000
Qualification and Eligibility:
Must meet Texas Tech admission requirements and have applied for
admission to Texas Tech University.
Must be a graduating senior of Graham High School.
Other qualifications to be considered include academic record,
extracurricular activities, leadership, moral character, and financial need.
Scholarship Payment:
Payment will be given to the student prior to pre-registration contingent on
his enrollment for the fall semester at Texas Tech. Check is payable to the
Submit common application form to the GHS Counselors
Application Deadline:
March 17
Texas Tech Remington Scholarship
 Students must compete each year to receive the scholarship for four years.
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a Graham High School graduate with a high school GPA of 3.0. After
receiving the scholarship, students must re-apply each year in college,
maintain a 2.5 GPA & have full time enrollment.
 For students applying for the first time, go to and fill out
both the admissions application and the scholarship application.
Deadline to be received at Texas Tech:
February 1
Todd Hall Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
Minimum $100 – Given to a male and female
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must be a Graham High School graduating senior.
Must be planning to attend a vocational school, trade school, junior college or
Must have a need for financial assistance to further education.
Must be a good citizen.
Will be given to a male and a female.
Scholarship payments:
Award will be made to recipient at the GHS Awards Program.
Submit common application form to the GHS Counselors
Application Deadline:
March 17
Tommy Littlepage Memorial Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
 $1250.00
Qualifications and Eligibility:
 Must be a graduating senior
 Parent must be in the Oil and Gas Industry
 Student must have at least a 2.75 GPA
 Submit the common application form to the GHS Counselors
Application Deadline:
 March 17
Recipient must present proof of enrollment in college or technical school. Thank
you letters must be written to June Littlepage, P.O. Box 899, Graham, TX, 76450
Watson Payne Roye – 5 Star Progressive Achievement
Amount of Scholarship:
 $5000 total (or $1000 for each of the five steps, as the student
progresses through college) – more specific details about the steps
and the history of the scholarship are available in the GHS Counseling
Qualifications and Eligibility:
o Must be a current male or female high school senior
o Must have consistently displayed any one of the following:
 Dedication, determination, desire, and discipline in the pursuit
of education
 Superior and/or uncommon academic achievement
 Educational excellence in conjunction with having to overcome
difficult home-life disadvantages and/or physical or mental
 Uncommon service to mankind in any capacity, such as
community service, etc.
 Submit the common application along with a resume and a brief 200400 word essay detailing any service and/or academic achievements
pertaining to the 2nd eligibility criterion listed above. Resumes and
essays should be emailed to both Eric Roye at and
Mike Roye at .
 Applications are to be submitted to the GHS Counseling Office.
Application Deadline:
March 31, 2014
Wildcatter Ranch & Resort Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must be a graduating senior at Graham High School.
Must be planning on a career in Hospitality, Tourism Culinary Arts, or related
Must have shown a commitment to Community Service.
Must have a 2.0 GPA or better
Scholarship Payment:
 Scholarship payment will be made to the university, college or trade school
after the student registers. After entering school, the student will notify: Mrs.
Anne Skipper, 6062 Hwy. 16 South, Graham, Texas 76450
Applicant will submit a one-page essay describing his/her career goals,
including the reason he/she is choosing this field of study. This essay should
be addressed to Mrs. Anne Street Skipper, Wildcatter Ranch & Resort, 6062
Hwy. 16 South, Graham, Texas 76450, no later than March 31, 2013.
Young County Bar Association Scholarship
One time award of $500
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must be a U.S. and Young County Citizen
Must have a financial need
Must be a good citizen
Must be a graduate of Graham High School
Consideration will be given to participation in Teen Court, mock trial and
Depending upon the number of applicants, selected candidate may be
scheduled for a personal interview with Young County Bar Association
Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee will notify the recipient
of the scholarship.
Mail common application to: Young County Bar Association Scholarship
Committee, P.O. Box 666, Graham Texas 76450
Application Deadline:
March 17
Young County Car Club
Qualifications and Eligibility:
For a graduating senior who is interested in either college or trade school
with a focus on mechanical engineering, auto mechanics or related fields.
Complete the GHS Common Application and mail to: Anne Skipper, 1300
Herron Bend, Graham, Texas, 76450.
A selection committee
March 17
Young County 4-H Parents Club Scholarship
Amount of Scholarship:
3 awarded at $750 each
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must have completed at least 3 years of 4-H club work in Young County.
Must be active in a 4-H leadership role.
Must have completed at least 3 different projects during their 4-H career, to
be included in the 4-H story.
Must turn in a 4-H story that is two typed pages with up to two more pages of
pictures (total of four pages) along with the scholarship application
Must have participated in 4-H activities beyond the county level in the past 3
Must be a graduating senior planning to attend college or trade school as an
entering freshman.
Scholarship Payment:
Must be used within 12 months of receipt of scholarship
One-half paid the first semester when entering school
One-half paid the second semester.
Payment submitted to the 4-H’er when proof of enrollment is shown
In the event recipient is not able to complete the two required semesters, the
scholarship will be forfeited and funds will be returned to the scholarship
Scholarship will be presented at the GHS Scholarship Awards Ceremony.
Selection Committee:
Judging committee will review application forms and interview all applicants.
The judging committee will consist of two or three judges chosen by the 4-H
Adult Leader Association.
Pick up and return special application form at Young County Extension
Office, 3201 Hwy. 16 South, Graham Texas 76450.
 April 1
Young County Masonic Lodge No. 485 Academic Assistance
Amount of Scholarship:
3 Scholarships - $1,000 each
Forrest Burnham Memorial Masonic Scholarship
Terry Hawkins Memorial Masonic Scholarship
Young County Masonic Lodge #485 Scholarship
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Must be a 2011 graduate of Graham High School
Must be of high moral character
Scholarship Payments:
One-half will be paid to the student upon proof of registration at a College,
University, or Trade School for the first semester.
One-half will be paid to the student upon proof of registration for the second
In the event the recipient is not able to complete the two required semesters
in college or trade school, the scholarship will be forfeited and funds will be
returned to the scholarship fund.
Submit GISD Common Application
Submit a 1 to 2 page (double spaced) essay on Masonic History in
Mail to Young County Masonic Lodge, P.O. Box 485, Graham, TX
76450, Att: Scholarship
Application Deadline:
March 17
Young County Republican Women Salutatorian Scholarship
Qualifications and Eligibility:
Awarded to the Salutatorian of the Graham High School graduating class.
NOTE**If applications are to be returned to the counseling office, please
DO NOT put them into individual envelopes. Mrs. Iltis will direct you to
staple each scholarship application to the required documents for that
North Central Texas College Graham Campus Foundation
Offers Scholarships
The NCTC Graham Campus NCTC Foundation mission is to raise community awareness and
to promote educational opportunities for all citizens. The Foundation strives to ensure
access to higher education to improve the quality of life and economic development for this
area. Graham ISD students are eligible for scholarships to assist them in taking dual credit
courses while in high school as well as scholarships for graduating seniors. Students may
complete a scholarship application online at or pick up a scholarship
application in the counselor's office or at the Graham NCTC Campus. Application deadlines
are April 15th for the fall semester and October 15th for the spring semester. Scholarships
available include:
Bertha Foundation Scholarships
Through a partnership with the Bertha Foundation, the NCTC Foundation offers
scholarships specifically for Graham ISD students. In order to qualify to apply for these
scholarships, students must meet the following criteria:
 Be a graduating senior from Graham ISD or be a junior/senior at Graham ISD
enrolling in dual credit course(s) at North Central Texas College
Be in good academic standing with at least a 2.5 grade point average (GPA)
in high school and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA in college
Exhibit financial need
Mary & Louis Pitcock, Jr. Scholarship
Mary and Louis Pitcock, Jr. established this scholarship to assist residents of Young County
with the NCTC Foundation for NCTC students. The following is the criteria for this
 Recipient must maintain the minimum college cumulative grade point average of
2.75 at the point of application and must maintain this average during each
semester awarded.
 Recipient must have graduated from an accredited high school. (Not GED or home
 Recipient must enroll at NCTC and may be either a full time or a part time student.
 Scholarship awarded to a NCTC student may be given to an academic or technical
major as long as the recipient plans to use his/her skills for benefit of society and is
a serious student and has a degree plan on file.
 Recipient should exhibit good citizenship, character and leadership qualities as well
as show evidence of community involvement.
 Recipient should exhibit past experience in his/her field of study.
Roy T. Pitcock Family Scholarship
The Roy T. Pitcock Family has established two scholarships with the NCTC Foundation to
assist students attending the NCTC Graham Campus. Preference will be given to students
demonstrating a financial need.
Freddie Robeson Graham Petroleum Technology Scholarship
In order to be considered for the Freddie Robeson Scholarship, students must maintain the
minimum college cumulative grade point average in order to maintain good academic
standing at the college. Preference will be given to applicants who:
 Attend the NCTC Graham Campus
 Majors in the Petroleum Technology Program
 Exhibits a financial need.
Oak Street Baptist Church Scholarship
The Oak Street Baptist Church has established an endowed scholarship to assist individuals
in gaining skills needed for a technical career by attending North Central Texas College. In
order to apply for this scholarship, applicants must demonstrate a financial need and want
to pursue a technical training field. Preference will be given to applicants who are members
of the Oak Street Baptist Church.
NCTC Graham Campus Book Scholarship
The NCTC Foundation has established the Graham Campus Book Scholarship Fund to assist
students in purchasing their books. These awards are based on financial need and academic
achievement. To apply for assistance with your books please contact Kim Birdwell at to receive an application.
NCTC Foundation Scholarships
In addition to the above scholarships, there are additional NCTC Foundation Scholarships
available based on a wide range of both need-based and merit-based scholarships. For
more information, please contact
Internet Websites
Prepared by Graham High School Counseling Department
Graham High School Common Scholarship Application - click on high school, then counselors & scroll to GHS
scholarship application
Texas Common Application for Freshman Admission to Texas
Public Universities - Link to Texas universities common application and the
scholarship application for some schools. Texas Tech, Tarleton State and University
of Texas are there now.
Test Preparation: click on high school and then on testing website military site, but good test prep for any test - THEA - Username: 10197P100003; Password:
Steers 1 Use 10197; then you can set your own password
Financial Aid:
www.ppslc.ocm - Panhandle-Plains Student Loan Center
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
(1) (worksheet)
(2) (worksheets A, B, & C)
(3) (request PIN)
(4) - Financial Aid/Scholarship Searches - information on student aid from U.S. Dept. of Ed.; click financial aid
tab - information on financial aid - scholarship search website -Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation–good site with much
Essay Edge –
Scholarships/College/University Search: - click on Teacher Resources, then Library Resources, then Facts on
File, the User Name is facts and the Password is region9, then choose the Career
link. There is a great deal of information about Scholarships & pay scales for various
occupations. - 1500 scholarship links - search engine for careers and colleges/universities that offer
the programs - common application for all public universities in Texas - 24/7 College Information Hotline – 1-877-275-7007 – financial aid information - scholarship search and college search - register for a $1000 scholarship
drawing - Internet’s larges free scholarship service; use only the
scholarship part – don’t go to the loan section as they send you a promissory note
and hassle you to sign. - scholarship information for Hispanic students excellent site - good site for college planning; can register to win a $ 1000.00
scholarship - excellent site
www.princetonreviewcom - excellent site - claims to have a database of 600,000 scholarships - good information for students and parents -great source of information, scholarships &
general info - another large scholarship database
College and University Websites – Most college and university
websites can be found by using their initials and .edu. Some examples are as
follows. - Dallas County Community College System - Midwestern State University - Tarleton State University, part of the A & M System - Texas A & M University - Tarrant County Community College system - Texas Christian University - Texas Tech University - University of Texas
46 - Baylor University - Ranger College - Vernon College - Weatherford College - Free searchable database to over 7000 colleges &
List of American Universities - use to find any community college in the
United States - use to find any university in the United States
Career Websites at the University of North
Texas has links to dozens of online tests like Personality Inventories, Interest
Inventories, Values, Work Styles, Skills and Attributes, Career Planning Sites, and
even “Color Quiz- This quick five-minute test analyzes your personality based on the
colors you select.“ Princeton Review site
has a brief career quiz and information about which majors lead to different careers The “MAPP
Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential” reveals the real you: your natural
motivations, interests and talents for work*. Online now and receive a sample MAPP
Appraisal – FREE.” This uses the 0* Net job descriptions with Occupational Outlook
Handbook documentation. - This author disagrees with the
career testing methods which use 0* Net descriptors. “Take The Career Key *, a
professional career test. It is free. It measures your skills, abilities, values, interests,
and personality. Identify promising jobs and get accurate information about them.
Also - “This will help you in
getting a good job, writing a resume, having a productive job interview, and finding
occupations that use similar skills.: Site has links to e-books sold by site writer, but
can be used without buying anything.
How about this site?
Here are a few sites that might be helpful.
Career Links - ACT website-great information – Excellent site- ACT prep courses
available - User Name: grahamhs Password:
steers - SAT website/great information for students and parents/
SAT prep courses - excellent site for information on college majors and the
schools that offer them – Texas Workforce Commission
Military: - U.S. Air Force - U.S. Coast Guard - U.S. Army - U.S. Marines - U.S. Navy - U.S. National Guard
Name of Scholarship:________________________
The following information will be kept as confidential as possible – however, some
information must be shared with GHS Administration, Counselors and Scholarship
Review Committee
 Complete the application below. You may adjust the spacing for the
extracurricular activities and goals sections.
 Copy the application as many times as needed for all the scholarships for
which you are applying. Be sure to read each scholarship description and
follow the instructions.
 Indicate the name of each scholarship at the top, right hand corner at the top
of this page
 Attach your GHS transcript to each application
 Turn in to the person(s) indicated in each scholarship description.
Last Name: _____________________ First:___________________ Middle:_________
Home Address: ______________________ City:___________________ Zip:_________
Mailing Address: (if different from home address)_______________________________
Home Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone:______________________________
Place and Date of Birth: _______________________________________ Age: _______
Parent/Guardian Name(s) __________________________________________________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________________
Name and Ages of Brothers and/or Sisters: _____________________________________
Do you have any brothers or sisters currently attending college, trade school, or any
other institution of higher learning? If so, how many and where?
Are you currently employed? Where? Full or Part-time?
Please indicate with an X next to the appropriate amount range, your parent’s or
guardian’s total annual income. In the comment space, briefly describe any
extenuating circumstances that might affect your financial status and your financial
need for this scholarship.
__ 10,000 – 20,000
__ 40,000 – 50,000
__ 70,000 – 80,000
__ 20,000 – 30,000
__ 50,000 – 60,000
__ 80,000 – 90,000
__ 30,000 – 40,000
__ 60,000 – 70,000
__ 90,000 and up
Status of Parent/Guardian: __ Married
__ Divorced
__ Single
Texas H.S. Graduation Plan: Minimum
GPA: ______
Class Rank:_______ SAT Score: ______
ACT Score: ______
Have you completed the Free Application for Student Financial Aid form (FAFSA)?
What technical school, college, or university do you plan to attend?
Will you be a full or part-time student? ________________________________________
Do you plan to work while attending school? ___________________________________
Please list 3 personal references .. include name, address and phone number for
each one.
List school activities, clubs, and organizations that you have participated in and any
special achievement awards you have received while in high school.
List church and community projects in which you are or have been involved.
Other interests and activities that you enjoy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Explain why you want to attend a college, university or technical school. Elaborate
on the field you wish to study and on your career goals: (300 words or less)
Please attach a copy of your high school transcript to this application.
The deadline for receiving all applications in March 15.
Signature of Applicant: ________________________ Date: ______________________