Modeling: NO

Curriculum and Instruction
2014-15 iSupport Platform Presentation
August 15, 2014
 With implementation of the Florida Standards CCPS needs a
mechanism to keep up with District and school-level activities
with the greatest impact on school improvement
 The instructional support logging system within iSupport will be
used to improve instruction across our District and guide the
full and consistent implementation of the Florida Standards
iSupport-At A Glance
 Strengthen instruction and the implementation of the Florida
 Serve as a vehicle for information exchange of school support
 Help focus the District’s collective efforts on school improvement
 Enable formative feedback, which is vital for success in
implementing the Florida Standards
 Enable a support system for schools and academic coaches
 Allow information to be gathered at a District-wide level as well as
successes and concerns with the implementation of the Florida
iSupport-At A Glance
 iSupport log users will submit a weekly log of their activities
 Data collected in iSupport will be used to further identify school
needs and enable appropriate follow-up support for teachers
and schools
 iSupport log reports may be viewed throughout the year by log
users, their approvers, and District level users to identify
successful efforts that might be replicated and to communicate
common concerns that warrant attention
 Helps track the most vital resource – time
Log Reporting Period
 Each log covers a one-week period that begins on
Monday and ends on Friday
 iSupport will remain open until logs are submitted.
However, the next Log will not be accessible until the
previous log is submitted and approved
 iSupport logs will be available to coaches and District
personnel from the date that they become an iSupport
iSupport User and Approver Hierarchy
School Level Hierarchy
Assistant Principal
for Curriculum
Academic Coach
District Level 2 Hierarchy
Director or
Executive Director
Executive Director
Teacher on
Assignment (TSA)
District Level 1 Hierarchy
Log Notifications/Teacher Notifications
Will Be Turned On in SY14-15
 iSupport’s purpose is to help facilitate successful program
 The more regular and consistent reporting is, the more timely and
effective follow-up can be to address coaching
 iSupport will provide e-mail reminders to all system stakeholders
in submitting and approving logs in a timely manner
 Personnel who are targeted for coaching and support services will
receive an e-mail reminder to advise them of the day and time
services will be provided, cancellations will be handled in a similar
Log Reporting Due Dates - Start Date September 2, 2014
iSupport Log Submission Cycle
iSupport Log Reporting, Data Entry, and Administrative Approvals Period—Service Provider Submittal Cycles
Week Monday
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
PreComplete and Submit Week 1 Log for Approval
(by End of Work Day)
Start Providing Coaching
Submit Reflections for Week 1 for Approval
Services As Outlined in
(by End of Work Day)
Week 1 Log
Complete and Submit Week 2 Log for Approval
(by End of Work Day)
Start Providing Coaching
Submit Reflections for Week 2 for Approval
Services As Outlined in
(by End of Work Day)
Week 2 Log
Complete and Submit Week 3 Log for Approval
Start Providing Coaching
Services As Outlined in
Week 3 Log
Start Providing Coaching
Services As Outlined in
Week 4 Log
(by End of Work Day)
Submit Reflections for Week 3 for Approval
(by End of Work Day
Complete and Submit Week 4 Log for Approval
(by End of Work Day)
Submit Reflections for Week 4 for Approval
(by End of Work Day
Complete and Submit Week 5 Log for Approval
(by End of Work Day)
Log Reporting Due Dates - Start Date September 2, 2014
Supervisor Log Approval Cycle
iSupport Log Reporting, Data Entry, and Administrative Approvals Period—Supervisor Log Approval Cycle
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Review and Approve Week 1 Coaches’ Log
(by End of Work Day)
Support Coaching Services
Review and Approve Week 1 Reflections
As Outlined in
(by End of Work Day)
Week 1 Log
Review and Approve Week 2 Log
(by End of Work Day)
Support Coaching Services
Review and Approve Week 2 Reflections
As Outlined in
(by End of Work Day)
Week 2 Log
Review and Approve Week 3 Log
Support Coaching Services
As Outlined in
Week 3 Log
Support Coaching Services
As Outlined in
Week 4 Log
(by End of Work Day)
Review and Approve Week 3 Reflections
(by End of Work Day)
Review and Approve Week 4 Log
(by End of Work Day)
Review and Approve Week 4 Reflections
(by End of Work Day)
Review and Approve Week 5 Log
(by End of Work Day)
iSupport Notifications
 iSupport’s purpose is to help facilitate successful program
 The more regular and consistent reporting is, the more timely and
effective follow-up can be to address school support
 iSupport will provide e-mail reminders to all participants in
submitting and approving logs in a timely manner
 Personnel who are targeted for coaching and support services will
also receive an e-mail reminder to advise them of the day and time
services will be provided, cancellations will be handled in a similar
iSupport Log - 5 Simple Fields
5 Simple Fields
Coaching Tasks in iSupport
The Coach’s Log Form is divided into task areas in an effort to assist Academic Coaches in
categorizing time and in making decisions on how to best use time to improve teacher and student
performance. For each task, there is a brief explanation of the types of activities that make up the
task. Acceptable Coaching Methods (Items 1-4 below constitute high yield coaching methods that
are primarily applied in support of coaching cycles):
1. Planning (PL): Planning, developing, and/or preparing professional development, including:
surveying teachers for PD needs; preparing content for PD for teachers, parents, and others;
planning a schedule of PD delivery, gathering PD materials; preparing a lesson for modeling and
planning a coaching session with a teacher - Modeling: YES
2. Modeling Lessons (ML): Demonstrating lessons while teachers observe - Modeling: YES
3. Coaching (CO): Coaching (initial conversations, observation, and reflecting conversation)
teachers in classrooms which includes observing teachers, formulating feedback regarding
lessons, discussing feedback with teachers, and reflecting with teachers relating to content area
lessons - Modeling: YES
4. Coach-Teacher Conference (CT): Conferencing with teachers regarding lesson planning, grouping
for instruction, intervention strategies, and other topics related to lessons. Informally conversing
with teachers in a variety of ways (phone, E-mail or face-to-face) on topics concerning coaching,
lessons, students in need of intervention, etc. - Modeling: YES
Coaching Tasks in iSupport
5. Whole Faculty PD (FP): Providing or facilitating whole faculty professional development sessions
(faculty seminar, study groups) - Modeling: NO
6. Small Group PD (SP): Providing or facilitating small group professional development sessions
(faculty seminar, study groups) - Modeling: NO
7. Student Assessment (SA): Facilitating and coordinating student assessments, including
scheduling the time and place for assessments, and notifying teachers of the assessment
schedule. - Modeling: NO
8. Data Reporting (DR): Entering assessment data into any data management system. Coaches
should spend limited time, if any, on this task - Modeling: NO
9. Data Analysis (DA): Analyzing student data to assist teachers with informing instruction based
on student needs. This includes personal study of data reports, principal/coach data sessions,
and teacher/coach data sessions - Modeling: NO
10. Meetings (ME): Attending meetings in the school, district, or region regarding coaching issues.
Examples include meeting with school/district administrators or coaches, school/community
groups, curriculum teams, Coach Teams, School Improvement Plan Teams, etc - Modeling: NO
Coaching Tasks in iSupport
5. Knowledge Building (KB): Building knowledge and/or assessment through personal study or
professional development. This includes activities such as: attending a workshop and completing
follow-up; participating in a study group; attending state-sponsored PD; attending publishersponsored PD and attending assessment training - Modeling: NO
6. Managing Resources (MR): Preparing the budget for coaching materials, gathering resources,
reviewing and/or purchasing the materials, maintaining inventory, and delivering materials. Also
included are duties such as gathering teacher resources and organizing leveled books for
classroom libraries in collaboration with school staff - Modeling: NO
7. Other (OT): Other tasks as assigned that are performed during regular contracted hours. Many of
these tasks are appropriate and necessary for the coach to perform; Examples of appropriate
tasks may include: attending meetings not related to coaching; excess bus/lunch/hall duty
(bus/lunch/hall duty may be appropriate as long as the time is not beyond what is required of
other teachers) - Modeling: NO
Mentor Modules –
Mentor Modules –
Mentor Modules –
Building Trust: Coaching Language and Techniques
 All C&I Personnel should be listed—if not please email Brett Reynolds
 Create a new weekly focus log for the next week
 Focus entries should MAINLY be created for school support activities
that have a direct impact on classroom instruction (hence school
improvement) such as planning, modeling lessons, coaching,
coach/teacher conferences, whole faculty PD, small group PD, data
analysis, meetings, knowledge building, managing resources, and
other tasks that are appropriate and necessary to support active
school support
 A balance should exist over time in the application of focus entries
(e.g., coaching methods)
 Compliance activities should NOT be documented in iSupport
(e.g., audits, materials deliveries, IEP and EP plan development
supports, administrative meetings, standing informational
meetings related to content areas, academic coach meetings,
Pioneer meetings, preparation for meetings, etc)
 iSupport entries should only be aligned to coaching methods
 Weekly logs should be submitted and approved in a cyclical
nature (Every Monday or Every Friday) so that there is
consistency in log reviews, supporting conversations, and
associated school supports
 Use Reflection reporting feature to BRIEFLY describe
relevant specifics about services provided and
experience and services to be provided upon Followup (from two to five sentences).
 Use Follow-up reporting feature to BRIEFLY direct the
extent of follow-up services to be provided
Expectations-Coaching and Focus
SY15 C&I Service Goals
 Increase Team Bonding/Building
 Support shifts in standards, curriculum maps, assessments, and lesson
planning and delivery
 Support building level and individual professional learning
 Conferencing with school based staff and support of their professional
 Modeling and Debriefing with school staff
 Using data to support teaching and learning
 Use of Gradual Release of Responsibility
 Provide continuous feedback using positive coaching language
 Building Capacity (high will, low will, high skill, low skill)
Prioritizing C&I Support vs Administrative Intervention
High Skill / High Will
Low Skill / Low Will
Low Skill / High Will
High Skill / Low Will
Support of Academic Coaches or
Teachers to Build Capacity
Capacity Building Model
Assess Collective Efficacy
Focus Reports
Weekly Use
District Administrator Coach Log Report
Coaching Log by PMRN Period Report
Additional Feedback
Beyond Compliance
Selective Use of Other (Method)
Concerns with Length of Service
Balance in Application of Mix of Methods
Service to Self Concerns
Brevity is key