The Empirical Ebb and Flow of Professional Nursing

Comprehensive Exam Spring 2014
Teresa D. Welch
 Grounded in empirical philosophical tradition
 Scientific Methodology
 Analysis of integrative literature reviews
 Problem-solving approach to clinical questions
 Five distinct stages of evidentiary discovery
 Searching for most rigorous, most relevant evidence.
 Generalizable- transferrable
 Strategy to keep clinical knowledge up-to-date
 Enhancing clinical judgment
 Standardization of care
 Promoting cost effective modalities
 Promoting optimal patient outcomes
Benner’s aim was to discover the rich practical
knowledge embedded within clinical practice defining
the difference between practical and theoretical
 Techne’- skill
 Phronesis- practical wisdom
 Grounded in Constructivism
 Skill Acquisition (Dreyfus Model)
 Situated Cognition
 Experiential Learning
"For the things we have to learn before
we can do them, we learn by doing them“ --Aristotle
Five stages of skill acquisition
 Novice
 Advanced Beginner
 Competent
 Proficient
 Expert
 Learning occurs in context
 Allows flexibility and applicability of new knowledge
 Clinical judgment qualifies evidence
 Human variability
 Salience contextually grounded
Are these positions reconcilable in nursing and or
Should one be supported over the other, or can they be
combined in fruitful ways?
These positions are reconcilable in nursing and
education. Furthermore, they are inextricably
intertwined and are not mutually exclusive
It’s not a question of choosing either science or practical
wisdom, but rather how to relate the two (Benner, 2001, p.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” -- Aristotle
“True theory guides clinicians and enables them to ask
the right questions.” (Benner, 1984, p. 36).
 Evidence informs practice
 Practice informs research
 Complimenting versus competing concepts
 Patterns of knowing
 Application & Integration of evidence for best practice
 Judgments made on prior knowledge and experience
 Intuitive and reasoned decision-making utilizing
evidence from a variety of sources
 Research is never static &
exponentially proliferating
 Professional practice is dependent upon
 Clinical judgment
 Best evidence.
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