Guide to ® Vernier LabPro J McMurtry Munich Int School Oct 2007 Data Logger Rationale Why use data loggers? – For ICT requirement of IA- pgs 30-32 Biology Guide – Data collection Fast reactions /Slow reactions Tables – Data processing Selecting relevant data Rates Statistics, uncertainty – Data presentation Tables graphs Data Logger Pro- Set up Set up – Connect Lab Pro 3 to power supply, usb port, probe – Open Logger Pro software Data table with time and dependent variable is displayed Students should choose which probes to use for Design (D) Data Logger Pro- Design Data Collection preparation -Students should choose time intervals and duration of data collection (DCP) Data Collection button or Experiment in toolbar Data Collection -Mode (probe dependent) -Length (msec, sec, min, hrs) -Rate (probe dependent) -Triggering automatic or specific values Calibration of certain probes Ready for Data Collection! Data Logger Pro- Collection Click on the green collect button to start data collection Data Logger Pro- Viewing Click on Autoscale button in toolbar to resize the axes makes the graph more legible Click on Up and down arrows to move the graph Cursor on axis gives a squiggled cursor that allows you to extend or reduce the scale Data Logger Pro- Store and Save! Store data – this does NOT permanently save your data! – Experiment in toolbar Store latest run “latest run” name turns to “Run 1” Change name of data set – Data in toolbar (or right click in table or double click in “Run 1”) data set options “Run 1” type in your descriptive title Save file to your documents to preserve data! – File/Save Data Logger Pro- Collection Double click in column gives “column options”set headings, units, add uncertainties Each new data set has a different colour Data Logger Pro- Collection Options in toolbar -Graph Options--Add title --show legend -Table Options – --select data from table data --font selection Data Logger Pro- Processing Data Processing -Click on X= button to show data points in table and on graph -useful to identify data points and relationships between data sets at given points Coordinate points of the cursor shown here. Data Logger Pro- Processing Data Processing -Select region of graph to be analysedhighlighted in grey -Data table shows selected region Data Logger Pro- Processing Data Processing -Click on R= button to find slope and regressions -Re-select data regions by dragging black brackets -Students can select which data sets to be analysed Data Logger Pro- Presentation in Excel Student can plot the slopes from y= mx + b equations of each data set to find rate vs factor Data Logger Pro- Processing Data Processing -Click on M= button to find tangents for each data set -useful to identify changing slopes for rate vs factor graphs Data Logger Pro- Processing Data Processing -Click on STAT button to show max, min, mean, median, st. dev, number of data points for each data set -useful for statistical tests Data Logger Pro- Processing Data Processing -Click on Integral button to show area under the curve and value of integral -useful for some calculations Data logger- Processing Calculated column 1. Data in toolbar/ 2. New calculated column 3. Type column name 4. Type heading and unit 5. Select variable column 6. Enter equation 7. Done Use Options/Graph options to display calculated column data Data Logger Pro- Export data Data Collection- as students will not have Vernier software on their own computers, they can export or copy the data table to Excel for their own data presentation and processing -BCWD! -loss of headings, units! -student generated graphs -if data is exported via File/export, all data in 1 column! Data logger- Presentation Analyse in toolbar / draw prediction Students can draw the curve they expect to see. Data logger- Presentation Insert in toolbar/ additional graphs/ histogram Provides frequency counts of data. Data logger- Collection Insert in toolbar / meter various data presentations are available Good for teaching about precision of measurements and uncertainties Data logger- Summary Design Choice of probes, set intervals + duration Data Collection Choice + calibration of probes, types of meter, select data to analyse Data Processing Statistics, LOBF, tangents, integrals, calculated column Data Presentation Data table headings, units, uncertainties, graph types, copy data to Excel