Henry Number Classification

Henry Number Classification
The Henry Number Classification system was developed by Edward Henry. This system allows all sets of fingerprints in
the world to be divided into 1,204 groups. When unknown fingerprint sets are sent to the FBI for comparison, most of
the millions of fingerprint sets can be weeded out so that only a small number actually need to be looked closely at.
The Henry Number is based on the presence of whorls. All fingers are assigned a potential point value. If a finger has a
whorl of any type, that number is used. If a finger does not have a whorl, a 0 is used in that spot instead. This system is
used for screening purposes. Even if an FBI search narrows with the computer down to a few possibilities, the FBI cards
are still looked at by hand to find the best matches.
Right index
Right ring
Left thumb
Left middle
Left pinky
Right thumb
Right middle
Right pinky
Left index
Left ring
If a person had whorls on all of their fingers you would add 16+8+4+2+1+1 = 32
16+8+4+2+1+1 = 32
The Henry number is 32/32 and is always written as fraction.
If someone had no whorls, they would have 0 +0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 =1
0 +0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 =1
This table is for you. Check off which fingers you have whorls in and write the number for each finger in the box. Total
the boxes across the row. Remember that if you do not have a whorl on a finger, put a zero instead.
Right index
Right ring
Left thumb
Left middle
Left pinky
Right thumb
Right middle
Right pinky
Left index
Left ring
Complete the tables on the back for two other people using the charts on the back.
Right index
Right ring
Left thumb
Left middle
Left pinky
Right thumb
Right middle
Right pinky
Left index
Left ring
Henry # =
Right index
Right ring
Left thumb
Left middle
Left pinky
Right thumb
Right middle
Right pinky
Left index
Left ring
Henry #=