DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Prospective Student-Catalog # 134 (Fall 2011) Name__________________________________ UIN____________________________________ Core Requirements ENGL 104 3 ENGL 1301 COMM 203 or 3 SPCH 1315 or ENGL 203, 210, 1321 or ENGL 241 1302,or 2311 ENGL Literature 3 ENGL 2327 or 2328 Approved ENGL Literature 3 Bachelor of Arts Special Requirements Foreign Language I 4 XXXX 1411 Foreign Language II 4 XXXX 1412 Foreign Language III 3 XXXX 2311 Foreign Language IV 3 XXXX 2312 MATH 141/166 3 MATH 1324 MATH 142/PHIL 240 3 MATH 1325 or PHIL 2303 Literature Tier 1 Science Tier 2 Science V&P Arts 4 4 3 Humanity Humanity/V&PArts Social Science Social Science HIST 105 HIST 106 KINE 199 (S/U) KINE 198 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 POLS 206 POLS 207 POLS 209 (W) POLS POLS POLS POLS POLS POLS POLS POLS (W) GEOL 1403 BIOL 1408 MUSI 1306 or DRAM 1310 GEOG 1303 PHIL 1301 PSYC 2301 SOCI 1301 HIST 1301 HIST 1302 PHED (activity) Major Area 3 GOVT 2305 3 GOVT 2306 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Residency Requirement All students must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of 300/400 level course work in residence at Texas A&M University in order to receive a baccalaureate degree. A minimum of 12 of these 36 credit hours must be in the major. International & Cultural Diversity Requirement All students must complete six credit hours of International & Cultural Diversity coursework. Writing Intensive Requirement All students must complete six credit hours of writing intensive coursework in the major area. Bachelor of Science Special Requirements STAT 301 or 303 3 STAT 307 3 MATH 151 or 171 4 MATH 2413 MATH 152 or POLS 3-4 MATH 2414 309 PHIL 240 3 PHIL 2303 Foreign Language I 4 XXXX 1411 Foreign Language II 4 XXXX 1412 Electives BA (24 hours) BS (20 hours) * In addition to the required courses in American Government (POLS 206 and 207), students must complete one course in at least two of the following three areas of Political Science: Political Theory—POLS 303, 349, 350, 359, 362, 364, 369, 454, 455, 456; Comparative Governments—POLS 311, 312, 315, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329, 338, 352, 358, 365, 367, 368 421, 424, 432; International Relations—POLS 311, 331, 333, 335, 412, 413, 415, 418, 423, 429, 439, 447. This document is intended to serve as a general outline for the student to follow in order to meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree in Political Science. It does not constitute a contract nor does it imply assurance of graduation. It is NOT to be used in place of a consultation with your academic advisor.