February 2012 - California Rare Fruit Growers

DUES ARE DUE! You don’t want to miss a single issue of ‘The Fruit Gardener’!! For your convenience, on the back page
of the magazine next to your name and mailing address the publisher has listed your subscription expiration date. Also,
don’t forget Chapter dues! The cut-off date for renewal will be March 2012. If you fail to renew we’ll have to remove
your name from the News Bulletin list. A mere $4 will buy you twelve informative meetings which include our deliciously
delightful ‘Tasting/Bragging Table’. Not to mention the social scene with our members, some of the friendliest and most
knowledgeable people you’ll ever meet! I’ve included the renewal form, if you’re unable to attend the next meeting
please fill out the form and send it along with your dues to the address listed.
Daniel Arredando lead our annual deciduous wood scion exchange/grafting demonstration and did a fantastically
thorough job! He discussed various types of grafting and showed how to do the cleft method. He followed up with an
extensive ‘Question and Answer’ and a quiz.
Roger Meyer, assisted by his lovely wife Shirley, demonstrated air layering, it’s advantages and which plant varieties are
best suited to that type of grafting.
Many thanks to members and non-members alike for providing a wide variety of scion wood to choose from!!
I’d also like to thank one of our newest members, Edward Salas, and his father Francisco, for bringing in 20+ day lilies to
share with those in attendance! Lilia Brandon donated 3 pineapple plants for our plant sale!
February 9th Thursday 7-9PM
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center 7621 Granite Hills Dr. Jurupa Valley, Ca 92509
I’ll discuss the advantages of buying bare root, how to choose, where and how to plant, strategies used in poor soil and
care after planting. I’ll provide handouts listing varieties available through a local nursery and information from Dave
Wilson Nursery on how to maximize fruit production when you have limited space.
Questions? Contact Sandy Millar 951 369-9784 or rustlover@gmail.com
Please contribute to our tasting table at the monthly meetings! If you’re yard isn’t yielding any fresh fruit to share, any
dish is welcomed!
Established in 2003, the Mits Kawahara Award recognizes members that have shown service and dedication above and
beyond the norm.
This year’s recipients are long time members of the organization and have contributed on many levels. Often providing
our chapter with a “shot in the arm” to heighten interest and involvement.
From sharing exotic fruits, conducting grafting/air layering demonstrations, sharing free and discounted plant material,
to being an endless source of information regarding rare and common fruit.
As chapter chair, I receive many calls and emails from people outside of our organization who are in search of unique
varieties of fruit trees. I immediately “flip” these inquiries to our award recipients. To all questions posed I have been
given immediate answers. I have never heard “I don’t know” At one time I would have referred to these members as my
“Encyclopedia Britannica” but today I consider them my “World Wide Web”
It is our pleasure to present this honor to two of our most generous donors, Roger and Shirley Meyer.
Exciting news!! In an effort to share our activities with the public on a larger scale…Joe Kamrani is creating a website for
us! More news will follow as this develops!
At our January meeting a request was made for members to help clean-up and weed the Citrus Project. Many answered
the call!! We’d like to thank Andy Johnson, Edie Cole, Helen Hibbing and Glenn Bauer for temporarily taming the
weeds. Remember, weeds are job security! We’ll need continuous help to keep our project looking good!!
Special thanks to “Frenchy” for attacking the wicked olive stump with his chainsaw. Unfortunately, in the war ‘stump vs.
chainsaw’ the stump has temporarily been declared victorious! Frenchy assured me that he and his saw will be back for
a re-match!!
At this time we have two plant sales scheduled. Our chapter will rent booths at the Riverside Elk’s Flower Show 4/15/12
and also at JMDC’s Green Faire. These sales serve several purposes…primarily it’s one of our best opportunities to make
contact with the public, share our objectives, meet prospective members and bring in revenue for our chapter.
Plant Sales require plants! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We need fruiting plants!!
It’s not too late to start cuttings from figs, grapes, berries and pomegranates! They will easily root in soil. Contact me if
you have any questions Sandy at 951 369-9784
People can either email me at xotcfruit@yahoo.com or phone me with their order at (714) 839-0796 (keep trying until
you find me home.) I will then bring them to the regular 2nd Thursday IE meeting. The trees will either be bareroot or
just planted in 5 gallon containers, except the blueberry plants which have already been potted in one gallon pots.
Assorted Antique Apples
Minnie Royal and Royal Lee Cherry (need both)
$19 each
Potted Peter's Honey Fig
Flavor King and Flavor Grenade Pluot (need both)
$19 each
Bella Gold Peacotum
Blenheim (Royal) Apricot
Red Barron Peach
Burgundy Plum
Parfianka Pomegranate (Potted)
Desertnyi Pomegranate (Potted)
Blueberries: Jubilee, Misty, O'Neal, Sharpblue, Southmoon $9 each
and Sunshine Blue
I will not bring any trees that are not preordered. Thanks, Roger
Cherimoya grove, located at 39594 Daily Rd, Fallbrook, it is a 2.54 acres with guavas ans sweet lemons, the cherimoyas
are loaded with fruits and do no require pollination, the asking price is $200,000. His name is Zach, tel 714-209-3871.
- East San Diego county - secluded/views
- 8 acres, 2 wells
- jujube, satsuma and pixie tangerines, olive, pomegranate
- 3 bdrm, 2 bath, spanish style home
IE CRFG Meeting
February 9th 7-9PM
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center 7621 Granite Hills Dr. Jurupa Valley, Ca 92509
Care and Planting of Bare Root Fruit Trees
Inland Empire
March 10 (Saturday) 10am
Tour of the California Citrus State Historic Park 9400 Dufferin Ave. (corner of Van Buren Blvd)
This park preserves some of the rapidly vanishing cultural landscape of the citrus industry and tells the story of this
industry's role in the history and development of California. The park recaptures the time when "Citrus was King" in
California, recognizing the importance of the citrus industry in southern California.
Inland Empire
April 12 (Thursday) 7-9pm
"Efficient Watering Techniques" by Dominique "Frenchy" Bidgegary
Please bring something for the "Tasting Table"
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center 7621 Granite Hill Dr. Riverside,Ca 92509
Contact Sandy Millar (951)369-9784 or rustlover@gmail.com
Inland Empire
May 10 (Thursday) 7-9pm
Tom Shea, Staff Research Associate, University of California Cooperative Extension –
Riverside County, will be talking on Growing Citrus in Riverside County. The talk will
have an update on the Asian Citrus Psyllid in Southern California, some encouraging
news on solving the psyllid problem and the Citrus Greening Disease it can carry, plus
some exciting new varieties of citrus for the homeowner. General citrus care will also be
Don't forget to bring a treat to share at the "Tasting Table"
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center 7621 Granite Hill Dr. Riverside,Ca 92509
Contact Sandy Millar (951)369-9784 or rustlover@gmail.com