Collegiate 4-H Meeting Minutes October 22, 2015 WSLR 116, 6:00 p.m. Call to order and Welcome: Cassie Lehmann, Pledges: Pledge of Allegiance: Sara Holderbaum 4-H Pledge: Molly Powell Secretary’s Report – Lydia Smith, Treasurer’s Report – Gabrielle Teter, Current balance: $3733.17 $10 a semester or $15 for the whole year If writing a check, make payable to Purdue Collegiate 4-H Meet Your Member! Gabrielle Teter Old Business: Ag Council Report – Maddie McFadden, College of Ag Hog Roast – Farmer Olympics o 4 members represented Collegiate 4-H: Cassie, Gabby Sarah, Alyssa o 2nd in seed spitting o Made it to the 2nd round of corn shucking o Had a great time! Break for Refreshments New Business: Purdue Ag Week 2016! Guest Speaker - Katie Carroll, Ag Week Task Force April 10-15th 2016 Week long event hosted by college of ag to educate and inform people about agricultural topics Collegiate 4-H has been involved in past and served the Farmer’s Breakfast Other past events: passing out grilled cheese (dairy club), GMO debate, lots of free stuff First opportunity to get involved: Nov 10 Meeting, RWLS 1086 o May have 4 collegiate 4-H members attend Need an RSVP by Nov 4th o There will be a speaker presenting issues in Ag o Will be discussing how to plan an event and make it as beneficial as possible o Dinner will be included This year’s Ag Week will include hammer down hunger (Tues of Ag week), social events, etc. Email Cassie if you are interested in heading this up Officer Training Report – Emily Grimm, Sign up by going to Thursday, November 5th at LaPorte County at 7:30 pm Saturday, November 14th at Harrison County at 1 pm Wednesday, January 27th at Area 9 (White County Fairgrounds) time TBA Murdock Report – Jessie Earhart, & Molly Towns, Thursdays from 3-4 pm, leave at 2:45! Dates left this semester are 11/5, 11/12, 11/19 and 12/3 o Poppy wreaths will be made at the next Murdock and delivered by Jessie and Molly to the Veteran’s home Social Report – Josh Schonfeld, Boo at the Zoo – THIS FRIDAY, October 23rd from 7-10 pm o If you are attending you must turn in a waiver tonight or bring a completed waiver with you to the event, Columbian Park must have one prior to event! o If you have a costume wear it and if not, they have some at the zoo o If you haven’t turned in a form, be sure to fill out the volunteer form tomorrow night before you come to the event o A group will be meeting outside of WSLR at 6:20 and leaving promptly at 6:40pm The earlier the better so carpooling can be determined Publicity Report – Emma Hopkins, T-Shirts have been ordered! Extra shirts were ordered as well: if you would like to reserve one of the extras in the size you prefer send an email to Emma Cost is $12 per shirt. Pay when they arrive. Officer Training Training! Emily Grimm Purdue Extension Interns: Junior and senior college students can apply to become Purdue Extension Interns Link to apply: Applications are due next week Polo Ordering Example polos will be at next meeting (to determine sizing, etc.) so an order can be made soon **************Next Meeting: Thursday, November 5th 6:00 pm LILY 2-425!************** Meeting Dates for 2015-2016 All meetings will be held biweekly from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in WSLR 116. The upcoming dates are as follows: o November 5th (LILY 2-425), November 19th, December 3rd (LILY 2-425) Spring meeting dates are out! Mark your calendars as Collegiate 4-H night on the following evenings! All meetings will be held in WSLR 116 from 6 – 7pm for the spring. o January 14th, January 28th, February 11th, February 25th, March 10th, March 24th, April 7th Banquet Date: April 21st (Food Science 1215) FOLLOW US! Facebook: Purdue Collegiate 4-H Twitter: @Purdue4H October/November/December Calendar! October 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Officer Training at LaPorte @ 7:30 4-H Meeting @6 LILY 2-425 Murdock at 2:45 11 12 13 8 9 10 Officer Training at Harrison @1 Murdock at 2:45 15 22 29 16 23 30 17 24 December 1 18 14 19 20 4-H Meeting @6 WSLR 116 Murdock at 2:45 25 26 27 28 Thanksgiving Break! Thanksgiving Break! Thanksgiving Break! Thanksgiving Break! 2 3 4 5 4-H Meeting @6 LILY 2-425 Murdock at 2:45 21