1 Roll and Read (Yellow) 2 3 4 Have you ever wanted If so, you are like the to poke your finger ancient astronomers. through the stars in They lived thousands the night sky? of years ago. Why do these names come from the Latin language? Greek and Roman parents would point out constellations such as Hercules to their children. Think about what you’ve learned the next time you look at the night sky. These bright stars were important to ancient peoples. At different times of the year you can see different constellations in the sky. That’s because constellations only suggest things. 5 A ran is a male sheep. Rams have horns. Horns are like antlers. Because people who You have already A myth is an old story Other stories tell spoke Latin read about the names that has been told about amazing events discovered and named of constellations. orally for involving gods and many constellations. generations. heroes. The Greek and Romans To people who lived in When the Bantu You’ve now learned spent many nights Africa, the cluster of people saw Pleiades in plenty about the looking overhead at the stars call Pleiades the sky, it was time constellations. night sky. was very important. for them to begin plowing and planting crops. The narrator explains Then they have to Once a year just The Greeks and that when people die pass the Dog Stars. before sunrise, Sirius Romans had many they travel through can be see in Egypt. great astronomers. the sky. Ancient astronomers The word astronomy The astronomers The first star charts imagined that there comes from Greek placed the stars into had forty-eight were lines between words meaning “star” separate constellations. some stars. and “law”. constellations. If you roll a 6, choose 1 block to read. * Use with "Pushing Up the Sky” 3.3.2 1 Roll and Read (Green) 2 3 4 5 The Snohomish people still live in what is now Washington State. The Creator stopped when he reached the land of the Snohomish. While everyone else was pushing, three hunters were chasing four elk. They have lived there The elk gave them They made tools, for a long time. They meat for food. They weapons, and art were known for made clothing from from elk antlers. hunting elk. elk skin. The people got But none of them “We can use a word together. They spoke the same as a signal to start agreed to push up the language! pushing,” said another sky. leader. Just when the The elk raced into When people work pushing started, the the sky. The hunters together they can do four elk reached a followed! great things. That is place where the sky the lesson of the touched the earth. Snohomish story. They became trapped The leaders explained When the signal was There were too many in the sky! After a the plan. People given, they would languages! No one while they turned made poles out of tall push and poke the sky could understand into seven stars. trees. up with their poles. anyone. People bumped their It also honors the elk It explains what the Elk even became part heads on the stars. that they hunted. Snohomish saw of a constellation. The sky was not easy overhead in the night This tale tells how to get around either. sky. that happened. As he went he made the land. He gave people different languages. The decided on the word ya-hoh. It would mean “lift together!” The elk and the hunters wanted to return from the sky. It was too late! These people were unhappy. They were unhappy for other things. The elk were very important to the Snohomish. If you roll a 6, choose 1 block to read. * Use with "Pushing Up the Sky” 3.3.2 1 Roll and Read (Blue) 2 3 4 Suppose you are being driven to a soccer match, but your dad doesn’t know his way. Up in space a satellite transmits a signal. The two stars in the bowl are called the Pointers because they point to the North Star. The famous star is the North Star. The famous set of stars is the Big Dipper. Each day’s ending position would be the starting place for the next day’s measurement. Navigators used a magnetic compass to measure the course. What Galileo had discovered was Jupiter’s moons. Those “stars” were later identified as Saturn’s rings. Astronomers are scientists who study the universe. The satellite locks onto the car’s position and sends back directions. Of all the early explorers, Christopher Columbus is probably the most famous. The North Star is sometimes covered by clouds. And the horizon can be hard to locate at night because of darkness. That interest led him to design a reflective telescope that used reflecting mirrors instead of lenses. 5 A galaxy may include hundreds of billions of stars. Galaxies contain gas and dust, and are held together by gravity. He is known both for the places he sailed to and he different groups of people he met on his travels. With dead reckoning, a captain would start sailing from a known point and measure out each day’s course and distance. One night in 1610 Galileo noticed four objects near Jupiter that no one had seen before. Some people believed that two children were playing with his lenses and put two of them together. In Newton’s design a curved mirror was angled to reflect light through a side eyepiece. Constellations are In Columbus’s time Your latitude is your groups of stars that the quadrant was the distance either north make up shapes in the most important tool or south of the sky. in celestial navigation. equator. These telescopes were refractive. Their front lens bent, or refracted, light. Columbus also used celestial navigation techniques. If you roll a 6, choose 1 block to read. * Use with "Pushing Up the Sky” 3.3.2