PEACE IN ISRAEL, AND PALESTINE Dallas, Anthony, Josephine and Bjorn MAIN RELIGIONS Islam: Most Muslims in the region are Sunni.(traditional Muslims) Christianity: 0.6 percent of the population is Christian. Judaism: Jewish settlers form communities of about 400,000, on Palestinian territory. SIMILARITIES They all believe in at least part of the old testament. They are all monotheistic, and claim to believe in the same god. They all believe in other spiritual beings, such as angels, and demons. RELIGIOUS CLAIMS TO LAND Mount Moriah: Is a Jewish holy site Where Abraham, one of their founding fathers almost sacrificed his son. Mount Zion: considered holy to Muslims, and Jews, they say it is the burial site of King David The land in this area is commonly referred to in both Islamic, and Jewish holy books. OBSTACLES TO PEACE Both Islam and Judaism were founded in this region resulting in holy sites from both religions. Palestinians, have lived there traditionally, but Israelis have more allies and weapons. WORKS CITED "CLAIMS TO JERUSALEM." Shalom Jerusalem. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>. "Comparison Chart: Islam, Judaism and Christianity - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the Facts on the World's Religions. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. < ism_christianity.htm>. Kjeilen, Tore. "Palestine / Religions - LookLex Encyclopaedia." LookLex [Travel Guides / Encyclopaedia / Language Course]. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>. "Moriah." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>. TERRORISM Terrorism is when people do acts of teer for no real reason. Both sides have terrorists Israelis don’t have very many big groups but the Palestinians have big parties the hammas is a big one There are a lot more terrorism groups on the Palestinian side. ATTEMPTS AT PEACE A wall was put up to separate the different religions so this would not happen but it turned out that most of the people were more effected with it than with out to it would block school ways work ways and separate families. Goals are to erase the other religion doing what ever they needed to. Objects that stand it the way are ignorance and the hate on the other group. WORK CITED "Middle East Terrorism." Middle East Facts Israel and "Palestine" Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>. "Israeli Atrocities in Palestine, The Real Terrorism in Palestine." Websites by Peter Loud. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>. Mahmound Abbas THE CURRENT LEADER OF PALESTINE TWO POLITICAL PARTIES Hammas ruling party: want outright destructions of Israel Fatah- have finally recognized Israeli’s right to exists (PLO) Mahmuond Abbas CITATIONS ml ISRAEL Current Prime Minister: Benjamin Netanyahu Zionism: The national return of the Jewish people to their homeland and resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, also means "Jewish national liberation movement." Israel established How- initiated by Theodore Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement, permission by Balfour Declaration of 1917 Which is unasserted British government’s support further creation of the Jewish homeland in Palestine. When- 1948 Why- to create a homeland for the Jewish religion ISRAEL Relation between the U.S. and Israel- Israel receives about $3 billion per year in military grand, refugee settlement assistance, and other aid. Israel is dependent in U.S. government and military strength. the Palestine's especially don't like that the U.S is helping Israel and not them, but the U.S. is helping Israel because they are considered a country and Palestine isn't. Obstacles Get the people organized Border settlement CITES "A Definition of Zionism." Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage. Web. 21 Mar. 2011. <>. "Zionism." Zionism & Israel. Web. 21 Mar. 2011. <>. "Israeli Prime Ministers - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -" Israeli-Palestinian Web. 21 Mar. 2011. < 641>. "Israeli-United States Relations." Almanac of Policy Issues. Web. 21 Mar. 2011. <>. "Israel." U.S. Department of State. Web. 21 Mar. 2011. <>. SOLUTION FOR PEACE We would cut the country in half with Jerusalem as the boundary The boundary isn’t straight, it’s adaptive according to people’s land so they’re not cut in half Jerusalem is a neutral city SOLUTION FOR PEACE Have people move to live with their family. The government has to subsidize the price of their land, and houses.