FRAME THE LESSON 5th Grade TEACHER: CLASS: Math LESSON DATE: May 24 Teaching Points & Activities M T W TH F Resources/Materials: Engage: Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize Engage: Explore/Evaluate: 5.3: The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use Explore: strategies and methods for positive “Dividing Ingredients” in Sixth Six Weeks Resources “Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Cookie Recipe Task Real World Application” in Sixth Six Weeks Resources rational number computations in order to solve problems with efficiency and Spiral review # 154 Explain: accuracy. 5.4: The student applies mathematical Elaborate: process standards to develop concepts of expressions and equations. Evaluate: Objective/Key Understanding: 5.3A: Estimate to determine solutions to mathematical and real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. 5.3D: Represent multiplication of decimals with products to the hundredths using objects and pictorial models, including area models. 5.3E: Solve for products of decimals to the hundredths, including situations involving money, using strategies based on place-value understandings, properties of operations, and the relationship to the multiplication of whole numbers. 5.3F: Represent quotients of decimals to the hundredths, up to four-digit dividends and two-digit whole number divisors, using objects and pictorial models, including area models. 5.3G: Solve for quotients of decimals to the hundredths, up to four-digit dividends and two-digit whole number divisors, using strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm. 5.3K: Add and subtract positive rational numbers fluently. 5.4F: Simplify numerical expressions that do not involve exponents, including up to two levels of grouping. Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: How can the information in a problem be analyzed to determine the question being asked and the relevant information provided and/or needed? What types of plans and/or strategies can be used to solve problems? How can solutions to problems be determined? How can solutions to problems be justified? How can the reasonableness of solutions and the problem solving process be evaluated? Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions Critical Writing Prompt: A variety of strategies can be used to solve for products of decimals to the hundredths. Why is the base-10 place value How can place-value understandings be used to solve decimal multiplication problems? How can the properties of operations be used to solve decimal multiplication problems? How can the relationship to the multiplication of whole numbers be used to solve decimal multiplication problems? How can concepts of money be used to solve decimal multiplication problems? Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: Vocabulary: About Addend Approximately Area model Base-10 place value system Decimal grid Difference Estimate Minuend Number line Numerals Place value Number line Various representations may be used to determine products of decimals to the hundredths. How can decimal multiplication be represented concretely/pictorially? How does an area model connect factors and products to area? How does an area model used to represent whole number multiplication relate to an area model used to represent decimal multiplication? Ratio table Relative magnitude Remainder Standard algorithm Subtrahend Sum system an efficient way to represent numbers? Why is it important to understand the value of numbers? What relationships exist within our number system and how are they used? How are numbers, large or small, represented and communicated using the base-10 place value system? Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) Mocha Monica’s Coffee Shop uses 23.5 quarts of milk a day. The owner wants to make sure she is buying enough milk for her customers, but not too much where she is wasting the milk. The milk delivery comes every two weeks. The owner ordered 312 quarts in the last delivery. a) Estimate how much milk she will use in two weeks if she is open 7 days a week. Then, explain whether or not you think 312 quarts of milk will be enough for the two weeks.